San Diego is maybe a city you think the least about in terms of national importance, but the Southern California metropolis is home to the largest concentration of military personnel in the nation.
Just as Detroit is the center of the Auto Industry, Los Angeles is the center of the entertainment industry, San Diego is the center of Military Operations put into action.
Yes,policy and business contracts for the Military Industrial Complex happens at the Pentagon. A lot of those handshakes make waves all the way to the other side of the country in San Diego, Ca.
San Diego is practically Silicon Valley for the Medical Tech Industry, it’s home to one of the largest U.S. native mobile communications company, Qualcomm, with major base of operations for the flowing major military contractors:
- Lockheed Martin
- BAE Systems
- General Atomics
- UTC Aerospace Systems
- Ratheon
- ViaSat
- Cubic
- General Dynamics
- Northrop Grumman
- L-3 Communications
The SoCal destination also has the countries optimal climate for year round military and field intel testing and training. Thats also why it’s home to THREE Military Bases, that share a border with the world’s busiest border, trafficking a majority share of the world’s narcotics.
Lots of what makes the nation and even the world go round militarily, has a seed starting in San Diego.
What happened in 2015 - 2016 while the rest of the world was destracted by the circus that was the Presidential Election is closer to a silent coup than a military operation.
Steven Beckmann was just a local who was made aware of the military cleaning house of personnel they felt had “Snowden like tendencies”. His contacts where people he shared a beer with with and even enjoyed concerts with. They never spoke too much about work, just made it general. Saying as much as “I work in tech” or “I just sit around and do science all day.”
Later these acquaintances made him aware of this war crime like conduct while the world was too destracted by who was going to be prom king of the world. He later became the target for same kind of abuse those in military and Government capacities were subject to for refusing to stay quiet.
He was most likely informed of this silent purge because he wasn’t bound by any military contract or gag orders, and known by locals who he was unaware had positions within military or private companies who operated in a workforce that requires security clearance for employment.
Before most of these locals left to escape what was to come, they gave him a heads up, and a “language” for the abuse. Telling him “how to think” about what he was going to face.
What was to come was the Government was contracting out the abuse and “scarring” out if town of workers with clearance or military service people whom the new incoming administration saw as liabilities.
It wasn’t only contractors, the contractors also subbed out the abuse of these Americans to the dominant drug cartels of the region. The reason being is cartels have a “no snitching” culture that most know will get you and your entire family killed, and the labor was cheaper.
This abuse included, radiation exposure, drugging, character assassination, theft, extortion, repeated low ransom kidnapping, domestic abuse burglary (break ins that resulted in assault/rape) meant to scare residents to leave town ASAP.
After these “angels” left to escape the fate Steven would later face, he was confronted with abuse and character assassination he never knew the Government was capable of.
After numerous trips to Los Angeles press and news outlets (after he was stonewalled at local San Diego outlets) to drop off notes and an explanation of the under the radar abuse with outlets like CNN, BuzzFeed News, and the Los Angeles Times, he received zero follow up, or even ridiculed/harassed while waiting to speak with reporters in the waiting room.
After taking multiple 2 and a half hour trips to L.A. that had cars trying intimidate him on the road, exposing him to a slimmed down active denial system in a large work van that pulled along side of him while on the road, and multiple harassers in the parking lot where he parked just to get to these outlets.
Beckmann faced trying to talk to reporters who acted as if from the start he was reporting a fallacy, or refused to work with him all together just to tell them his account. One media outlet stood out to him from the get go, BuzzFeed.
After making multiple trips to the city that severely affected his health, he left notes at BuzzFeed. On his way out, a person wearing a t-shirt with the media outlets logo on it, asked him “do you feel better now?” As if to imply I have tried so many times, was I going to shut up now that someone took my info?
Steven Beckmann never heard anything from the news outlets regardless of how many times he went to tell his story only to be stonewalled or treated as if his account wasn’t important.
Upon some research he was made aware of a practice called “catch and kill” ( and was very surprised to hear about how since the 60’s and 70’s U.S. Intelligence was very engrained in the news media ( )
It became the obvious understanding that news outlets were told ahead of time about the plan for the San Diego purge.
Upon more inquiry, he learned this was planned as far back as 2008, and slowly the key players in infiltration and operation started to move into town to prepare for this “take over” of sorts. This was done over time like this not to startle the residents.
Because of his railroading and stonewalling he started the Mesh News Project ( no outlets would let him speak. He does not profess to be a reporter or newsman. He simply wants to create an outlet to educate others of this abuse that happened, and to educate others to avoid this same kind of tragedy.
How Steven saw things go down, it was a recipe that made his town fall into the hands of Government sponsored overtake, not random violence and targeting. That means this is a planned out method of a city takeover. It could happen, and could be happening right now in other parts of the U.S.
The issue he is facing now is that the people who were responsible for the abuse in San Diego are now reaching out to media outlets to feign being the victims, and not the abusers. Some of these people have a connection to Steven Beckmann himself. Using his account as their own, or cherry picking his experience to legitimize themselves as the victims.
He fears the abusers will try to control the narrative, or downplay the events all together.
History is written by the winners, a fate Steven hopes to save the native San Diegans who were the actual victims.