Programing a GangStalking Target


Programming a GangStalking Target // Becoming a Rosetta Stone

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This is the Cointelpro 2.0 podcast I'm Steven Beckmann Head of the mesh news project and open head to be important that CNN, chief executive, my belly of a mesh news product contact. Not final broadcast video series website. Is not shoot. As soon as project is the pathologic, that's how I created this podcast series. Under spots to explain in detail, the spaceship you want to say my car. Trying to re-engineer spaceship here, the whole situation to have for me. I got a few tips from Sam military-industrial people here in San Diego. All's going through it, there is a much bigger situation going on here. That Let me say, people gave me as they were retreating from the city themselves around 2015, 16 17, It's going to working matter and just like in physics, how we have been working our physics and then we do experiments to prove it extent, existence or find other evidence to support, you know, our ideas. That's its reason why we call our working model is that I was given kind of a working model of You know what was going on with me and kind of the places to look. All right? To do the research that, you know, they would least kind of kind of gave me a better way of looking at what the fuck was that. And that's why we came up with the message powder because I went to the Press In San Diego and Los Angeles and I will stay mad and everything really? Let me infected building like the nerves coming. 

I need your purse after this. Ross Angeles and San Diego. So, Yeah, I kind of miss news project and then I started researching more and more about there's grin and I found things that can Community then last piece of information like that. In person from somebody was basically members Brands. Basically, this is the second generation of the contact of the room and I but disciplines that are developed in the original Grant. Affected Ram through these things happen to me so that I'll just climb those called clamp, that Graduate Center of C2 or whatever. Those are my words 

The current I put to pronounce is kind of hard to explain. To me, there is kind of hurricane. I put this whole shebang man website, then your serums the podcast because people don't understand why I was trying so hard to get some information out. And once you realize that the media is owned by the government. If it rained heavily and science bananas, I read a total success against bananas but then like, you really get the rent that I have a medium Works. Sarah How to make the Mystery Spot to got to create my own craft room? So yeah. Anyways, so I have been apologized today, we're going to be talking about Building a language on a Target. Now if that would round to that, forgot my plugs check out our video series of videos with an s videos that come on typewriter the number You got a podcast series that podcasts that concept of the number two and then cos pi times the as well as our website guide which needs to be updated because that's the fire. I remember when I was on the road think about Turner have to build a website, a family running away from expecting contractors. Moving from from hotel to hotel. Had said to town to 10 friends, the heavens. This And Lisa. 

This time he would be when I was fleeing to another place on the train or have you are just doing the first the text trying to write these chapters, different things that are happening, man. I'm saying some people give me tips along the way. 

So know that babies me draw down particular website still. So now I've great stuff. We're going to be reconnecting it you soon. But check it out of contact for ever number 2 and 0 seats badass here at that. And then I just want to say, please understand that. I'm still going through the second program. These guys love to fuck with my sleep parachute that millimeter a she lets you inside your house being in your room or have you keep you up all night? You got there, either. If you go through other podcasts like that, getting a creeper. 

Also driving things like stupid to just keep you busy. Because if you're busy, if you're in, if you're either in pain or you can't go to sleep or you can do anything, have you the keeping busy from reaching out to people who might listen and project your story? They're keeping you from exposing this stuff to understand. So the greens keep busy I'm say since around 2017. No, no 2013. The ship has been going on if the radiation and everything else. So think about building our lose platform building, you know, all these things rather than going under. Everything's I've been describing you guys having to ignore them, like, you have no idea the GameStop things that happened to them, laughs. Last night that luminous, I run out, and there was only like, four or five people follow me around. 

The Blackbird watch the things that I buy excetera and these are just hum and then Vigilantes that will tear them back to fetch a minister. I'm a fugitive on the run or whatever that you get an empty suburbanite if it rejects the get obsessed with these things because like the raft isn't there. Something more than enough money, for a project. For our next batch 7. The gimmick. Classifying these losers and stuff like that time, time to keep an eye on you and that's really lame. 

Everyone, and I'm sorry. Just Sorry I've been playing fast today. You guys, even if you relax me on video, you wouldn't even see because the stuff uses electromagnetic spectrum and the shit. You know getting hit with Grandma are getting hit with no me Rose can see this shit. So you know if you were watching me the fucking camera you would realize that I'm in like the gnarliest pain. Just trying to like go somewhere to my fucking head man. Just got no clue. And then, It's really they do this to keep your app they defected to sleep schedule and just start minutes. That's the first I think it's important to keep going just like so many podcasts of down here. I might sound like I'm drunk or drugged or I can't stay on topic because you know the roots let me something that really yeah harms my no temporary cognition or something. Let solution the positive we are taking pieces of shit. A method. That's I got to keep typing. I can keep looking dishing out this information. Well, I know I certainly am going to scoot nose with the ramp term effects of the shit. He is going to be. So today we're going to be talking about creating a language. Now, I would say prerequisite I would say prerequisite to this podcast with me. The guinea pig podcast the guinea pig stage Because, Essentially, when you start to enter the guinea pig stage these metal fibers, these these contractors that are contracted, you the ship to you. They were. 

Pepper and you'll be so buse, right? So that I'm never going to believe. If you go and make that these crazy statements, I might not believe you sometimes a cop's just start drawing because I can't get you putting on that note house better. 

So you can isolate it and I'm so glad that saying that your isolate them and said inspecting cops are not helping you. The feds are not happy. You I know I've been to Beth and I didn't build a fence Friday. I started at the police and went to the Sheriff's Department, then I had to the feds. So anyways, 

So now I say you're the guinea pig stage, they're doing watch crazy shit to you the answer and I guess you call them the game Stoppers the bill. Basically there are nice talking sometimes I want to communicate to you, but they understand everyone has a camera phone now. So what has been devised over since the beginning? Part of the Millennium is a way to communicate to subjects of this abuse and So they could communicate something to you and it seems like it's a normal language. But it has a Devil Trigger meaning like a diaper entendre. Yeah. But you see if you say I'm going to cut the cheese. Now you can be cutting our bracket of the let's just tell him cheese and whatever you could be ripping a fat one, you know, Sam I got outside a Harley. So there's prime example of about to get it to where I can surrender thing, but I can also say two things at once were saying just one thing. Sir. So this is to develop a language between you and your users that they can communicate things to you in broad daylight especially since you're super scared. And you realize that you don't enforcement is not happy. I don't know if this is Privy to just San Diego but I understand you Rose the largest community of military and Military contract personnel and the entire country believe or not. So there's PE might think that DC has like that DC has like CIA headquarters right down the street and there's the Pentagon or that's clear, but San Diego's the is where the military lips Sam, because year-round at the rather is amazing. So you can train people year. 

Do shit, perhaps their benches, they have that typical and that their own that they can detest bombing and sherek that sir, there's a huge military Community here and they all have these techniques or at least people in the intelligence Community answer. I don't know if the CD trial of their other people are under this bed. It's definitely something. I remember stood. And been explained to me that here the thyroid do it. So noisy, basically, we You're going to communicate something to somebody you like to get their attention first and foremost. So after persons come I said and Sicily on the big stage like in the big Stones podcast. You at? 

Depending on if, you know, if these things are used for not or they like you, or they don't like you or whatever, they will start to use things like radiation and millimeter waves, Etc, and they will beam these things that you and create associations, your associate this sense. Pain is one of the most universal things I think. I Even ground with us and the red squatting red is red, Squatty Potty in 1753. Listen this podcast, you're a 30 minutes and then your entire listen to me. If I can remember their list to the red squatting and the in big stage podcast first before listen to this assignments more sense. And I think now that I've said that I'm going to move forward so you know how in the in the Red Square adding podcast, I go into high, associations are mate. 

8:45 AM

How? No color almost like a Montessori School. They're the good things up. The bill associations are have you and They were maybe say something to you and show you the color red, right? In the person will be covering the color red rather come out some new connections happen to you. But then you're there to have maybe like now the new smaller compact little bit around stuff, shoot you and I back. But uh Snipers, mirroring red, and then the keep repeating this thing to you, it's, I will start to build associations with red hair, red will just be meaning bad. So every time you see the kind of red, that's bad, so now, you can high alert for the camera, please curve, listen to the rebs grabbing parking. Lots of the suit does not make sense to you, because I feel like I earned an hour here, try to keep these two entire. I don't want to throw them out of material. So we have a vagina, I know, 

So these podcasts, he's going to come in a little Park acid sometimes prerequisites. Soon, as so now I go and say hi to learn about with red squatting. So with red spread with the with the red Squad and execute the color red kind of embedded into you. Then we have two other cars right? Yellow yellow like a Base education system. So the primary colors all have a meaning to them than they do, the server's name of use them. And they still acceptable if your associations just like that is red squatting podcast illustrates that. The good kind of read the do with brown black white and every color has two sides. So red could mean good like red could mean bad but as I read to mean sexual. So it's like two sides of the animal. Yellow could mean information or than yellow could mean Danger Man. Sprite it mean. They're Patek sermon blue could mean like you need to protect. Someone gives a mic. There's two sides of the coin back. Could mean, you know, my back the systems are Baptists. Every kind of black and being like this information coming from every Color spectrum, right? So we've tried everything every color black mean like may your major danger death, right? So we will never have this basic kind of sensors. So they start to build a colorful fan in the carnivore so they were me. Now, everyone in town is usually turned, you know, you're a bad person, you know, for me the second later me, like a pedophile. The load of me a rapist. They said that I was stealing money from my business associates. Answer me French are no, have all the freaking Karen's, I have all the Karen's after man I have ever parents after my god, look what business owners after me. I got I was a racist and a bigot, sir that I had a gbt 

Like everyone's giving a reason why they're fucking with you. And then their term and hey, we did this fucked up thinking because and he's a bigger, right? Yeah. You know, a bigot where we did the thing of this bigger. It's hilarious but teaching him a lesson. Do the same to the bigot. Hey, you know that guy? Yeah, he's a pedophile, right? And we're doing something to this gyro teaching him a lesson, do the same to the pedophile. You know, that guy that he's a rapist, do the same to the rapist for teaching them that. So everyone has a reason why they're doing it and since cop Homeland Security, or whoever is getting the shit out of him go. 

Look around this table is Cecilia. We're teaching him. Not him, not to steal, steal other people's money forever. So we're gonna need your favorite comes by your restaurant. Just put a little this in his food we're teaching him a lesson. So like and then also you can repeat these things like Ranch. That's what we did to him. If you put, you know, put the color orange next to a kid. It's so he won't be. So he meant rape little kids anymore. Like, nothing should I did not know what the fuck was going on? I just had his people. Doing it. Hey, if you don't wear the color yellow around him, the think you're about to hit him with some. I think you're you got information and you can go given that I'm saying this all sounds dumb, but you do understand. He, the see happens in a vacuum. Everyone, it's easy to get a mob going, believe it or not, slick up the third wave experiment. 

Certainly, the first is, Better every single color has an association and since we're on high alert because you're either constant making you a painter cocks of shooting should actually you know it'll get pretty gnarly. Now if you don't, if you stop paying attention, they will then reinforce it by, you know, you eat a red thing that you have a red like, feed something with the red rapper like to eat a Coke or take care of their racing, the poisoning, if the relationship isn't working, You realize how these just dicks for theis fucking poor shooting at me. Never mind the poisons. Whatever. The the red is important, as you do not deviate, you must you fucking Master Bay. So, if RAM memory, if paint red, run my penis. Oh, she's doesn't rather do poisoning. But your brains out or whatever, but they're going to embed these color associations. So now they can be out in public and just their red shirt. Knowing you need to get the fuck out of here. You're in the ER I'm saying like 

We're going to sift through that. Pain is coming that the called orange, orange. Usually means, shut up. Say something. Remember ever saying like sides of the coin on. Just one thing is your oranges shut up and shut up like meeting stop talking for the other side of oranges. We have some information that we have, this is something we talked about it, if this is the important stuff. So whenever we have the color orange and mean somebody has a message for you enter and they can change these associations as you are but they still think they base the every kind of has a meaning and that surmount somebody in public can be talking. You using diapers feet to second thing. I cutting the cheese or whatever. 

About something but then you understand that they're talking about something and ever speak. So they can come to you and start having mic conversation with you or service, simple conversation with you using. And since it's, the information is mixed with the color, right? So, the brother wearing a blue shirt, but they're wearing, you know, red shirt or whatever, you'll know that the information that they're giving you can either Prime you with This is information that's important because it's going to harm you. This is information that's important because of the protect you wherever they pair up. So so, you know, it can seem like a mundane conversation has an association. So then you'll know how to interpret the information, how to correctly translate. So something I could see my girl simple conversation, can we translate something else? Let me know. We back that up even more the answer Prime you to let you know that there's someone who understands that the styrofoam to communicate to you. So like I said, so the prime, you know how you talk to your left so you start your glue, you say, hey Google and then Google search to listen to you, right? And there's a needs to pay attention to me, let the Clutter right phrase, they will give targets of this abuse. Wake phrases. Even my thinking just like that. Sir. The make threes could be great day that we're having, right? And that seems like a simple thing that you'll start to get the same phrase for Pikachu over never and Peridot persimmon wearing like, ever. I'm out of this colors. And so there's a great great day that were having. And then you'll never get a running. Start paying attention now. I see the person who's buying Skyler And the sector, they abused the shit out of you. So now you have to pay attention. I'm saying like you don't you don't get it. Send it was a fucking vacuum, bro. So you have to pay attention when they say these things you get Abuse Act because they're beat the rate for a reason to you, sir, and they say this facing me from the perfect everything. I really hate you with that shit. You don't know where it is that we could be and I can hide it in my fucking purse or whatever, whatever the shit that they're shooting at you like the pain. Nor any shit. It's looking a bit like training back. Just like this and clickers that. You get to train people in Iran. Click for train, your dad who doesn't right? The same at pets, aren't you the same thing? But your revered is not getting the shit. This stuff shot at you. This pain Ray kind of stuff are not getting your food poisoned or whatever. We're not getting radiation poisoning. That's it. So, that'll happen. And then from there, then also teach you how to interpret certain information 

So, now there's Great phrase, but heard of the coloring, then the teach you about subtext meaning when I was saying, two different meanings, like Deborah and tablets. So that teach you that they will start to talk to you. That there be an underlying meaning you have to pretend particularly to your situation and your being tasked with doing, I read out of you. So yeah. Sorry as I've talked about this man have a really hard time. Just just just remembering step fucking like 18 months of just going through pain and shit and having like, them tried to bake this into my fucking brain, like a trained seal. And I screws, and yeah for about 18 months. Now, the big decision to and then they'll teach you, okay? Now, you need learn about subtext, which is saying two things at once. Then you learn how to start a pocket opposites. So you need to learn how to make it and, and make the thing that you're talking about. Seem normal because you also get punished for not making the converse making the conversation too obvious. 

So you don't teach how to talk in opposites that he got excitements. Meaning, if I say that house across the street, I really mean that has crossed the street ran over and over to the left and to the right. That depends on whoever is rather like the code, the bacon to you, leave or not. So the teacher Tick-Tock sideways, backwards, and sideways ready, yada yada and 

8:56 AM

I don't make sure the program is into somebody for about 18 months and the basics. No colors mean this, you need to know how to do this everywhere. You get punished. This is the feds are fucking with you. The cops are told their hands off you. There be, you know, the cops being clear that your Terror suspect or whatever. The Destroyer reputation in town, right? So now you're isolated dumpster. The Shady reputation member has talked about her go down the fucking pyramid, the mass has pyramid until you get to the very bottom. If you look at the bottom of mass this pyramid, please look it up in your family. Listen to my nasally ask Bruce, 

At the bottom where it says just like food water sleep, like that's a true get to went. Well that's all you. You're weird about getting because they're poison your food. There have people creeping in your house there. Use that sleeping gas shit. You stash it in tenant. That's real fucking really dude. That's difference. Not just gas sometimes of do the thing carbon dioxide I was I was told it's that's the message. This radiation shit. I don't know if there's like a particular wavelength they can shoot that. I remember having like being in my house and then getting these crazy headaches but then also have to sort of feel like warm. It's like that. And then passing out for a couple hours out of there is this electromagnetic shit. There's like a certain frequency that stimulate something in your brain. In fact knows that. But this is not a given food that I digress. Sorry. I haven't been around these associations and to You. So eventually now you can go around town or end event and and eventually you'll be going around town having conversations rather than Stephen crane saying this like phrase. It really lovely day that we're having a little every day are having everybody. So the fake the shit into you, and They use the select drive you around, make you do certain things and um, saying like you can start to grow in certain parts of town and that there are these town. He's like I said, the tire, I know, he's a bad guy, he's looking at we're doing the same to him. If you do this thing to, and it keeps the bad person or evening, everybody every demographic gets fairly different story, right? It's justified in, okay, to abuse. You and cops, Tara peopleís, fucking members of the community, with the content people. That's like, 

Members of the community like members and feather and adverbs can be like Homeland Security excetera. If sometimes the you get our military kind of Pentagon contractors private contractor, General companies, basically the company who will buy homeland security badges and survived a clear opportunity to be cops if the the contractor to do should you? So everyone this is after they smear your name. So and everyone will reinforce us eventually. Yeah, people in the town become Vigilant. Now they think that it's their duty to do these things to you because you're the bad man and for the reefer certain things and So eventually that the fucking Dyke I can use this to essentially put you in like a box. I can't do this because they're going to do this thing. They'll communicate using colors. Like I said, with the red squatting, the using different associative language. And then sooner or later they'll teach you that at they'll teach you attribution which is the use a Distributive story elements Earth Summit has a stir about all right Andrea has a giant tail. So if they said you know that's a rave saying. Look at that person who's telling the books whose to tears, big rise, we're watching the other day meeting like we're watching the sky who rise. Yeah, that little beater will be taught birds and using the same abuse methods because if you get it wrong or translate the information wrong, your later had a consequence ever even have a consequence there. You just don't know her. Then the 2nd sapper is 

Someone consider that there an arborist. 

Not Arbor spell who were those people who are involved in the tree cutting II, think that the Google what do you can someone who cuts down trees On the website. They say people who could down trees go by various names. But the most frightening they go by zarbor's. They had burst and Ray Cyrus, I think we will shut up, shut up, shut up. So you have the salmon arborist, meaning like these people are, you know, they're going to be there. They killer having ization sir. I have you like you learn all these little keywords and the usually better that these records, these Deborah and Tundras in your vocabulary without you even noticing that they're doing it. Are you nervous that you're getting abused and you have to get these terms right? You're getting abused because you have to get these colors, right? You're getting confused because you need to know how to prime the conversation before you, you know I'm saying? And you say the the right phrase, 

Every day were having a did you say sorry giving me double entendre information. And then why are you delivering the information you have to make sure that you were buying the right color so they can translate the information we're having. This is what I resent. This is what they do to people. Like I've been in the program for a ride. They're planning on setting this person's life at the thing of chewing them up and using them. So rather doing guinea pig shit on you, your answer like this. Courier I know spread information that I'm going to say See this from 18 months to 3 years where they were programmed, these associations, it's you Stand down. Some of them will be attributive and hardly program these associations and to is usually attached to a stirring, and let me get a remember. Now let's say you hear it there and say, hey I just got that. I just got to start her on a boob job. This is a great one so that's a 400. I don't drag my on the 400 a boot drivers, you let your perfume get you pregnant and then your boobs and your back gets bigger in the Trimester because your body is is hanging out, Justin getting ready for a baby and then you approve the baby at the first trimester, but you still have rather reverbs and getting bigger boobs, and a bigger bed. That's a fair her a boob job. Jim stansel. Boobs got bigger because the head and version. So now you have this phrase needs you know is that seems harmless or have you that now? It has a different meaning so you can. And nowhere is since, and she's getting at the Jackson Fire about, so that persons not Universal fruit for events. Like that's a little that's Burger. But now, you understand their blood, let's call the Mind temper, over the teres story, and the stirrer have the anchor and ticker of this particular brand different roles. So you have so many different associations and Lead back to this firm. Pay off this term makes sense and their Buddhist to the program. So many different roads into this library that using a my temper, but the no also, make sure at the end of the story, you somehow get shot with this new leader, a shit. Maybe they'll give you radiation sickness if they want you to really remember. Or they've told you lots of different times and your, and it's not sticky. So they'll do this to you will have the Survivor of birds, Etc, tablet that in your brain. 

And while they're doing this to the Target, the won't tell them why they're doing it. All you nosy need to learn stuff. Now, the payoff comes after the build this giant library of retransmitting information, You know, in two ways and sometimes three ways. If they think that you're a smart person, even though they're doing this abused youth, you have the capacity. I've seen like a polyglot, the teach you how to decipher things and mean, three things. I'm saying, like, Cutting cheese. We say yeah, we gotta get me a, I gotta go home and, you know, saying I cut the cheese, I cut the cheese to mean, you got a fair, you got to actually cut the cheese and money is clap cheese and you got to divide up this money. Jim saying something that, you know, if they think you're strong enough there start to program these terms and two and three. So you can be saying one thing but really giving out three different kinds of information or events. Soon, as they do is to you about three years. 

And you received those videos where the gray if the hearing aid and she hears things for the first time. You see that amazing either friends like oh my God, I can hear you. Oh my God I can understand you. You ever you've seen those videos on YouTube, you were having of those moments. But what happens is, you know, how I'm saying, have a deep Faith. You're really everybody take your television and I'm Sam The filter your algorithm to harass you excetera. Now, they won't start doing that. And then all of a sudden things, I'm just scrolling past that you thought were just Mindless. Actually have meetings because now all these mirrors and associations and kind of priming and phrasing, Etc, all have a new meaning and then over, it's like you're looking, it's like you have a fucking Rosetta Stone in your head. So you can be looking at things, you can watching a video, you could be listening to, you know, the regular, have you and through something that seems like normal conversation is actually giving that person information, giving that person instructions, and this is not a new, it's not a new thing. In fact, it was a normal thing for 

You're too fat is to broadcast. It sounds popular and it with the Enemy heavy enemy on the enemy and the enemy side to embrace certain songs because we understood that kind of popular music and he makes it seems popular, right? Get them to play it on the radio, but in fact, the be patterns were, and like Morse code, and she like that, and so, we could broadcast information on the enemy side. They think that they're playing this popular song in a reality. 

We're actually giving out information to our people and the other enemy side. So this is a, this is an ornament tactic, but just with the Advent of technology and things like an active denier systems and ship through the program is associations and to people who are in Phantom peppermint Exodus can type a two-pointer. It's very my fact that if they had a long term person in it Ivy they're gonna fuck 

9:08 AM

Some horrible fucking shit tonight eventually. Now you become a courier for this information. You know, it's the fucking bad. It's fucking horrible. Then answer it does. Is it allows people to answer and search you, right? So, they can even capture it to you in this language and you still feel the same insult, so you'll still and, and you'll try to respond, you know, unn verse in, if you respond and start talking, Layman language to somebody, just making a number post that that's actually This kind of Dungeons and Dragons. Debra entendre shit. You can really offended, man. It's crazy. I'm getting off topic. But yeah, so the program these things. And so you could listen to the radio, which most likely is going to be defect, don't get it twisted. This is defect the videos looking for Trevor because not every content creator Works. In fact, that moment, but it's gonna look weird. If you don't fucking, they know the things that you like to watch whatever. So then they just make fake versions of those things, or they make me fake versions of those things or whatever. 

To get the instructions to you and have you and That's really fat. The app is the answer making with the answer graphs that you in this kind of second language and this is to get you to do crazy things. That seem crazy many people serve their community in the center and two hundred language, things like know after I leave the rest to have somebody who pretends to help you. Let's say we're going through this aside me so many times. The have someone around who pretends to help you and then a trip up to you in this very second. This double entendre 

I drank which they know what to it's really rude. And then they act like they're helping you met ever. And then, eventually it becomes like this, you'll, you'll develop a rapport and relationship in a person beside me quite a few times. And then they will try to tell you, hey, there's somebody in danger but their say and that they must be adding the out the the person's here at this house and you're going to need a bolster under that have you because you know something bad is happening to them whatever. 

And, That is to get a Target, usually to do things like breaking the random person's name. They try to get me to do that this. They're trying to tell them they're trying to. Let's clap. There's this man time. Where their eternity only guess that me to make me to reinforce the idea that the school, who ratted know where this not didn't have my best interest in mind, she was working a job for some reason. 

They're trying to tell me that she was being held at the Cyrus of, have you, and I need to go there. I'm gonna invest into that place. So remember, so I got the information, they use the glass to have a gathering techniques that you learned about in the previous podcast, this one to reinforce that idea. Then they put you in kind of like a like a fight or flight mode. Thinking my God, I got to get this done and get back. Do I have to do things? Like you know, have somebody sent back a fake bro, smell that seems like cryptic and it sounds like your friend. The mask of the phone number, is your single new Fender bass going to make it seem like a person from that phone. Number that person's phone number called left. You a message? The during some of the crazy things they won't say it. Exactly that the gas that you were reinforced, he had lived. I think that's a cryptic shit. 

And try to get you to do certain things like this. And they try to get me to break into this guy's hatched free. This thirdly, we're not through this Association communicating a communicate information through Association. Yeah. And I remember saying, inside this glass tile Stone, right? I kept them in with that do this, because, like, here's the thing, I knew that good, I do my best interest in mind. I mean, she, you have Gaslight me and help me for a second and have these manufacturers convince me. That I fucking did something 20 years ago, Nevada. Don't forget that, I don't remember. And that's very I'm saying and I just know my life, a bit easier if I just confessed. Here's what you did. So just explain to us why you did it, you know, I'm saying, so she have to do that but same time I said, I'm not a murderer. I'm not some of you and Stan hurt Peter, you know, I bet I do either Jack but at the same time I heard this was going on. And I didn't want something bad. I have an oversized outside, this guy's house, and I just told myself that day, That is if something happens while I'm in there that that's going to observe its Listerine. So I chose the right thing to go back home, that was the right thing to do. And come to find out that The person you're trying to get me to break into and stackers house was their 15th and that like had that three percenters use, you know. He was like a three percent irr and shouldn't that Turner Fenton never do not put a little bird that like proper kind of friend that as I really got my ass shot. So they do that, I purposely second-guess with me, they communicate that shit to that secondary really communication, that they baked into my damn to try to get my ass shot off. But uh that's what these are methods of abuse that are down to part with some of the shit that can really affect people. Happy can make people think that you can make people look like they just went crazy and they broke him. Some guy's house, you understand. Do you see how this is useful? If the subject or the target ever, contact prayer? Isn't being a very isn't letting them Use them is affecting guinea pig because eventually they don't even let you know. Hey, we gave you this router, you're gonna drink the specular, bottom drink, this whole fucking place of matter, I'm going to fuck you up in your sleep, when I come and get up in a room for going to be moment. Shoot down here and make you laugh hand. I could have flipped sleep refuse, where that's at cops. In fact happened and I live in a military tab to they got this lovely got contractors. Have been everywhere. They killed my mom. She had to drink this poison water, like they scared the shit out of her. Like you don't understand. How about a handshake with. So, if you become a person who's not willing to fucking party who's not really too fucking good diver and spread your cheeks apart for the metaphor to the requests that there are not talking to you in this double entendre symbol based language. What is fear of Davis speaking cetera? So you can communicate things in amendment in the daylight and They're they're they're fine, creative Rose - like you to put you in positions like that when you get your fuckin ass shot off and then the stir of that, you would be well, Steve the same, some crazy shit about people affecting her thing and his Facebook or whatever and then we hear anything from and then starting out, and then it's and then he's, you know, whoever that square thing I've ever seen, who's been crazy. But then there, we have him breaking this person's house and he got shot in that field. So that that seemed as if 

Kris a person. So, that's kind of the usefulness. Also have the systems that make you rely on it. After three years, affecting torching, and baking the shit and tear into your fucking psyche, make You know, that's another array that they can really fuck with the target of this of this program. And one of the things are only one of three characteristics. I think that I've explained it pretty well. So hard to understand. I mean, people are about memory palaces that's for expert Village were eyes. Usually have time to memorize the cards. That's how the good that words to mean different things and they seen teach you things like Steel. So if they talk about something at scared right now, this is a small run of fish but this big fish better. So they'll tell you make and this is a small deer at this much bigger deal happen. So you understand, see house have stealing the transfer over to mean two different things. And So let's scare something that the use of the throw used ever done a Speed Triple speak to communicate things. And the interesting thing is they can also, if let's say the first initially you back at the first initial, teach everyone who is subject to the same kind of abuse to the same kind of primary colors, means this Peppa thing and they'll be glad that she'll interior dome, liberal guy, the association's they break methods for communication talking back. Check in silence talking backwards and sideways hockey, you know I'm saying like It has to sound out, right? Because I'm saying just that turning out training, a horse of rhetoric. Perfect, let's get those this lives. They may be so they were 15 abused the shit out of you to make sure that you get so good at talking this way. And then you your life forever. Be easier all of a sudden. Now, your foots, not getting tampered with, but not fucking making sure you still up three and four days. Make sure you can't go to sleep at a shooting that fucking know me duration. Your half-orcs. Yeah, but at the time and your house, And they have these industrial radiography kits, that know, because I'm out of the houses here in the suburbs of San Diego. There's lots of have private contractors. So there's lots of really class in taxes, so there's private spy companies will have at the same time as for everyone to meet the someone from that that company goes to another city, that's the house of the out. That sleeping notes, everything know that it's been cleared of beds. I have you. So don't throw back surgery like that. 

So you know I'm saying like so you could be in a certain Inseparable, have you and whether through was unjust, There'll be another Heist inside that suburb and they're just use a mythical methods to feed that regular to material for making your next door neighbor across the street might be too too fat but they're right. They like the tiny that relationship underneath another Safe House, mostly we use for all sorts of shit and expose you to that relationship. And that are also keep that, which has been keeping that recently and the doing that should answer me. 

9:19 AM

What's the date? May 7th fret. Yeah, man. They just, they just not stop at this relationship that I have to shoot it in my hair bang and my spine. So I can't walk, I can't do anything but walk, I can't run the different purpose. So if I wanted to literally let go to a city, like I couldn't run away, they couldn't find me anymore. That's usually my imagine that smiley shooting in the span. I really thought that. I mean, every every day with more and more spinal cord injuries, But yeah, they do a CT, if you don't pay attention fucking Don't communicate around whenever. But the great thing about the system is nursing teacher and the 

System then just the same way in that like sheep dogs, sometimes all have different Cults and like she bad when it usually I'm saying they're Fair rate, the owner has you know they had ever seen commands under different noises to the dancer like like can mean to run bad. Okay. Wrestling. At the sheep from the right but then let's say they have three working bags of there. Speed to communicate to one dime from far away to do. Maybe the same to do maybe the same thing, but if they literally have three have the same, but all three know, that's that run. Command means the same thing. Then there are do that same command, so then every every single dad is has and the same commands playroom, but they're in different. Sequences are different, wrestlers are different, sounds same command. So at far distances a sheepherder can Medicate to an individual tab to do a certain task. So after they program how the system works and two people under the ground this time use 

Then you will start to modify your code, I guess, and run by run. And that's actually another painful process rooms for guys, that is my mentor standing item that I'm not a female say, I don't, I don't know if they use pain reinforcement for females in this particular Avenue, but so let's see. You have orange hat on and then they'll come up to me, like I like your blue hat. So I'm going to come up to you and the celebrate phrase like hey, great day were having. I like your blue hat and then boom. You get shot with that shit. And you're like, damn ringing horn chat and then the keeper in four sets. And every time you were orange, if someone wants to say the word Orange, They're worried that the lettuce and blue and then they are reinforced by shooting. You with that. Let me re shit, or exposed to radiation. Thirdly radiation. Usually, if you're not listening, they'll give you radiation poisoning as kind of like, we're trying to type something. But that sounded and the trombone you're playing them. Now reprogram that Association will even say, hey can you hand? Hey, can you, hey can you hand me that that blueberry and the Taylor better be at a professor of oranges, and then you can shower that shit. Revolutionary have relation there, absolutely like a wave of radiation sickness because that's been the same after the certain thing. And eventually the reprogram. Oranges, Naboo. And then say now that they've been saying some now, orange no longer means don't say anything or you're some good information. Now means that the color blue used to mean I'm saying which means protection or what have you and then They can literally reprogram. All your Sensations that day and if they feel make another make, because if they, if they feel like another style company, like a spray can rattling there. If they still have another private security contractor, parents died contractor or even an Turtle team has caught on to you being used as Phantom array. To essentially move information. That's essentially right. Communication has raised the move information to understand things, but since this is like I build something wrong. Turn dress. I have different meanings and different meanings. If there's a chance of so many outs learns that you re you sure that and they and believe it or not, the base matter for the programming colors are solution, Etc. Into the cabinet design, the same forever in the beginning and then when they're a, once this is done, right? And if you, if you graduate, I guess, and you obey the system of communication and everything that you do, dr. Bennett 

Enchantress. Little, they might trade you, like fucking Pokemon to privacy. 

My company's to major corporations is major corporations. Need you to might need my see that you're useful to pass information along to another person that maybe has a lot of heat on that. There's some there's some private, a spiral there's a private intelligence cooperation on their ass to you know and you know the right to make sure they don't get compromised or have you. So then basically the Our community here programs, and about your feet. There's a shit-ton here, especially the San Diego. In fact, I Was Heard San Diego's known for intelligence community, Through specifically programming, where beat like doing abuse Associated programming, and creating these people San Diego, is specifically, has been sort of pumping a lot of these people aren't making them candidates for this program. And since I, like I said, since you're completely nicer, the feds were helping the fucking police won't help you and your reputation sir. 

Whenever you have no choice but to run to repay this shit and learn it because as your life doesn't get better. 

Sir, and then you and then people in this program rather than be like traded to, you know, like, I'm some nursing attractive these corporate Espionage companies, Run cover businesses. That allows a lot of their members to travel and shit like that. Rather like make sure that your the make sure you can't get a job are. All right. But then they were absented. You can now get a job, it's weird. But you have to put up with this place. And then soon after these paper and to lose themselves by using the right phrase, many, you know, hey, we are never better. We are tuned in to what's going on. And then these people will try to do the same thing that from when I'm sending the military does here in San Diego to can 

At the contact person and the night that private spy company, where there have the military who like feminine understanding, it's the better intelligence Community here, who makes and programs and speaker, including me and then the matter, rather than program, new associations and to be unique to that Corporation, even give me a French and 100 reps 500 membership. Me his privates past 30 Actors that have you, the reprogram these associations through the same method of abuse and reinforcement. So you have to go through a hair another hair re learning a new language and It's an enhancer ever absent. You get this strawberry, you have to play by the rules, it's saying they're going to fuck with you in effect. You are because now you're in this like black bad limbo and then that's perfect that through factor. And I don't haven't felt this way. I, I refuse to talk in the Dungeons and Dragons language and I don't listen to his my fax machine. This relationship out So I love Justin, are you not going to? I mean, I tried to play Bad thinking, I was going to make my life better that after has like their I'm not a fucking rib accept the shit. So I just sir, you know, and whenever I share something and I read about this abuse are it's going on? I haven't, they really get me out of this relationship that because I don't have time. Let's try having a person from it around and it's reflected how to do this and I do To add that if another Prime spy company or whatever finds out, finds out that you're a person who's in this program because you're using you, like City would truth, like fucking Pokemon. And sometimes, another prior, another spy agency will try to decode your associations by sending you a bunch of sending back that person. Now can translate this kind of never coded language like myself and they're try to they're doing beams to you. Too kind of fantasy. I cracked the code, sir. What is your abuse? The number. What is your Association to the number two? I'm saying, if we put to the we put two drinks in your refrigerator retouch. The two drinks only touch the redneck. If there's two Pepsi ins and run key and run Coke. Do you know the number two and do grillers number and write the number 7 right about the sclera better than I've tried to declare your effective economic and then their fire that particular 

So, now all of a sudden that I'm gonna say translator. It was compromised especially for a Fortune. 500 companies from red eyes being turned. There's quite a few employees and very large corporations that have gone to ended on this abuse and then they're like ever seen, they make the rifle room better. You got this great job at the seams Corporation making great money. But you do understand, there are kind of living in the SEC private prison. And if they deviate, or they stopped communicating this very early start becoming ever said that Courier. Believe you're not the answer became a career of the meat, cleaver certain places, they I say, the special coded phrase or whatever. These people become compromised, and this is her right where the Roses things real secondary. So hopefully I weeks I've explained at programming language and targets are becoming a Rosetta Stone, which is think I actually, which is better than their name, this hot gas and essentially that's the that's the system for that natural really fucked up. To turn someone into effect the tire thing. But the reason I don't do that to people around the turtle player that people in the program like me is because there's Expendable if that person becomes compromised or what have you but just kill you. You understand the friend to create a great, put you in, in the dirt and then the CER, which information really realizing that you're delivering from one place to another. Have you isn't compromised? You become this extended person their mother or their engineer affecting car crash. You know, like you just had no idea but that's the main reason. Why people like this. Are you so use answer in Washington, DC and politics. That's of powerful. Politicians happens paper and their staff political kind of passes, do. So these it's really hard at that. Essentially the if you run the program and that's the return you into effective, Rosetta Stone better, very bad. 

9:31 AM

What? I think that's absolutely, I'm sorry. I've been putting out content man. Like I'm just in so much back and paying and I'm really trying hard to manage it and not fit for that. And that's the crime. I will be doing more of the contact of two Pi podcast, and I appreciate them. Granite, listeners T20. Ran Android listeners. They're left. Keep listening. Thanks a lot for your time. 

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