Cointelpro 2.0 Podcast // Undeniable-Deniability


Undeniable Deniability:

Your First Step on Your Way Back

Cointelpro 2.0 and the skillset of Gangstalking that came from the program is rife with crimes and abuses that happen and are done with such planning and blank checks from (usually) government/civic employees, that there is also no accountability. It often make targets of this abuse with not knowing where to start, or hard to prove this abuse is happening to them or loved ones.

In this podcast we go over building your case to show not only are your claims of abuse valid, but there is a documented pattern of this type of behavior from mainstream sources to help build your case.

Below is a link to the resources listed in the podcast that will help you make your first step to normally

We recommend in conjunction with these resources, you find and get a civil rights attorney

A civil rights attorney is recommended, because 99% of the time, these abuses could not reach the point of Gangstalking without the assistance of corrupt law enforcement giving the abusers a blank check with no consequences. The fact law enforcement approves of their actions only further emboldens the abusers, perpetuating the harrassment, eventually turning it into a modern day lynching, with rumor mills driving actions, not facts, or due process.

Civil Rights Attorneys can be found at:

======Podcast Resource Links======

(☝️Formatting hiccups, please scroll to all the way to bottom of page for all resources)

// Documented News Cases of Organized Harassment

// NSA & Internet Monitors Abusing Their Authority

// Use of Radiation Weapons on Americans with Criminal Intention

// Radioactive Material Procurement for Use in Crimes

Open Secret Networks, Thinking Their "Cause" is Above the Law


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