Dream Games // Cointelpro 2.0 GangStalking Podcast


Dream Games - Sleep Information Extraction Espionage Techniques // Cointelpro 2.0 Podcast


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This is the Cointelpro 2.0 podcasts it an offshoot project of the mesh news project. Thanks for coming the podcast. I appreciate all of our listeners, all 3000 of you guys. Now, a little over 3,000. 

You can go ahead and learn more about content Pro 2.0 or gang stalking organized talking. By going and visiting our 

Different media properties, that we created to eight people going through this. You can initially go to our guide. That's content Pro to the number two and then zero spelled out zer0.com. You can see our video series Which we are adding to constantly is videos The Nest videos.com until Pro the number 2 and N zeros, Bennett Zer.com. And you can have a quick link to our podcasts. Podcasts that's podcasts dot content Pro the number 2 and 0 spilled on cro. 

I want to go ahead. I mean, if this is, you have no idea how amazing it is to know that some that if you guys are people actually care about what I have to say. So, you know, I've returned to get to some people responding with questions. Do I have you? And I want to go ahead and 

Read some of those answer. Some of those before we go into what essentially is an important part of this program especially if you're in the upper tiers. Or if you are somebody of affluence, or maybe somebody who possesses intellectual property for a large company, a government contractor, who possesses knowledge of No, your eyes only information Etc form. The that Somebody said the sounds like fish story, unfortunately, it's not a fish story and I've literally not elaborated in any way. What the hell is going on down here in San Diego and especially the stuff that happened to be? And believe me, fuck. 

My abuse got worse, and more intense because of the denial that I was in this situation. So, unfortunately, you know, I'm not exaggerating and I I want to be exaggerating. I don't want this to be my fucking life. I'm trying to turn This. 

Toxic. These toxic lemons that were thrown at me and turn them into some freaking orange juice, trying to turn some lemons and turn them into fucking lemonade. And 

Yeah, I fucked. I just yeah for the guy Discord who said that this is also like a fish story. Just it's not unfortunately it's fucking it's fucking. I want this to be a fish story. I want that want this to be over with. I don't want I don't want I don't like going to gang stalking forums and support sites and I don't like looking into and researching things. I don't want this to be part of my life. I want to go back to just You know, we're going to corporate job and 

Just enjoying my life, having Hobbies meet people. 

So, no, it's not a fish story. I will tell you that some of the methodologies. 

Stories have been modified to protect certain people. Because, There was a time when I was just absolutely freaking the fuck out and if you've been following the series, you know, that I was I had people 

We're helping me in the military industrial space. Because they saw what was going on. They stay just they still saw his bullshit. But after a, while it became the consensus became that, this was happening all over the city to people who are part of the military industrial community. Data, and they eventually left because at first it seemed like isolated incidents just happening to me. But then, you know, more and more people from that industry started talking to each other. And realizing that, this was like a, like, some Banana Republic shit. Goin Down, down here, in San Diego, but on the down-low like really well planned. But, going back to things, the reason why I have to change things up. Is because there's people helped me and I was freaking the fuck out and Yammering because I didn't understand my situation. I'd have context and 

They started fucking making an example of people making them have really. 

Gnarly. Deaths they threw. The there was just, I was going to work down in Sorrento Valley, which is like, basically Silicon Valley, but for military-industrial Industry in San Diego. And thank you. I kept getting threatened because after a while they started catching on that hate. These people were helping me. They were probably put the pieces together when I got that job and it's and but only after, you know, a couple of months, they realize I go. People are using him working in done in this business park and going to lunch and going on the train and Go to pubs and stuff around there after work, as a method to get info to him. And I didn't know what was going on. I I literally didn't know. I had multiple people acting into my iPhone that devices and I didn't, you know, because it's kind of like this, this shit is kind of like Vietnam. Almost like you just don't know who your enemy is who your friend is. And people get paranoid and you know I was getting some help, people are getting in getting to me through my devices. They're getting to me by like dropping notes in my pocket when I didn't realize kind of like pickpocket style shit but instead they would just drop a piece of paper in there, you know. Hey look into this or they give me a name or what have you And eventually, I guess some of the people that were suspected of helping me one of the guys want to go 

Let me turn off these fucking notifications, dude. Tell me that's not annoying. Do not disturb buddy. Anyways, the sorry I'm trying to get my situation situated, but yeah, I do. So they got paranoid and they started suspecting people. This is what I heard through the grapevine. And they after a while these the people who are definitely, not my friends were telling me to quit that job. I haven't seen around Valley because they understood that, you know, they wouldn't be able to abuse me and exploit me, Etc. And I was getting, you know I was getting Awareness of what was going on the actual big picture. And so I started getting a lot of threats. You better leave that job better. Quit your job tomorrow. People will come up to me while I was 

Because I took the 

In the commute, just because of the traffic. And People would meet up with me when I was waiting for the train and what have you come up to me and tell me. I need to fucking quit my job Etc. But at that time like it's been so long since I've had a fucking job. But even at that job, that job was just a fucking a nightmare, you know, lots of stuff getting beamed at me shot at me. While I was at that job, it's crazy. But kept telling me to leave this job, but unfortunately, it was the only thing I had. It was only found money. I was in come out. 

Getting after being blacklisted for so long. It didn't matter if it's seem like a setup. I'm not sure or just if people knew I worked there and then just be measured at me or are the office will set up beforehand? But who knows? Like, I'm not, you know, I'm still baby at this whole world of how the shit operates, but whatever. But they kept telling me, you know, I need quick that fucking job. I need to leave town Baba. And I just, you know, I just thought they were bullying me and like you said, people are helped me out and they eventually, you know, somebody got into my phone and 

She was sending me shit. Directly to my phone and 

I kept getting threats to quit my job to leave that Serenity Valley because it's like a hardcore military industrial Business Park. Then you want me there because they understood it was a flight risk for what they were doing to me and they can get exposed and eventually they threw some dude in front of the train, I was on commuting home. And I want to tell you, those updates on my phone stopped almost Not so much updates. Me Like Somebody sending me stuff, Anonymous accounts following my social at one point they ate and started hacking into my phone to change things like almost like early warning system. It's crazy. But so guess somebody got hit by the train. I was on, I was in the very front train card and you know are the dude kind of yell at first and then I felt every like this was crunching over this fucking dude. 

And I want to say for about three months, like it stopped almost immediately. So I don't know if they found the guy who was Sending that stuff to me. All right, these motherfuckers don't play around. Where the fuck's going on over here? But at this, you have to understand, I mean, 

My phone and my devices are being hacked. By one person. It's like a gang bang. There's 

There's this information being given to me on it, they are filtering out certain things. And you just don't know who if somebody's helping you, if they're making, you play the casino like 

You know, giving you different options, see, which one you choose and if you choose the right one, then believe or not these motherfuckers, they play me like this and if you just don't know how deep and long I've been involved in this bullshit, if you just don't know, but Yeah, these are doing that shit. I'm saying, I don't know if you listen to my previous podcast but you know, they started doing crazy things. Like figuring out people's favorite places at the beach. One of them happened to be some chick who likes to go to the cliffs. The fuckin drop the cliff on her. They were hacking the drive by wire systems of newer cars and making them crash Etc. But one thing definitely stuck out was crunching over this dude, hearing his like last screen, and then crunching over him on the train. They just completely stop the train and believe or not one. I would we stopped over this dude after we obviously drugged dragged him. What do you call it? They're people can watch me the train asking me if I knew the guy we just hit, like, I would even know that thing. When people came over started having like loud, direct a conversations, 

Using like like Lake words, if you don't know wake words are listening on the podcast. But using that wake phrasing to alert me and then talking about like, you know, if you if I'll be a tail evolved least even listened, you know, as friends want to die. They're just I had while they're removing this body from the fucking train. Just, I would say 10 or 50 people came up to the front car, which was pretty much alone when we hit the guy and just started talking. 

1:17 PM
You know, guy in my face about it and just let me know that I should fucking be leaving and it was a trip. And I was trying to process what just happened with the fucking train thing and all that other shit and all that was going on. These people came up and they start harassing me about all that shit and lots of these independent military Contractors State, they think they're gangsters, And they act like they're gangsters and they do things that gangsters do only they exist in this gray area where they have this blank check from the government. So they're not gangsters there's nothing more on gangster than a fucking blank check to do whatever you want. Under the Umbrella guys of it was part of my mission to protect National Security or whatever the fuck because we're gangsters they 

They risk their, they risk their their freedom. Whereas these contractors, they do not the government cover their ass. So they do shit like gangsters but they are the farthest thing from gangsters because I have more respect for a cartel guy. A mafia guy a real a real gangster than a corrupt cop who commits crimes or these these fucking Military contractor guys who have liked. It's beyond qualified immunity man. Like we did do this to this person because of you know it was part of the job description. Just fucking lie. As long as they get the initial job done cares. But yeah, bro, I wished it was fake. I wish the story was fake. I know, it took me a long time to explain that, buddy. I wish this was fake. I wish I was a fucking fish story. But it, but it's not, it's not. 

So that's that also. But yeah. So yeah, I have to change some of the details on some of these podcasts because I just cannot, I don't want to go. I don't, I mean, I did. I don't want to experience something like that again. I don't want to risk somebody else's life. I like, I said, I was being pulled in every, which direction I didn't understand what was going on. I didn't know who my friends were. I didn't know if people were pestering me if they were trying to give me false information. So I was freaking out and, you know, I just see I don't want to I don't want to, I don't want to, I don't want to risk anybody else. So you know, I always cave that shit. I scramble the Rubik's Cube a little bit because I don't want to 

Risk. Anybody? 

So yeah no, this isn't a fish story also. Keep in mind that I also have if they do let these podcasts out because sometimes they hold them for a couple of days. I noticed they don't get distributed or what have you Whoever's, controlling my internet, but These podcasts are listen to people that are in my community who participate. Because as I was saying like the vigilantism that these contractors and cops invoke and lots of people so that have to do less work. So some of these people, you know, I'm saying they they stock me around town. 

There's lots of there's organized crime who been subcontracted out to monitor me and keep me. Keep the pressure on me and they listen to this shit, Etc. So also have to keep in mind some of the things I say necessarily are to put feelers out, sometimes I put out just not disinformation regards to the topic we're talking about. But perhaps things about my environment. Or somebody told me this was from over in this place, or what have you because I still have to live this. I start to live this every day. I still. So, I mean, even me saying this, it doesn't matter because that's as I've learned. Disinformation is a continuous, it's a continuous game constantly. So even be saying, this is what I'm doing, what I'm saying. And I'm employing these tactics. Doesn't really. Me because, you know, when you're in this situation, you understand. But you don't understand, if you don't understand, if you just a spectator in this, all sounds like silly bullshit. Hey, you know, you can take your ears up somewhere else, but I have to Also put out, contextual something contextual for maybe the people locally, who are fucking with me. Since I also have to do with that, I'll sprinkle some of that in and it doesn't matter. I mean, I've been doing this for quite a few years. Now, I want to say better part of the last decade and going into well into this new decade. So I'll so that's kind of side note. You mean this information is your friend. I don't know if you've ever engaged and there's information if your corporate big wig, or what have you? You understand that? Putting out disinformation masquerading as the truth is a Constant. It's it's a constant. It's it's nothing. I'm I had to grow accustomed to it but it's a constant. So yeah if you things like if it sounds like I'm saying certain things you just like what the fuck is he talking about? Everybody just understand that. I'm also having the top to it. Talk in regards to the people who are also listening. Locally. 

You are fucking with me excetera. So yeah, this isn't a fish story and I know II wasn't a question. I was answering, but just understand that this information is a consistent game. It's nothing. I'm like an expert at. It's just something I've been subjected to and understand. I've been able to maintain in this space long enough. Because I embraced having that have to be part of my daily communication. Whether that be Making stuff going on Twitter. What have you? Because you know it's a lot of anonymous people contact, you say things to you, I have you and you don't know whose friends are especially since my environment and still controlled at this moment and all this sounds absolutely bananas. You know, I'm saying, unless and until you and realize that, you know, I've had quite a few psychological evaluations just so I could lean on that. So people try to call me 

Some sort of fucking balloon, you know I got a clean bill of fucking I got a clean bill of health here. 

So, Anyways, let's get into what this project is about. I haven't figured out the title yet most likely will, by the time I'm done yammering. Oh, shout out. This is a shout-out to. Well, not a shout out but I want to say yes I do have some people said to me that my podcast. They wish it was a little more like a podcast format. Instead of like a open discussion, Open Mic, but Yeah, I was going to do a podcast for this. I was just working on videos and doing the guide, but somebody told me, some everybody digest information differently sometimes they don't have time to go on the internet. You know, they might be going through something or they might need information. They just want to listen to in their ears while they're driving to work and they're going through all this other bullshit and I didn't know what the hell is going for podcasts. But I started listening to this guy, the birds podcast and Me I never eat. Everyone else has like a format, that would guess that about that the nth row and it's all set up like a like a radio show Graham. But this Bill Burr podcast is he causing like the Monday Morning podcast. He just fuckin gets on there and just talks about whatever the fuck he was talking about. Like, he's. Yeah, and it wasn't until I started listening to that guy realized like, oh, this is a fucking format. Like, you can just Just choose a topic and then, you know, if he knew talk around or whatever, but I mean, it's great. I mean, if you're not looking to listen to podcasts that are about, you know, fucking government corruption and also the shit. But if you actually want to put something into your balls and listen to a pretty well celebrated comedian, I mean, he's he's it's pretty raw Edge, very funny guy, but aside from that his podcast, it's not like it's not like an act. I keep this goes on there, any fucking he talks but it wasn't only because I 

I'm that I was able to think like, oh, you know, I think I can do a podcast. 

Because I don't want to sit there and I don't want to have like a whole format. I don't want to be like an intro song. I don't want to do all that, I just trying to give people information and hopefully helps. I know it takes a lot of rabbits, that's just kind of my style of Meandering and talking about stuff, only because I'm constantly in the back of my head thinking, like, if I don't get into the nook and cranny on each one of these topics, Maybe They're not going to fully understand. I feel like I am saying, I want to give you all the colors of the rainbow but then I want to know, let you know about the colors, you know, in between the gradients in between and, you know, because 

Yeah, there's just so much to learn, and this is a 1000% experiential thing to learn and reverse engineer. I imagine if I was professionally trained by the, by the, you know, who whatever feds are government's, whatever that train, the people who were doing this abuse to me the methodologies, they probably be shorter, but I had to kind of reverse engineer. The fucking spaceship, as I was getting abused and looking into stuff. And thank God I had some Military industrial contractors fucking helping me out. I'd be completely lost. 

Yeah, so shot. You know, must respect to that, dude. I never thought I could have had a done this as a podcast, but I start listening to him and I was like, you know what, I could fucking just talk into a mic and hate 3,000 people. Take 3,000 people seem to like it, so, And yeah, I do, I keep all my metrics, I'm curious if I'm wasting my time or not. So see my metrics go up you know knowing that I got three thousand listeners is pretty pretty fucking read. Anyways, School into what's this? Podcast is about I said we'll probably find the name. Some are while I'm talking. I guess I'll title it. Basically, there is why I got this program you'll start to notice things getting weird. 

In your sleep. I mean, I understand that people with traumatic events, Etc, that they probably have like a PTSD dreams, have you. That's not what I'm here to talk about. Although, you know, that does happen. Sometimes, you do get like scary dreams and, you know, in regards to these topics, you don't, I won't say. I have to me, good dreams anymore have more. 

1:30 PM
Things that happen to me. 

But aside from those kind of dreams, there is going to be something consistent, that's going to happen to you. If you're in the upper echelons of this program, basically, you'll start to notice like you're having these very specific, contextual dreams happening and they almost seem like Conversations the almost end. You'll start to walk yourself through things. Nothing. Very real. I mean just Vivid more. The more probably the most vivid dreams you've ever had in your life. And for a while, I was only this only happen when I started going through the program and, you know, for a while I thought that maybe you know, they were slipping me, things like mushrooms or something in my food. Now it's going to sleep and just tripping out because I do like to Sleepy lots of fucking drugs, you know. And after you know, so I started trying not to eat six hours before bed. Because I didn't want that stuff you want because I'm just so weird. It felt invasive. I felt like I was having conversations And then, you know, I tried by the process of elimination, that's these dreams, can't fucking navigate, and 

Yeah, I gosh. I mean I've had dreams telling people about You know, describing, I don't know. I always have these dreams or and in the dream out the describing, you know, how I came across that information in detail for the JFK jr. Stuff. They didn't have another Journey, but always happens. The small little chunks tiny chunks. Like I'll be the in the dream, like somebody's like, so, tell me how it happened and I'll be like, well, I was sitting at the, if I can keyboard, you know, I 

Just got done. 

Taking a shower, I sat down the keyboard, and I was thinking about all these documentaries I've been watching and, you know, something that add up to me about whatever and that's as far as I get is know, just what I told you and then maybe two nights later. I'll have another crazy dream and then I'll it'll be a continuation of that event like 2 Days in the after that, you know, I have another crazy Fitbit. 

Specific fucking green gonna be the continuation of that. Well yeah. You know sake about the documentaries. I was watching but it was like I was having a conversation with somebody. And as, you know, the documentaries that was watching, I was sitting there thinking of all this information had in my fucking brain. And that was just like, This seems like a pattern for this Administration to deal with problems before they become a problem. And then so I started thinking about documentaries, I would watch about Before butcher's president, how he was the governor of Texas and stuff like that. Because during this time, and the first, and the two k's, I guess, that's what people are calling it, right? The first 10 years of the New Millennium, the to case, I guess. And the two case that There was just an explosion of documents and they're just everywhere at the, you know, YouTube wasn't super huge yet and they're just on all these random websites and you just had to find them and then you got recommendations for people. There are things called Web Rings. We're just you know, if you found one website and that means the there would be a Links Page and then you go there and then all the people who are into his shit. It's kind of stuff and you go there and you search through their website. Find things in this pick and choose at random. It wasn't like it was fed to me by an algorithm like a lot of this stalker algorithm stuff is done now for conclusive ambushing and stuff. So And, Lock the gate. And then I had this conversational dream and I got that far again and that would be into that dream. And this kept going on, and on, and on, for about a month or so. And, you know, it was like basically, I was debriefing somebody on exactly how it was that I can cause that information. And then more dreams aren't happening. I started in these in these really vivid dreams, I would start telling just rent to people about, you know, all the people I've slept with what were their names. I get through some of the names and then, you know, the dream, you know, I you know the dream will be over. What have you I wake up and then there'd be continuation of that dream a few more days later. And they went around that way and I started 

All these dreams where I be taught, I would be having these very talkative dreams, not experiencing things not running away from monsters, whatever. But like, it was as if I was having talks with somebody It's kind of going for the since going for on for years and only until I started until what's it called? Somebody gave me a hint. Bye. Dropping a, what's it called? 

It was basically a VHS and Evan and it stood out because it was a VHS and outer Stone. Know how you have VHS videos with cover of a VHS for this horror movie of this Dot. And, like I said, this was one of the ways that these motherfuckers would give me clues. As like, they would make sure these things stuck out and I had a orange sticker on it. And remember how I said, they, you go through those that whole color. Color torture thing where they build associations like pavlovian associations, which is hell. So they would, you know, say that's another way that somebody could give you a nudge or a hint. And on the, on the, on this VHS cover words like, who the fuck gets me adjust colors? And why is it on the top of a bunch of trash in the trash can, you know, right where I would be waiting for the fucking train, so just out of place, nobody else. They're, you know, and I assumed like I was just like okay well I guess this is something I should look at. So I took this V just cover and it was a movie for this guy who was a anesthesiologist and he would do all these fucked-up things to his Recon. To his victims. And so I was like, okay, I guess I need to look at this. So, I started looking into it and about people having Sleep. Paralysis people waking up during surgery and then finally I was at a fucking trigger Jose and so I kind of gave me the tip like you protect yourself in your sleep, there it's there. You're saying there are debriefing you in your sleep and I'm just sitting there. Like this is only after I I'm saying started doing research, Etc. And then, I started getting more and more clues. And from these people who are helping me in passing, and basically help build a picture for me. So, basically what the methodology will see what's going on is that these people were breaking into the house all sleeping. This these contractors, whoever, you know, given the job for this, and they were applying some sort of localized. Anesthesia, that take me in a sleeping State still cut my brain active. And, Basically they were it's a it's a fine tones, it's a fine-tuned skill, I guess they're Specialists. Who really special needs. People who specialize this and the industry. And the method was actually developed two things, I do exactly what they was doing me is to debrief a Target in their sleep on information. What have you? And it takes a while because it's not the most. You're not giving the most refined information. While you're sleeping. And these. Or basically breaking in and trying to figure out things that I wasn't divulging to them would be, you know, lots of the gas lighting and like my little mind games are applying to try to get me to expose things and information. Because let me tell you man there's so many Under the Sun like it's crazy. There's so many there's so many like mental jiu-jitsu. Tricks that people play on you to get you to debrief and divulge information. Like you just not ready for it basically. They put you in a sleep state, but it's still enough to keep your your mind active and while they're in there, the it's almost like the guide you while you're in your sleep, the fucking guide you 

What kind of stuff they want to know? And then it's a tedious process. Obviously you're doing while you're sleeping but essentially they get these I wouldn't say they get you're not sitting there you're not reciting fucking Shakespeare to them you know you know you know saying give telling them the Bible from memory. But what does do and it does give them Things like rough. Kind of anchor, points of things to go look into people's names. They cetera and basically, they're doing this shit to me to figure out what went on because these motherfuckers like said, they their initial from what I was being told. Because that was the consensus among these. These contractors kind of risk in their own neck, just to give me a fucking a bird's eye view which I can just never repay in a million years. 

Is that they were, they were flipping out because they're like, how does this guy come across this information, where you guys using conclusive ambushing techniques or whatever on him to try to, like, expose the bushes or whatever and it changes. And that's not what happened at all. But they figure that out obviously through what they're doing to me. But apparently, that's what they were. They were doing is they were using this. This Espionage technique also, corporate Espionage believe or not using somebody who uses this anesthetics to put a person, keep a person down, but then keep their brain active, and then you have these hyper realistic dreams because your, that's how your brain is processing, what's going on. And essentially, you give them these little chunks of information of places. They should go look into what have you and it takes a little while for 

But if you're persistent, you can dive holds quite a bit to somebody literally through your dreams. You know, you realize that you think you're having a very lucid dream and it's not a lucid dream, someone is literally debriefing you while you're in a kind of sleep state. 

And I couldn't fucking believe this was what was going on, but that's how paranoid these these these motherfuckers got because they just didn't think that I just fucking came across something. And there's lots of different people who understand these. This kind of industry, they have lots of doubts, but that's also like I was saying before I was talking about the disinformation, whatever. Like there's so many things that you want you understand, kind of the basics of the 

1:43 PM
You find out there's a million ways to skin a cat and when you come across people who maybe you don't think are bright or you don't think you know or you think that you they are not a threat, not even not bright. They just may not be threatening or you may not exist in their space. A lot of a lot. I mean, you have no idea a lot of these Spy for hire contractors, whatever because lots of contractors are now getting Espionage training. They are not. Saves money. I guess what they start to look at the world differently. They're very cynical. Have you? And so they don't, they don't believe everything that they that they here. 

It's up. This had a really hard time because like you I want to tell you, man, these motherfuckers terrified the shit out of me. Terrified the fucking shit out of me, so you know. Believe in everything that they're told. So this dull dream state thing is a very honest way to get information because so many of your minds I guess walls that are built up. For lying to people have you are really erased when you're sleeping because you're not think that you're having a conversation with somebody that 

You know or you don't think you're having a conversation with somebody in your sleep. You think is having really Vivid dream, if you don't know this is 

A thing that exists you could get fucked. You could like, reveal new company secrets. You can reveal military Secrets. I mean, that's why, you know, because this this, this discipline actually exists a real fucking thing. I couldn't fucking believe it when these motherfuckers other things, and I'm sorry motherfuckers, but when these guys were telling me like, bro, they're the debriefing your sleep, 

You know, look into this, look at this. Look at the this and but, yeah, it's crazy. Let me just offshoot a little bit, you know? I when, you know, we were freaking out that a couple of those At this want that there I think there was like this Senator a congressman who was dating. Some Chinese girl are sleeping with her and she was a known Chinese asset is because things like that exists. So like I say they're they're getting down, you know I'm saying. And then like He? This done and then he fuckin crash it. The fuck out. Like this chick will literally learn. Let in, you know, some some of her other friends, they'll come in. They'll deep brief that motherfucker while he's crashed, fuck out. If he lets her in the house maybe they don't have like a romantic encounter me. He's liable to because this discipline actually exists in. You can debrief someone in their sleep and yes it takes a while but they will. Don't fucking know where to look. Then all the people to start to pressure them, know whose computer, then you probably start hacking into. Maybe somebody you you knew was an actual spy or what have you start reading names. This shit, all happens in your sleep and this was happening to me because these contractors or Aunt or probably unloyal to our area. Military people were fucking with me and tell people. We got there in time. Till either private contractor tour, actual until they didn't, they didn't believe the steam. They believe that I just fucking came across something because things like like I said, because they know the ropes. They know things are conclusive. Ambushing exists. I know things like, you know, you can the nickname form is a robot and the intelligence world, but that whole color and pavlovian associative trigger programming, the shit that they put me through. They know that exists and so then it can be used as a shorthand to communicate things and so they in believe, you know, that's what happened. They thought that maybe I was working with somebody or have you. They thought I was probably a third thought I was trying to be the equivalent of an industry plant, you know, maybe using a story whatever to get into something to get into an industry or what have you like there are lots of different theories being thrown around and this only got likes it. Only got rent of what and why, and why? Doing. So, because of these just fucking Angels, man. I just can't his Guardian Angels, man. I just can't, I mean, when they finally left, maybe I really felt it, you know? 

But while they were here before she got way too hot for any of them I want to tell you. Like for them to be able to help me walk me through. This is just unimaginable, but yeah. So they will debrief you and your fucking sleep. This is something that The Apparently suggested for quite a long time, but corporate Espionage. People will use this, they will, you know, if you ever, if you are somebody who works in intelligence and stays in quite a few hotels, around have you. It's something you need to be aware of I guess if you work in a military intelligence just as military duty prawn, you to be aware of this, I want to lock down your house if you fucking house. You know, or if you have some intellectual property, maybe you're an adventurer, maybe you're a developer, what have you from what I'm understanding? And when I started going on these dark web forums to kind of look this shit up, I mean, the people know corporations will go so far as to do this, two opposing company's Engineers, believe or not to know what they're working on or what have you So, I mean, This doesn't happen to every tier of people. This is probably a higher tier, if you are wondering what the different tiers are, please check out our video series. I think I explained like the second or third video. So here's tears, the program's, there's just the gangs people just subjected to gang stocking, which believe or not. We tied, as the comet approaches to point out. Gang stalking podcast, only because gang stalking is a feature in Contact Pro 2.0, but it's also a practice of like moderate also like a reiteration of modern day lynching which it 1000% is And cops and stuff like that law enforcement, get trained in these techniques. I just can't believe they get training techniques supposedly because the whole terrorism thing that Neil fucking because W sign that bill into the Patriot Act. And then, you know, all these police, these police agency striking, these giant budgets, Etc. And then, you know, I'm saying, more of that training became more widespread after. I mean, I'm eating it existed before. Right. It became a more standardized practice for the threat of terrorism, I think, you know, but I can imagine the skill set for the gang stocking stuff. Just like with our tear with our anti-terror program with a Patriot Act. And then to say up, everyone's ass and Homeland Security existing. Now we catch less terrorist. Let me just end up. Terrifying people. Right. Aaron this shit, it's crazy, the skill set. But yeah, I talk about gang stalking because it's a feature in the Contour program. Lots of people who this podcast the really interested in that because it seemed like fucking magic shit they do. And it's really not, you can train a bunch of monkeys to do it. The other thing is the people who do it like on a rural county level to, harass, Other people in the community or whatever or try to run people out of town, like they're also Dem monkeys. Like they were real cops who recruit people for this. If they're not already part of like infragard or that program for Homeland Security. There's even local just local groups of people who work with local police may think that they're like that deciders. They get the feed. They, if they don't like these assholes, they, that they don't like somebody in town. They'll also employ these tactics, it doesn't have to necessarily be in conjunction with the fucking You know, my security or FBI Stanford guard, sometimes, please stay out a agencies. Are taught these skill sets for you know, anti-terror and then they end up using them on local people. They want to run out of town. Let's say a local judge, you know, so runs a series, you know, a certain kind of business like it. You have no idea. The dumb reasons. These these these skill sets have been turned on local people. It's basically the modern iteration of lynching. It just has more psychological Terror science behind it leave or not. But like let's say a fucking judge has a fee on. His family has a small business and there's some a competitor in town or whatever you have no idea. They'll run that guy out of fucking town, you know, if you know or like let's say you piss off, you know? Sheriff or whatever or maybe the mayor doesn't like you, they will also employ these tags to get the fuck out of town. It's silly how they abused the shit out of it and because of the methodologies involved, where you would literally have to be wearing cameras all the time, that wear body cameras and also understand the methodology being used on you. As well as the fact that they do a shit ton of research using their Authority and their friends and connections. To make sure you're not like a journalist or what have you, they make sure they research their prey, but it's crazy how this program is abused. But we are we do talk about gang, stalking quite a bit because that's the more widespread because it's an abused program of this. But these this gets into more darker calling to approach it with this debriefing you and your fucking dreams. They can also if you don't Understand. They can also by using this method of sustained, like and that's the ties people in their sleep. They can also like, try to keep you like a recurring scary dream. So let's say it's not necessarily debriefing you but they can and and still like the same kind of pavlovian conditioning, you can experience maybe in real life. They can do this through continuous series of dreams and gaslighting you while you're awake and it like they work together in tandem like peanut butter, jelly when you're asleep and you're awake, whatever and they'll start to have these recurring dreams, Etc. 

About a certain situation you're in about, you know, a person about we should do with your company, whatever. And then, since they are walking you through these scary dreams, they will also in tandem have a Krug, a sighting, while you're awake to reinforce things. Because how many times do you have a dream? And then almost like an hour? They don't like five minutes. So you totally forget what the dream was about. So they will keep 

1:56 PM
And over again, too. 

Almost condition in this idea, maybe you should look into her, maybe I should think about it. You'll think something spiritual is going on or the universe. Trying to tell you something and in reality, it's just, he's fucking asshole, security contractors doing fucked up shit to you. But that's something you should be aware of. I think every politician, I think somebody who is in any kind of business where you're getting over, you know a couple of mil anything you know, has to do with cyber security. If you work for a big company working on a giant projects, I think these are all things I think sir. I mean aside from the terrifying thing, they did to me where they're trying to debrief me and trying to get to the bottom of the story on this shit. I mean if you have money, you know if if there's a thing I'm saying you have money, I mean if you have money in a safe and you know, millions of dollars, whatever you probably won't think about protecting your home. Will you fucking sleep like these? My friends will come in. They will try to figure out how to get into the safe for what have you mean? These guys? Like I said, they're legal criminals, they run jobs when they're when they don't have contracts. And they kind of still are protected under the umbrella of well we need to use them when we need to use them. So if they get caught up you know just make it so they can get away with it. Easier by having these boots the security contractors, she's 580 they run jobs. They run heists and shit like that. So you know they can also be doing that to you know, just Jack you if you were Rich enough but if you have information but they want that's one of the ways that they will Attract it from you. 

And in San Diego, since we have the cartel here. Believe it or not. The cartels are almost act acting as some sort of third party security contractors by contractors, baby. 

Heads up. 

Anyways. Yeah, I think the alarm light on this podcast thing. Tell me. I need to let me do my hours. Almost up the first hour. I like to go to an hour, but yeah, so even these cartel, dudes, they're running. These jobs so I mean and that's just seared San Diego. That's the military industrial culture here in San Diego, but it's a possibility at least, if you're in California or something like that, you have a high presence and high military presence for some reason, it's pretty obvious. There's some crazy fucking Synergy going on. But yeah, that's some you should think about that. It's possible that can happen to you. Let's say, even if you're suspected of helping somebody 

Helping somebody out, you know, and maybe you're not like an important spy personal hobby. Maybe you're in the entertainment industry. Maybe you're the news industry or have you and you're trying to help somebody else leak something or have you and they start suspecting. You like motherfuckers will do this to you to know what, you know, and specifically these bushes Friends of the Bush and Cheney who are contracted do this shit to me. We'll definitely fucking go after shit. These I want to say, you know, the culture of these people is, you know, it doesn't matter if you are an actual threat. I don't even want you to have the chance to swing on me, kind of think. So, they're very aggressive, at least from what I'm understand, what I'm experienced. I mean, Yeah, they absolutely will come for you. So you know if you're in that space or if you're in the space where you're getting involved in the military industrial complex or maybe you're touching base with people who might be working intelligence or maybe you work in entertainment or banking or software or whatever. It is understand if you get suspected and you start having gnarly dreams maybe think about that. Maybe think about you know what happens if I secure the fuck out of my room. Do I stop having these fucking dreams? Which is what I had to do. I mean, I've got double padlocks and my doors. I got a great over my fucking window screwed into the freaking into the 

Into the frame of the outside, part of the window. Just because they kept breaking into my fucking room so much so that they broke the glass on my window. I got a, I got a bar over my door. He said her, but, you know, I don't even know what I don't have. I'll have these crazy lucid dreams anymore. And that's not, that's not how I'm calibrating. This only be, you know. Oh that must have been this Theory. I had unfortunately fortunate for me that was walk through what was actually happening to me, but keep in mind, this is a methodology that can be used on you. It's really effective and you know, you could end up fucking yourself. So know if you are higher end up on the food chain for these kinds of things, might just stay vigilant because it's crazy the skills out there, you would never thought it would have just been less, they happen to you. There's kind of a joke at least people will get contracted to do NSA stuff, either whether they're in a safe filled contractors or NSA, internet contractors because a lot of people think, Say just has to do with the internet but basically they're like the domestic CIA so there's field Ops. There's I'm saying they're still operatives Etc, but there's a joke from what I understood because their talent though. A way that these guys were trying to help me, they're trying to tell me, hey, clean up your credit will see if we couldn't get you, you know, try to get you in so that would least protect you. Unfortunately, these guys keep contractor. Fuck with me. Kept throwing all these speed bumps in my And my way they are telling me like, if I got in, there's a joke and I say, actually stands for never say anything, because they do come down hard on people for their big stuff out. So, that's probably why you probably haven't heard of a lot of these things is because they, you know, they, they try to keep really tight-lipped, they try to keep it tight ship, so hopefully you learned a lot. And if you're in politics or in business, 

Every thinks you think it is, you might need the skill set, just know, this is a way, this is a method that they can use to debrief you and maybe should protect yourself. Thanks for listening and I'll tell you this. 

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