📢 // Debrief - McCarthy & Jan 6th Committee

🧠 // Whats the actual reason won't Kevin McCarthy @GOPLeader work with the January 6th Committee

Kevin McCarthy says he will not volunteer to work with January 6th committee

His initial reason is the committee is not conducting a legitimate investigation

McCarthy says it's main purpose is to damage opposing political party

Other congressman say McCarthy has information that speaks to the facts

A lot of these facts have to do with days leading up to January 6th

Jim Jordan and Scott Perry have also refused the committees requests

McCarthy claims he's not willing to cooperate after Pelosi rejected his committee nominations

He says he doesn't feel the minority party is getting fair representation on the committee

The committee says they want him to talk about phone calls to Trump before, during and after the riots

The committee has now demanded information from big tech to put the pieces of pre Jan 6th planning

McCarthy says the committee is illegitimate, and is "pure politics"

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