Mesh Daily Debrief - Pilot Episode ( 21.06.2021 )

 Mesh Daily Debrief ( Pilot ) // 21.06.2021

This was a pilot the Mesh News Project did to prove we could do a broadcast style program using just one smart phone

The front facing camera was used, while a floating app screen of a Teleprompter app was used for the script, while the background screen was split between the the front facing camera app and a Google Slideshow beaming graphics to the TV behind Steven, and a blue tooth mouse was used to cycle through the graphics controlled out of camera

All graphics, intro, and full production was done on one singular smartphone

The archoring read seems a bit slow because reading a teleprompter on a screen far back to fit everything in frame with the front facing camera (and split sharing the screen real estate with two other apps )...but this could be fixed with perhaps a secondary phone or tablet, but this exercise was done to prove we could do a professional news program 

We pride ourselves on 100% making this project with just one smart phone and producing a product that rivals setups with studios and multiple computers and expensive editing media suite software

To research, write, source clips, prep graphics, and edit for upload took about 3.5 hours

This was all done on a Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ using video editing and image editing Andriod apps that cost no more than $3 dollars a piece

Mesh News could run an professional entire news room with just a cell phone, end to end

Literally zero people can say that

Do more with less

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