Death by a Thousand Cuts // Cointelpro 2.0 GangStalking Podcast

Death by a Thousand Cuts - Cointelpro 2.0 Podcast


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the Cointelpro 2.0 podcast video series. And online guide is, I guess like an offshoot project. The parent project being the mesh news product, you can resubmit news project that meshes that semi sh We are a zero profit without a non-profit. Worry, zero profit passion project that does news and stories we like to do. It was birthed out of necessity for us being stonewalled at Major news outlets. Let me try to blow the whistle on some human rights. Abuses here in San Diego. And yeah, now we use the news when we're happy. So we try to start the day off by, do on your headlines, and then we have our daily, then we have shows. But sometimes, you know, want to this contact, push it like, you know what? We're going to talk about today is the radiation sickness gets to me. Unfortunately, specials situation where I am not being held by law, First, my aunt's don't want by the feds, and they're just sitting here and letting this shit happen to me. It's a very foreign concept. Lots of people are misinformed, the total that deserve it or I'm of that person or all these other rumors. And yeah, so we try to pump stuff out, sometimes I get too tired. I'm just keep doing this and keep putting out this comment approval stuff. As long as my body can do it till I give Without, I guess it's really weird to just know that the government is a helping you. Because of who is, who doesn't like you? 

If you want to get a better idea of who it is, in particular, you can check out manager, documentary is Justice for JFK, and that is a snippet taken out of a heart doctor. I guess that's what all of our I guess. Our doctrine of our news channel is based off of you. Go to 20/20 vision. It's from The 20/20 vision, documentary. I created those threading You know what it is that I want to try to expose And then it turning too much for your situation. Basically, I came across that JFK jr. Stuff while back, I didn't know. It was some sort of leak fast forward to the future Majid Bush, got into the new cycle, I brought it up and everyone flip the fuck out. I didn't realize I had these people watching me and babysitting me, and what have you turned my whole life? Upside down, huge smear campaign. When I have you, I got found out. I got kind of put 

That come on top Pro 2.0 program hours only I was only helped by Military-industrial people who just Really were super kind and help me out and make sense of what was going on and hopes that, you know, in point me in a direction, I will say, do my homework for me but they point me in a direction where I can research this stuff and make sense of it and hopefully that would help them fuck off because the way the government will stop fucking trying to put you in the dirt. If they got ahead of you, when you're trying to leak, some information is by putting them on blast. Unfortunately my information with JFK jr. Stuff has to do with people from the bush and Cheney Administration and they have lots of very scary friends and they're not negotiators. I'm saying either like the food and shut the fuck up or they have fun with your corpse until you're dead, I guess I don't know. Anyways, today we're gonna be talking about Oh sorry. You can check out our podcast series at podcast Dot. Conte, top row, the number two, and then zero squared out here. Come the yawns, come on. Top of the number 2 and So, our video series videos with a nice videos. Start going to approach the number two, and then zero, zero dark room, and then just our online guide, which needs to be updated. But you know, I know, right? What to do and what energy to do it. 

Try to keep it updated, but check that out at, come on top row, the number two and then I want to first before I go into to talk about today which is going to be kind of Death By A Thousand Cuts. I'm going to go ahead and address some messages I got after a couple of pockets, people reach out to me to go. Hey, they ask me questions about this broadcast and I never thought you know I'd ever have an audience of Around 3,000 people that I care about what my ugly ass has to say. Anyways, so people asking me about the first confession podcast and also encourage correlates to the some cinnamon program podcast. Yeah, you know, I had a bunch of corrupt, cops and Military contractors. Kind of preyed on me and just totally mine. Front me for about three years. And, you know, at a point they convinced me. I did something wrong that. I just couldn't fucking remember. And they convince my friends and family, but I did this before, I even knew what the fuck, you know, what? They were gonna try to pin on me and then they just paint this picture of that. 20 years ago, I must have fucking downloaded some child, pornography, or something. That's what this is all about. It was a deflection tactic for what the fuck was going on and 

You know, like I was going through a lot. They were, I was getting radiation poisoning daily. There are slipping all sorts of things in my food. They are people stocking me in groups, people trying to run me off the fucking road, fucking. Right? Of people attacking me and she like that one, I'll be all grunt town like just the craziest shit. They would do things like the real time. Deep fakes here, even seem like a thief Breaker think that real times you watching TV and all of a sudden, Boom, the Puppeteer, the face, the real time defects riffing to try to freak me the fuck out before I had a psychological evaluation because cops are dangling. That front of me saying they would take my blue Sports filled with peace. I was getting unless I took second rotation so they took that opportunity to train with me out. So let's try to put me in the house twice and only until then I think there was a sailor route but You know, and what's called fortunately, the setup amounts of hidden cameras, and this chick try to, I guess get me to say that. I download a child porn but all I can tell this girl was that I don't know how that could be possibly for research and I was just I didn't know how to explain to this chick like 20 years ago and I was looking at the internet or something that like that people get their heads chopped off. 

People get fucked by horses and huge fat people and not because I was in those things, just gives me her friends would say that shit to each other to like, shut the fuck I reach. All right. So I couldn't explain this chick because it was so such an awkward thing. At the same time I was constantly having out of this harassment so I didn't are things going on. I was looking under every Rock to see what this is even about. I was kept in a her and They use that to smear me to be like a child molester or something. And I know I didn't try to fuck. It's either. No, I'm saying that's not me. So I scrambled to I went got a polygraph test. I called the da. See if there was ever a pending case on me such limitations Etc and like it just doesn't exist but what these guys did is they fuck. They might help me long enough first. Like I'm gonna say three years or so, put me through so much crazy pain. 

Form in anguish and psychological torture. And at that point, you just You willing to fucking entertain anything, any kind of conversation, whatever. If it leads to results, and unfortunately, took their context, but it doesn't exist you. I mean, on top of that, you know, if you're having financial problems with that is, on top of that, like, you know, typography does have a statute of limitations, it's a federal crime, I'd be in jail. I was knocking down the fucking feds door. I went there constantly on to the police constantly, so if they wanted to NAB me for something, they would have taken. At specialist. Statue of limitations and I was just there, fucking diarrhea NG everything. That happened me, diarrhea of the mouth and let's just doesn't exist but not before they took a conversation out of context and try to use to smear me and my community, that's one of these strategies. So people are asking me, you know, exactly how did that whole situation at for me that's gonna happen. If you don't pay some people might fuck me. I had an awkward conversation. I do not explain things that you stupid roots and it made me look stupid. 

I mean, I don't know. Have you ever had fucking military contractor? People who were affected trained in psyops and psychological torture and some of them is clear up fitting cops ever like lay Siege on your right for three years back was to excetera from people posing you paying gangsters and shit like that to stock you. Everywhere you go like you just, you just never taste that you never tasted that. You don't know where the hair where that puts you in your head like, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It looks better. And stupid but it's just not true. And I've gone through sir much to, you know, vindicate myself because I live in my own Community but people are using this as an excuse to like me but you know, Like, I mean, I'm supposed to like I'm just not going to feel bad. That somebody be use the shit out of me and stop the river, my human rights and my constitutional rights to try to vaccinate themselves from a leak. Pertain to Bush and Cheney family that I never even knew was actually leak. I'm not going to feel bad that professionals at 9:00 for every fuck. My life, and my family, and my town for years until they got to that point, not even, not even refer that point. That their plan a was to try to put me in a Nuthouse. Try to fucking mentally, abused me so much. They put me in a nut house, but since unfortunately, I was strong enough to get through that mentally even though they played multiple games, kept me there for hours trying to get you to say crazy things. 

This is Plan B I guess. And you know I just I just didn't know how to make this shit stop. I was willing to have any conversation and like, put out as any kind of disinformation or put any feelers out to see like if I say this, does this come back, whatever and yeah, I'm just, I'm just been, I just, I just can't feel bad or guilty that 

1:31 PM

Professionally were fucking my life. It's like feeling bad that I got dunked On by Michael Jordan. And all I do is play three pickup games a year with my neighborhood buddies just like the motherfucker that's just not my life. That's not my skill set. Like these were mined gangsters and that's it and I it isn't even a cop out. That's exactly what happened. All right to make my daughter to really, you know, my audience who has questions, where have you because I'm trying to divulge information to help you mother fuckers. Like I want to help people because this shit went off without a hitch. Meaning these people have done this before. Meaning they do it often to people and I'm creating this library of content as my health Wayne's. So somebody else might not be a victim of this shit, but if you're going to keep slinging shit at me, I have lots of people who try to give me shit online on our, on our Twitter accounts or face. Facebook or whatever. I just, I just really have nothing. I'm an open book, I researched all of this stuff. I look back into every Avenue. There's lots of people spreading disinformation, but, you know, you can go to know Stephen Beckman. That's knnow Ste Iain. Beckman is smoke vez que man2 ends nanananana. No, Steven And I just go through the gamut. You know, I'm saying, I'm, I'm contacting the da, I caught you High video. 

We contacting Sheriff's Department's, we're having it just it just doesn't exist. And on top of that, you know, I have paragraphs. I went to the literally, The Head of the State. The guy, who is the head of the state whole paragraph Association, I went knife and I got this guy and, you know, had him fucking Grill me for multiple things, besides that, just to live people arrest. So that's if the anything that just gives you a window on how fucking gnarly, this will get for you bro. You will they will make you question your past. They will make you question your ethics. They will make you question. If you've done things you haven't done things, it's that fucking crazy. You're just not prepared for it. And if you've had nothing important that you needed to get to the press or what have you to save members of your family's life or friends, or what have you, like, you just, you just never been there. So, I implore you to keep the the few of you to keep throwing rocks by. Action. You know, I've done my due diligence to Clear my name in detail and then it made it simply all you have to do is press play if you had that concern. Now, what people are doing is they're passing the lots of shit around on the internet without context three even making additional content like defects on top of the stuff that they're 2/3, their path around that's out of likes. It just made me. Look them and made me look like a fucking monster but like I said man you just never been there, it's that this program is that fucking good. 

My fucking you that hard, you will doubt your own memory. You'll doubt who you were and they will fucking dangle. Them stopping exposing you to radiation. This is gnarly shit gamma radiation, not the microwave, right? You don't feel like a fucking bird microwave burrito you, you're shitting and hurling your guts out there, doing gnarly like Chernobyl level shit to you. 

Just too fucking absolutely. Psychologically terrify you, if you've never gone through chemotherapy or what have you? You just, you just have no idea what that's like. And unfortunately, these motherfuckers are monsters people that come from the bush and Cheney organization their Affiliates. They're just, they're just fucking monsters, bro. They fucking ruined. They will fucking destroy your life, whatever you think those motherfuckers are like, they put on the show for whatever. 

You fucking Jeb, Bush goes on the, does this whole fucking his whole fucking fucking great. Blocker Christ, bullshit fucking. You know I'm saying? The fucking Chinese, whatever. Little more folks are Cut From a Different Cloth. They are trying hard to look normal to you, alright? Like, Just understand that. And they fucking the day have just Allen's that will come out and fucking Jack you, bro, check you your fucking life. What you think, you know, about yourself will have either three or four fucking Loop, bro. They these motherfuckers are the top of the food chain and they don't plan on drunken stepping down. And that's what happened. This is what happened. So, I mean you can continue the few people continue to fuck a sling mud at me. I don't know. I don't like, I don't even get it. Like ha ha, ha, you're a whistleblower. These people fucking are monsters, like I really have a hard time processing. Like what's going on? Like either you're dumb cunt or your total bootlicker and you're looking to move up in the world, you know I'm saying, sucking on fucking the bushes chode or something, I don't get it but even 

These guys, believe it or not, the bushes and changed. I just, I just thought they were both dishes were derided even you know I'm saying? I didn't have, like, special seeking information. I have like, a super plan to like, release the river. I'd even know I came across it and but it doesn't matter to those motherfuckers, don't care, any kind of threat. It's kind of like when you see a spider in your house it's not like the spider is going to come Jack. Your fucking wallet. They're just like not today motherfucker you know I'm saying? You stop that bitch and that's just what they did to me. And a gnarly fucking way, but I got nothing to fucking feel bad about. I got nothing to be ashamed about because I just I'd done nothing. I've just done nothing. But there are lots of people who now the where I'm kind of at their worried. They're paying the mortgage too much. Keeping their eye on me. What have you? So they need to now. There's kind of like these Remnant contractors now kind of hovering around me and that some local gangs and shit that I got to get money to fuck. Keep tabs on me and shit and keep me fucking 

I can't fucking sick and shit like that. Keep feeding me bullshit playing shit in my food sneaking in my crib or whatever. So if there's any massaging and Vinny kind of false narrative like I said you can check out my website, I did that as a courtesy because why wouldn't we be getting some fucking information for some Epstein motherfucker if I was you. So, I went out of my way to show, hey, no. This is what happened. This is how crazy and gnarly this can put you to put you into a position where the I'm fucked you so much. You just you you could fuck your own fucking life just by trying to figure out what the fuck is going on by. Putting by having like feeler conversations with people, and you don't know that they're recording. Every moment of it for years, probably trying to find that key thing that they can use to protect themselves from the information that you have on them out of context. If they fucking like, in my case, where they fucking, they just, they literally just Fried me in mind, fuck me and did all sorts of gaslighting shit like that. To fucking make me doubt my own self and you just if you've never felt this program, you just don't know, bro. It's like the world is fucking ending. That's not dramatic and that's these. These people are professionals that do this shit. This is a service but unfortunately you know I'm saying, I got it from The Best of the Best. 

So what I mean? Yeah, you motherfuckers on Twitter. You keep saying shit at me, man. Like, keep it up Earl. Like, I'm literally, I'm literally sacrificing My time in life. Now I continue to talk about this and break down my experience. So other people can't not be subject to this because these kind of people only stay in power these evil motherfuckers only stay in power because they have these things that normal ask iPhone buying carnal paying, you know, my wife and go to Applebee's three times a month Consumer asshole is no, it has no idea exists how this shit works, right? Have you? But if you ever came across something where you wanted to get into a freaking position into a job or position where you, you know, would have to divulge information like this or what have you. 

You know, this is your, this is your guide, bro. This is what to look out for. This is your 100 ways to die in the west sort of thing. So but as a courtesy, no Steven Beckman with two ends nanananana, remember that two ends, you know, to just if there's any kind of second that thought and I'll watch the ship is flying around but it's like I said this shit going on around about me it looks bad and if you don't know the fuck happened and someone just like you know, saying sure do I look bad as fuck, but I'm just not worried. I'm not worried about getting arrested for 

I'm not worried about because it didn't happen, it's just not true. I just was really mentally, abused, like, To a point where it's like a fucking movie and I don't use that fucking. I don't use that lightly just beyond beyond anything, you could imagine. Just it's so fucking terrifying the methodologies, Etc. And even recording these broadcasts going through the different things, which I'm trying to log is a real emotional drain on me. This, these motherfuckers will come in the spring to life and they will just, they won't build psychological torture. You 

You don't even realize you don't even know who you are but be feeding you drugs. Well psychologically, torturing you look at your family members involved. They know how to fake this, they know how to, they know, what'll what motivates certain people to figure out as a sex, is that money? Do you need to belong to people? What have you and then they'll fucking provide that these are these are professionals and then they'll turn the turn your fucking baby mama on you. What have you? Thank you just don't get it and roll that's going on. You're getting psychological torture, I'm running I'm talking in circles but I just I'm not worried. I mean if anything it's a testament to how badly I was being mentally, abused and tortured. 

1:42 PM

It cool because I was just trying to figure out what the fuck is happening. 

But I'm just, I'm just not. There's nothing. I don't feel ashamed for anything because I've nothing happened. Unfortunately, they just made me look like a doofus So if there's anything I feel bad about is just being made to be a doofus and doubt my own self and my fucking my own, what I've done in my past or what have you that's all but feel free to check out the resource but you know you know and if that's something you're not looking into doing, then I suggest don't throw mud until you know, the story you dumb bitch. You know, like if you just don't know, 

Give you don't know how to do math or be making fun of a fucking smart King classy. I'm saying like what are you doing? I'm sorry. You eat paint chips it's not my problem. If you ain't gonna fuck if you're gonna just talk about shit, you have no idea about. Thank you for letting me know you're a moron. Okay. Moving on. I was 18 minutes of bullshit. 24 - oh bullshit but yeah so there are there's the as for that people to messaging me about that because like when I heard this and blah blah blah you know what, I already dealt with all that and I made that available on my my Twitter it's pinned at the top big link. The video I made the checks giant so you could fucking fuck it up. I made an idiot proof. 

So yeah, I mean this program will do it. That's this program, is that crazy gnarly? But you would think that you would doubt your own past and then there's there's a reason why those things don't happen in like an interior and actual police interrogation room, or have you just because like they know what they're doing, it's not about the Eagles is about making me look stupid so that they can protect themselves from you because you have shit on them. That's what it is. And that's why I make this resource, man, because it's when it was happening to me, it was like a went on without a hitch. It happened. It was like flows, like a state of flow, like these motherfuckers did this yesterday and today, the day before that, um, saying like, but monsters. So they fucking work hard at being fucking monsters and that best I can do be. 

I'm learning a lot of these techniques, were thrown out of the original console program. So these techniques been around since the fuckin sales that 60s and 70s there they're older. So it's not for me to rock this shit. Tell you what, I know and hopefully we could reverse engineer this fucking spaceship and protect people. Hopefully, you know, if you're going through this and hearing my voice right now, Fuck dude, I hope you can use this shit to protect yourself because that's half the product you just don't know. You just you feel like you know you're like you're like an hour on a leash and they're just dragging you from place to place. You don't know why you're going there. But you have no control over. Even though it feels like you're living your life. You're walking around town, you're doing shit. These things like Behavior or priming. 

And fucking conclusive ambushing also stands other things is taking this techniques and shit like that to manipulate you would you don't realize you're being manipulated like on a on a behavioral psychology psychological level and that sounds retarded coming out of my face because if I heard someone saying behavioral psych our homes or whatever term, just shut up with this, literally what it is, it's really exactly that. It's crazy. It's literally exactly that. If anything, that's a testament to how fucking gnarly this program is so, Anyways, so Death By A Thousand Cuts. Yeah. So definitely Cuts is a old-school torture technique, which is exactly that things give you tiny little Cuts one here. When they're, when I wrote, I love your body Tapley doubt, but still extremely painful, way to die and the new version of Death By A Thousand Cuts and e-content program. If someone says request it for you because there's 

There's different ways to skin a cat, you know? Sand, like 

Yeah, this is different way to skin a cat. So this is a torture technique that uses radiation and death by a Thousand Cuts. And basically three, it's in reference to the old medieval torture technique with this. It's through little micro exposures of radiation. That lead up to a nightmare experience, and let's get into that. So yeah, if you want to First, you want a little background on what acute radiation. Poisoning is acute. Radiation poisoning is exactly that the friend radiation points of the stuff that you're scared of like the the Chernobyl thing, the Chernobyl type level of radiation exposure, and it makes your body behaving. Really weird ways. Radiation poisoning central body is comprised mainly of water. Radiation poisoning can do things like convert the water in your body into strange different chemical compounds because radiation, you know works on things on a molecular level. It can take the water in your body and start covering parts of the water in your body into hydrogen peroxide or not hydrogen peroxide. H 2, H, 2, O 2, which is super dangerous is not H2O making change things. 

I can change the water in your body in 2002, which is Ozone so that, you know, that stuff's going on and your blood won't have you. So that makes you feel like absolute dog shit. This is when you're getting exposed to all right, level doses of radiation, and then after that, you know, your body goes through, four different stages, radiation poisoning, and I'm going to list those free now because I brought some notes because people were Also send me a message, just saying they like my podcast better, when I super prepared. So there's four stages of radiation poisoning. It's the prodromal, there's the latent stage, there's the Manifest illness, and then there's recovery or death, meaning, like, you can get better. You could not. So prodromal is essentially, 

Pajamas. Essentially, the reaction that you get right after you get exposed to the radiation and that can make, if it's super gnarly, it can make you puke if it's not as bad, but still pretty gnarly and make you shit your pants because your body is made of water and your body freaks out. Like I don't know what's going on but everybody needs to get out all the food, all the shit, you know, whatever. I do this. You need to get out. Also your white blood cell count goes way up because your body is doesn't know what to do. So it's freaking the fuck out. 

So it just increases white, blood cell production to protect yourself or whatever the fuck is happening because I brought these didn't evolve alongside with radiation exposure so our body doesn't know how to protect itself from it. It means it's like taking a fish and then, you know, saying putting in your living room, it's not gonna it's not gonna take a fish out of the ocean and then try to make it live in your living room. It's just, it just was not made for that. It doesn't have any systems for that, so it starts bugging. So we get approved. Runner where you actually body freaks out, white blood cell count goes up, you get rapid heartbeat, you'll get flushed, will start to sweat and then you'll have to like shit yourself. There's the latent stage where that comes later, so you might feel better after the prodromal open the beginning like you'll shit and whatever and you'll start to feel better. But then there's the latent stage, will you get like it's like a boomerang. The sickness comes back to you and like just your body systems are just drain the fuck out. Like you really it's like you step on the gas. We only had a you know I'm saying really hard in your corn. You just read it a hundred forty. Miles an hour for you know, an hour straight or will have you just need to let that bitch rest, you just put it to limit and then there's the manifesto illness when your body starts acting weird. You start processing things differently, but your organs in your body doesn't know how to fucking process food and what have you. 

And your digestive system gets affected and then there's the recovery or death stage where you could recover from what if it wasn't too gnarly or you just going to fucking die. Because there's too much damage to your digestive system and your digestive system. For some reason it's really important in the radiation sickness affecting it for some fucking reason. So yeah, it has four different stages and they're all booked nightmare. So You, you you You're going to go through that and each one of those stages fucking sick. And if you don't know what it is, you're just going to think that you're having like these waves of illness, you don't know what the fuck is going on. It's a real foreign experience and that's actually what I was going through constantly kept exposure mean are over and over and over and two exhaust me. Well they were doing these crazy mind. Fuck shit to me. But that is that so So after that they did so that is, you know, radiation sickness. So how they were applying the radiation sickness was a process called Death By A Thousand Cuts where people they have these, I guess portable radiation sources. Some people, some look like a giant flashlight would like, T, battery. So from where, you know, those disco girl containers or have you, and but they will 

Tap. So they have like a hatch and then they only move the hatch and how Radioactive material works because apparently they were using some is You know, if you block the the escaping a protons, what have you, but then you leave an open, the Gateway. You know I'm saying? Open Gateway, like let's say you have like a box with a light in it and you can't see the light, all right? But if you poke a hole in that box, I will all. Now, all of a sudden, you see all the light escape through that little hole, especially if in a dark room, that's essentially how some of these applications are exposed to was utilized on me. People get really up close to me and 

Use these things where it was a load, it was a be a low dose if you just got that but like large group of people where I got go to the mall and there would be like 10 or 15 people just constantly poor these things at me in a crowd I didn't know. And what happens is your body slowly increases this amount of radiation absorption. And when you get to acute radiation poisoning, it's like think of a bra since for water and that's how your body handles. 

1:53 PM

The radiation. To the top of the glass when it starts to pillow spill over the edge, as when you get acute, radiation point. So these people were just constantly keeping these things on me all day, or what have you? I thought I was just going through my normal day. I didn't realize I was being exposed because your brother came to the naturally feel radiation exposure and What do you call it? And yes, I was just due to do go around shopping or have you and there be people around or you wouldn't think anything of it. They'd hide these things, and purses, some hit him and baby strollers. There would be no baby in there. Those are only grocery carts. It was just insane. And somebody here, employed the local Court. Oh, and there was a couple of and then there was this other Force. There was other group of people. Here they are. 

Seem to be a little more clean-cut. I didn't realize that they were military associate at the time and then they would just leave it would be almost like cast members. Just, you know, make sure they stayed around me in certain environments and they would expose me at things and, you know, I kept getting this rushed out to go, take a shit or go puke or what have you. I didn't know I was going to acute radiation poisoning. Took me a while to realize that's what was going on. I just thought I was having these crazy like Do was I'd like fibromyalgia or whatever. 

Until like I said, some of these contractors were nice enough to give me hints and it was so nice to them. I would have just, you know, I don't even know. I'd be these guys. And then I started, you know, then they kind of put him in right direction. So they're going, they keep doing this until I would top it off and then you know I push it myself. Right. Go puke. Have you already exported from you? They kept doing this and it was like almost every other day thing or if I left the house then this big group of people will surround me and the longer. I was away from my house. The more they will keep exposing me. Exposing expose me until I reach their level and they continue to do that until 

I was too scared to leave my house because I didn't know I didn't have the connection in my head that every time I leave my house after a while, I have to come home, it's time had this great Illness, but if I stay home on fire, I didn't make the connection that these people were doing this to me out in public. So, that is essentially the method of Death By A Thousand Cuts, its the cuts are like this are the little radiation devices. I mean, some of them were demon core, which is that way, I was talking about how, you know, you let out poking light, poking a hole and letting out the light essentially would be the same as the radiation. And then there's other things like I was being told that they were taking like xenon gas and ionizing that and getting close to me and shooting that shit at me. Radiated metal and McNeil making my watch radiated, or what have you. And I like put that on and I would leave the house and that would be in conjunction with whatever they had a industrial radiography pipe pipe radiography. Shit that they put in my car that they operated with a microphone to so turn it on after a certain amount. Or if I drove just fight started driving out of town and they use that as a way to sort of like geofence me. But essentially we got, this is the methods to death, by a Thousand Cuts. The Thousand concert was just the Thousand beams of radiation of constant radiation sickness, it's fucking terrifying and you don't know what's going on because radiation is invisible. So it's like, if you feel like you have this invisible force on you and you don't know what it is, and it's only because these nice as fuck. Um, Military industrial contractors. Help me out. Was I able to even realize what was going on? But not least had that these cartel people had a fucking contract on me to do this shit to me on behalf of the Bush and Cheney's to make sure that I was preoccupied until Jeb was safely out of the new cycle. So if this did hit the news, it wouldn't affect their their family's reputation. Right. Yeah, so that my Thousand Cuts. It's a really gnarly way to be tormented and thank you everyone. You have to think about this shit like like, you know, like you know cards, you were planning to do deck and you put one card on top of the other, your top of the other top of the other, right? And then if you can stack cards and you can play certain strategies. Well that's actually going to a program. Like I'm not just going under the radiation poisoning. I'm also having the psychological torture. I mean look down the names of all the different podcast. I made start stacking those things on top of each other and that would just I would be fighting that every day. Just leaving the fucking house. 

So, and that essentially is the death, by a Thousand Cuts thing. It's just, you know, tons of different beams of radiation from different people, but people who are pretending to be out and about like you are to get you in, it's a genius way to kill somebody I guess because if you keep exposing something like that long enough over time it'll either you know affect their their organs shut down, organ failure or it'll start to Shorten their telomeres. So they'll have a lot shorter lifespan. 

Telomeres is still the copy of your on your DNA like the longer the tunnel near the more different more copies yourself and keep making without making mistakes because I want to talk to making mistakes and makes cancers. But yeah, it's it's fucking gnarly. That's one of the things I was going under. Wow. You know, saying they're trying to give me the fucking look like a fucking moron. Say, stupid shit. 

Yeah, Death By A Thousand Cuts magnets, just the gnarliest for torture. And then at the, a came to a point when those contractors help me that I understood what it was, then I can start to look and find. I was like, oh, where are these people? Because they like to hide these radiation devices inside things. Like I said inside of a purse, you know, saying like a chick will have it down by her side or her pair big-ass bag. But in reality, there's one of those devices shooting the relationship out of the bag so that was standing in line. In reality. They're shooting their relationship straight at you. You know, the High Dam in like things that, you know, like are like a flashlight. I've seen some people hide do in like a fake pin but I don't understand how they would hire additional source of the Fate pin. This is really low, because radiation is pretty gnarly stuff. You need quite a bit of lead to surround it so you don't yourself get exposed. Right. Yeah, and they somehow got hold of this Cobalt or whatever the fuck it was and the other various forms. I was told like there ionizing Gas and shooting the ionized gas towards me through some sort of like, Blow torch lighter thing that was garage hacked to do that sort of stuff, you know, kind of the same, whether the same way that neon signs are electrified, I guess, apparently there were doing something like that to shoot out the fucking protons or neutrons, or something like that, and other various forms, where I guess you can produce neutrons to shoot at people. And this one on and after a while I start noticing other hiding and things you know like this old Mexican lady sat next to me on the front of train and then like everybody in the train except for me in that corner in the train left all at once. For some reason I was just sitting there. Like why did everybody leave the train in? They're all looking at me from outside from the other cars, you know how they have like those tunnels to the next car and then I'll sitting there waiting and then I will sit like, boom, I got hit with the most gnarliest fucking thing already. 

And basically it's like, you know, they probably set up on the phone like Bluetooth or something with remote. But it was in this chicks grocery cart and they all walked away. So then I can be exposed and it's so many different ways. These motherfuckers are doing this are exposed to many different ways. So I'd be too scared to leave the house, so I couldn't go out and possibly tell people about the shit. They wanted me to be quiet about So yeah, just go on talking about it. This is so gnarly, but I'm still getting exposed now, right? It's at my house. It was a deer in my car because I had that kid in there. That kept hiding in there. I would where they go or they would kept radiating metal and screws and shit like that. They would put a radiator piece of metal and into my head rest and she'll like that. 

And these are things, you know. Don't you on realize all of the things that you interact with on The Daily can then become compromised to make you sick, it's fucking gnarly. 


Yeah, man. That's right now Scott's fucking news. 

So, yeah, I mean, if the application is used in so many different ways, man. Also, you know, they would be setups where they would put them shooting out of car doors. And, you know, I'd be walking alongside the sidewalk and then there, you know, then there's the road and the gamma radiation goes about 25 feet, Max, ish. And so, what they would do is then they would get a corn slowly have a Find me something. Get as much exposure as possible, what? Shooting out of the side of the, you know, thin aluminum doors. And I mean, that's another way to expose me to this Death By A Thousand Cuts thing. People would pretend that boxes. There's a lot of dudes while I start taking the train because I didn't want to take my car anymore, and they picked up on that. So then they changed up their whole system. Then they started putting these kits. These re are grafik, it's inside backpacks and they were like super, huge backpacks and I would just think like all these guys have these giant backpacks on the train. I guess, like know what they would do is read time. Three of them all. Like, cornered me with their backs. To me, push me in a corner of a train and then just like, I guess they're so remove mechanism and then it opens up the gate on that containment and they just radiates the fuck out of me. And I felt my knees so much radiation. 

2:05 PM

It's really up and personal like that but the cartels were doing this shit on behalf of the bushes of the Chaney's and a military force up here, you know, and Yeah, so three gnarly. We just recently pulled over so video. 

Kind of giving a rough. Talk about what was going on down here, because it came to a time where the show is happening. So much, but then I found out like these people, the bushes, the changes had their contractors, come down here, and then there was this whole other, like support network, like, there's people from the military, the police, like, helping out these people who are doing these terrible things to me and then it comes and then, you know, I just only news there's some weird Synergy going on. 

And this guy from Newsweek just publisher, this reports two-year investigation had going on at. There's this Clan dust clandestine, secret army that rolls around the United States and and different countries. That's directly linked to the Pentagon. The Pentagon has this like hat, you know, this 

Ragtag force of like mixed with army and other ground troops, that that work operations. In the states, they have fake identities. What have you third large groups of people that move around the states for different operations? Clandestine operations, and I guess a large group of those people. We're country came down to San Diego and we're helping this whole situation out of these people were doing these fucked-up things. 12 old people don't hear entire grocery. 

Is all over the county, just have this adulterated food because I guess the bushes the fuck out. They thought somebody must have told me that that I didn't just come across it. And so they're just like, what we got to fucking clean this whole bitch out. We can't have this, these, these terrorists, these traitors and in reality, it was just something, you know, I'm saying, I just watched a lot of news and some things don't work, don't pan out, and then Irish research things. What have you and Yeah, I came across some shit. I guess some dude was trying to put out there and yeah, but then they came here to town. They started. I guess they, since I had a quite a few years Head Start. So, that's how you know what? I got into it. They were moving people here, slowly and slowly. So then I should ton of those people begin to live here. They did they they maintain personas, they maintain friendships with me. What have you you're just waiting for, I guess, you know, for me to wake up and realize what I came across 

And then, you know, something wrong place. They were going to fucking pull is bullshit. They are an infrastructure jobs, menial. Jobs, what have you? But they're sticking a government salary but they're undercover. So there's but they're still getting paying I'm saying, but this guy Newsweek just like totally revealed exactly what it was. But anyways, I went to all major news outlets in San Diego and sure enough, they had these, they had Gatekeepers all that those places. So then I was like, okay, I want to go down to La, went down the alley, A times I went to fuck BuzzFeed. I went to CNN. I went to fucking start talking to people from Vice, I mean but it's just crazy. How Since I had so many years Head Start because I don't even know what I came across. I didn't realize it. So they just got all the ducks in a row. And then made sure that I couldn't get to the people to talk to them about it, you know. And that's not withstanding that they did already contact. Lots of Forge ahead of time, whatever I tell people I was on stage or whatnot but I kept going up to LA to talk to different people. Sometimes I'll get name and I start to talk to this person was I want to come up, I don't see it over phone. I want to come talk to you in person or make sure you're a real person, whatever. So it kept going back to LA. 

And eventually they got fucking tired of that shit. So one of the trips off to La this is during this debt by about cut you too. By the way, like just too gnarly. You know, that there's this large span of Highway between Oceanside where I live and the Orange County and its pointer up to Camp Pendleton. There's a power plant on it and the structure to highway. I was on my way to La it's two and a half hour drive and the whole time I was on this large swath of Highway, there's no cameras. No sir, nothing. It's basically this launcher tie way and if you notice a few, got a flat are very kind of defect. It's just kind of this weird. 

No man's land between Orange County and San Diego. I had course we're right at me. I had these had like fans former to me and fucking shooting like active denial shit at me. Well as in the fucking corner it was a fucking nightmare man. Just to get to La a couple of times I just risked my fucking light. It was like fucking Mad Max bro but since it's around that long stretch partly that's controlled by the military base. Even though clerks run, I like it. If they were already in place, they had other fucking people there. They know what I was getting on the area, the highway and there's no cameras. There's no muttering, whatever. And then after I pass that up, school course that I made my way through Orange County to LA County like then they started using that those radiation kids say put in my corner and sorry expose me and so I'm driving bro. I'm driving a white knuckling. That bitch to her way and I'm just feeling Like shit. Like I've got I have the worst, nausea, you know I'm saying? I'm trying to hold myself from shitting my pants. I'm trying to make this a nightmare, so I won't leave the city to go talk about this shit. And I kept going up to LA to try to contact people kept going back up to La, you know, kept going back up to the right. We're if I go to BuzzFeed. What if I talk to this person? I breastfeed we're protected this person over the small paper. Whatever bit late. Unfortunately they got all those media guys. They got it. I too am at a time because I didn't know I had I run me like Iraq, so I say that shit in 2007 and then yeah, just popped into my head 2013/2014. But then they played this whole game like there was nothing that was just a joke. That's the same thing we play on people. 

It's a Scarlet Letter. That's actually you know like a flare to alert us to your presents. A second thing that intelligence games were bit of sake, The Green Room, I kept pressing it repeating it. Looking into it research, get my dream and I've got represent my life got worse. 

So, I just remembering that those drives of Del amen. You no fucking clue. How hard that was sent to know that I had to keep going because like my fucking at the time, my family trying to get torn apart. Eat. Tell my grandma was being terrified. There is he's hispanic gentleman working the grounds and Margaret property. And you can tell, by the way, she was interacting with them, she was scared to park and shit. I didn't know what the fuck is going on, you know, I just knew I had to tell someone to grow and then I would drive Up to Phi. L am would be a nightmare aside from them, trying to fucking run me off the road crash into me. Fucking shoot the shit at me while I'm trying to drive their own units. Like the fucking truck drive some shoot, active denial. Should I try to get in and out of this? Fucking be right, people trying to fucking heartbreaking front of you and shit like that. Like, Yeah, that's bananas. It was fruitless those cuts his concerts at the sentence if I can standards. 

So that's where we had to do a master's project map because you know see CNN fucking later times what capacity tables big guys up there man, there are a bunch of fucking sots. The government is so ingrained in the fucking media especially some of the figures that have the food chain. And the crazy thing is, I never even like hey it does motherfuckers. I just knew something that they don't really know, but I would have never known that. It was a bird and this is a freak, the fuck out. 

Crazy. But that's the better. I like cats, man. And here's the thing is, as your radiation levels because Maris anyhow like tipping off a cup, serialization levels are going up and then they'll send in the fuck off the round, the room go down and then they'll bring it right back up again. No saying that's it. Fill you up for you and you start to feel the illness come online and then make the nausea and you're like oh fuck these guys. Shoot me again. So that's like a whole level of terrifying shit. 

So they play this game, I've constantly tipping off the cut and when they when they fill you up with a round of radiation depending on your body weight because that's how they measure, how much they're going to give you four high wrong or what have you 

So they can control this torture. 

You keep dropping her off. And so now you can have this, like, constant wave of nausea. Hit you at different levels. If you do certain things or go certain places, they would do to me at the movies are afraid, people are going to like try it because they thought I was practicing like secret plan to like flip them over and not even realize what the fuck is even going on. So they didn't want me to go to like movies or anything because they were afraid to Maison tries to me like secret messages or whatever and new movies or TV or every sofa. 

My fucking TV. And if it was a cord cutter if anything like that g to people's like live TV, whatever they would freak out, they expose me to shit and they constantly just tipped up out of my body with Frisian. So like and since you know, saying it takes a while for that shit to do in, don't get out of your system, they can just like, bring you right back up to your Tipping Point. They would just use that almost like, it's a geofence, if you're familiar with geofencing, but, you know, I like it better has those colors and it can't go outside the fence, would have you But they use radiation kind of like that. I don't really remember zapping. I'm saying, and they start using as a geofence, and I didn't know they had to shit in my cleaner. How that shit works, because it seems likes fucking Magic. 

2:16 PM

My pant that is that is death bed. I like rats and it's fucking terrifying. So and is important to know these things because the New Media climate, if you are going to be a fucking whistle or if you're gonna, you know I'm saying, if you're gonna leak information, if you're going to punch up, if you're going to get into politics, maybe and maybe your opponent is much more richer and more well-connected maybe has Connections in the military industrial complex, but usually the methadone to talk now. So it's important to know these things. How they work right body's reacting that way because you'll never Able to match them in a fight but you can at least try to get out a way. So you don't have to fight them or know the signs of what the fuck is happening to you. Instead of me were, you know, I just was this very public fucking crash, right? I have a lot of gems like give you guys it's important to do this because our media culture is saturated and maybe you do get to One news outlet but it Not reach enough, people who are than these, the old, the government, or some Corporation, or some powerful people that you exposed or blew the whistle on. Think that's enough to protect you, so they're afraid that they're going to run their reputation if they lash out at you because our hypermedia saturated culture. Now, the new Cycles, last 36 hours they last three days. Sometimes they last 10 days, 30 days. If it's a humongous, they're gonna fucking asteroid. Hit the earth now, because apparently Iraq and shoot. Fucking clever people. And in fact days will be angrier at talk about the new iPhone fucking 12. It was goes crazy. I was watching the news, like as I was happening. So I hope in your cycle is is a danger now. So if you don't get enough exposure, these are the methods that we use on you to fucking make your life. Coral II, want you to be a mirror. So they went the snow queen with the what the Snow Queen will because people will start to disintegrate their ideals of you and then you'll lose credibility. And then you Won't be able to tell people. Hey, this is going on. What have you in your being a piece of shit. But these things work this way. So it's important to understand these methodologies Because unless you make a huge rash, like, you know, snowed in or Assange, you could be subject to these forms of torture and abuse as you feel how the new cycle now, and it didn't affect enough people, or they're afraid to stop fit. 

That's definite, that's good. I hope you learned something. I hope you continue to fire a podcast. I got over 3,000 prisoners down, so fucking stoked. Thank you guys. Please continue to support us on Twitter or at Twitter at mesh news desk or mesh news search box. That's where I like to hammer it. And be sure to check out all the resources at Kansai Pro, the number 2 and 0 ZR Thanks a lot.

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