Introduction to Gaslighting // Cointelpro 2.0 GangStalking Podcast

Introduction to Gaslighting - Cointelpro 2.0 GangStalking Podcast


Speech to Text Transcription of this Podcast Below


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Original Podcast Notes:

Today on the cointelpro 2.0, podcast or going to be going over. Preliminary framework for gaslighting. How gaslighting is done, as well as strategies to be weary of to possibly protect you. Now, this is, I want to call this intro to gaslighting domestic level. That's what we will call this podcast. 

And, I'm just going to go ahead and start right into it. You know, I've been usually making these podcasts by kind of riffing on a topic and but this one you know, I believe this is going to take a little more structure. So if you can't stand my rambling from most my other podcasts or it's, you know, it's hard to keep up. Well, I'm chasing rabbits. You're in luck, this will have a little more structure. So first and foremost, let's go into what exactly is gaslighting gaslighting is basically a series of subtle cues to an alternative narrow alternative narrative outside of your current reality. Now this can be manifested in fed to insert place but usually it's Done to a victim victim Target page. Use word victim, because it makes you sound like a bad bitch but, you know, Target victims. So I use the word Target on something different because no one likes me, call the victim and the use it on the target. Usually unsuspectingly, you don't know what's going to happen. Most of cointelpro 2.0, tactics require ambushing. So it's good to have this resource so you're never ambushed. For these sorts of tactics. 

With that. I'm going to go ahead and Use a clip I found from. 

11:10 PM

Transcribing motherfucker. Excellent. It's still transcribed. So pay attention that that stuff in the background. Cool, here's Sam morril. 

11:11 PM

To this supposedly, this, This Racist guy and his little story and that's essentially in building up a narrative. That's not matching up to what he's representing. So not always in making Garden but then it makes you question. What you think? And that's essentially how gaslighting is done. There's a conflicting narrative that makes you question. So then your mind goes into, like, kind of a protection mode. But since now you question reality, you have You'll start to build a secondary narrative in your head and 

Psychologists have described actually. 

Having a psychotic episode. 

Fairly close to having two conflicting narratives, in your head, is the beginnings of it or what it is. And essentially feels like and you don't know which one is true. And So you know, your brain has some different certain mechanisms, but once you prime a person in that sort of Mindset. Then you can start to Gaslight someone, that was kind of a cool way or funny way of describing. Essentially, you know, the fundamentals of I guess low level gas lighting, the gas lighting is a real thing. I mean, it's it kind of a term made fun of in media and stuff like that as something that like Just little bitches claim to be under gasps honey, but it's a real thing and it's not that it's not that simple, it's not that hard but is it people who are good at it? Are people who have maybe are a little more vindictive. And a prime for that sort of behavior, predatory personalities. So I mean, when you're going through this gas, lighting process initially, if you're a local Target of gang stalking which is part of the cointelpro program, local Crews will Gaslight. You may be on this lower level just because they want you to feel uneasy. Maybe it's some police or A local vigilante group based off of misinformation from Hank. 

The Homeland to keep Homeland Security Group or the FBI's and infragard. 

Or it can be just like in the local neighborhood, watch is kind of group that participates in games talking, but that's real. You essentially have these sorts of lower-level forms of abuse and it's subtle and happens over time, which is why so many people who are Target's of this abuse of a hard time recording their abuse because essentially, you are explaining someone being abusive, you know, they're being abusive by providing pretending that there's an alternate narrative or He going on and then other people join in because it's like bullying Behavior. It's basically just like online bowling and lots of people like to engage in just because people become grown doesn't mean that they've stopped becoming children. You just like all those online Neil. How many stories we heard about online, bully? Where the person, you know, younger kid ends up fucking killing themselves because pink bunch of people were bullying them online and that's you. And it's usually large groups inside like a school. Or whatnot, that do these things that she doesn't change when you get older. Lots of people just like to feel like they're better than a person. So even if they don't have a quarrel with you, they enjoy that kind of predatory behavior. And I want to say I know I know it sounds like I'm chasing a rabbit but I'm not following the outline but usually that behavior stems from the best way I can put it. 

Make the drop Joe, Joe Rogan only because he gets a lot of attention. I think he has a great show. There's also other podcast probably talk about this, but this is the only one I can talk in recent memory, where, you know, he even he describes that. People that can fight usually, don't they have the confidence to Not start fights with other people. Usually, most people because there is a certain kind of confidence you have Yeah, it's It's a confidence thing. So people who can fight don't normally start fights or engage in like picking on other people Behavior. And the same goes for people who participate in gaslighting, just because other people in our community are doing it and they kind of are known like, Hey, we're sitting on this person. Do the same thing comes from that it's, it's mixed insecure. Tiny people feel better about themselves to engage and even torment these people because they might feel a little insecure about things and they, at least enjoy that. There's somebody else in the world who doesn't have a hold on things, or they could make them feel like they don't have it together, whatever, whatever it is. 

There's some sort of hole that these people who engage in this kind of bullying, Behavior are trying to fill with this gaslighting and so that's where you'll get. I mean some of the reasons why a lot of people will participate is because they're little people, especially on the inside. So, Usually if you're just engaging in gang-style cocking and there's just a local group fucking with you, they the, the the the levels of gaslighting won't go super deep, it'll be enough to terrify you and put you in fight or flight mode. Now, if you are being gas lit by, let's say a government agency, who has like Who has people who specialize in that like FBI cointelpro Wing believer. Not want to call and tell Pro was initially started cointelpro in. The FBI was like the Navy Seals and the knee like the elite and There is. So, you'll have certain people who specialized in those sorts of things in a federal agency. Now, it's not cultural: tail. Pro to cointelpro anymore, they just gave it enough money, but essentially somebody who specializes in this class of dark arts, but there's also con people get contracted out to do this. Even government agencies will do that as well, because let's say the reasons behind them doing it isn't because you're an intermediate state. But maybe we were Skeleton delete something where you embarrassed the federal government will have contractors. Do it for higher level targets. Whistleblowers will have you because it's like several layers removed understandable. So something happens, the person means of dying or what have you they do too hard. Like there's no paper trail kind of getting back to our love is the FBI cutting a check to All services management that sounds so whatever. So when a federal agency is Kind of ordering the 

The crew that they want to do it though. Usually use when they're requesting. It might fall under certain code words or even when they're requesting over, the phone calling up, any contractor that is masquerading as a small Independent Business, which most independent military & Pentagon contractors. Do, they'll use certain words that mean the thing that they are requesting, and these are the size of The crew that there are going to be using on you and I want to say, it's akin to how people are a people, how, how criminals, you know order drugs over the text or phone. You like, you know, everyone knows the movie Trope, or they order a fake pizza or the pizza guy's the one, the pizza restaurant is also a coke dealer, like let me get two pizzas, you know, let me get a small pizza or whatever. And that's just like an egg. Eight ball, it was like half a gram or whatever. The drug weights are four different amounts of drugs is. That's how bigger the pizza is or the classification of the P10. So it has code words. The same thing goes for when federal agencies are ordering these sorts of things. And so they use certain words like the, I need a, I need a car worked on or I'm looking to buy a car and a car. If you think about how many people will seats a car, well, four to five people see a car. So, maybe they don't need a big at that big of a crew, but use that as a code, we get a car. 

Alright, I need a car for you to rent a car or I need whatever the business is maybe they specialize car wraps or something. They'll say yeah I have a car that needs to be wrapped me up. Like I said they're covered businesses so they'll call up and use these sort of Or they'll say I need a bus or they'll say I need a ship or they'll say, I need a plane or a train now bus. But what are the, what's the attributive qualities of a bus? A bus has no will have like 50 people. So that means I need 50 people to work on a certain person. And you know, saying you can get on or get off the bus, but essentially the buses on the road that a bus also doesn't go that fast right bus doesn't go that fast. So they're saying what they're communicating is need about 50 people. I don't want to like throttle this dude, take your time but we need this. So we'll use these code words but they say they need a ship. That means, you know, there's a possibility that How big is a shit? How big is a cruise ship is? That means they probably being a larger group of people to do this to a particular person, ID high-value Target and during the job they might need to extract information from the person just like leaks is a word used for information, a leak. If you think of weak as water, ship goes on water, the sound silly but a lot of Of intelligence everyday banter and talk is based off lots of associations if they say they need a plane if you know, usually that's a term used that they say they need claim. That means they need, you know, a couple hundred people but a plane goes in the airplane goes fast, right? So that means they really need you to throttle someone. You need you to, they need you to get this person up to speed. Then you do smear this guy, whatever also in a plane industry and it's described wrap. I also believe or not people flight attendants, who fly a plane after register as radiation workers. We're not because they get exposed to a lot of radiation field in the upper parts of the atmosphere actually more so than people work at our people to leave or not. So that means that they most likely will be exposing or using, you know, I hate calmly living space down some 1997. But, you know, Electronic warfare that Havana syndrome shit that we're finding no about that. No other Bill hit people with millimeter waves and like we're so they're they're saying we need a large crew when you just throttle them fast. If they say we I need a plane. They mention of leaving your conversation and we're also going to be using, you know, any weapons or microwave weapons or whatever, or even gamma radiation on the person. If it's a train, if they say, the any train, that means I need a lot of people, each different train 

11:23 PM

People will need to play different specific roles. But essentially. That we also means that they're going to Railroad you, which you ever heard that term. So if I need to train and meet a bunch of people to Railroad, something I can really need to run the Stephen coming around. And what's another thing about a train train isn't like a bus. I can't go everywhere at Ray needs to stick to a certain track so that means that they're going to need this person. To stick to a certain amount of parameters. Not all sounds silly, but a lot of this associative language is used to 

Mask certain things. But it's important for you to understand, I guess preliminary for another podcast of the different date. That these are the sorts of ways things are talked about. But you know, if they are calling a, they're calling a certain amount of contractors to do the supers and that's usually the legal use. Now this has been a practice. The oscillating professional gaslighting by contractors has been going on forever and lots of movies, even Give you a little glimpses into the thing, and that's because generally people in the entertainment industry, especially directors and producers Etc. These kind of services are used on. Actors are used to fucking demolish other people and their industry Etc. And so, you know, sometimes there's little pieces of stories and people only go off the stuff, they know, and sometimes these things are getting Sometimes. Some of these sorts of activities will get made in a Beast, then there's many movies, where they use this, and they don't even, they're not even trying to hide what they're talking about. So it's not like top secret stuff here, it's just a service that rich people. I mean that normal people aren't accustomed to just like a plumber as a service. You call these sorts of professional cointelpro contractors that do this sort of gas lighting, Etc. It's all console Pro 2.0 is essentially because all these disciplines came out of that program but movies like the game, The Matrix, Believe It or Not Repo, Man, Vanilla Sky. The Truman Show Inception. These are all have they all have Roots, a little pieces of you know, these sorts of services in the effects that they have on certain people. So if you ever want to go and watch those movies in, 

The target of this you'll see pieces of it like a level. That's it was a throw them in as kind of plot devices. Some of some movies, talked about it quite a bit but essentially it's it's how to Gaslight someone professionally or what it feels like or what it looks like. If you guessed, like someone now, essentially guess lighting, You know is to control your narrative and you know Josh I apologize talking about the stuff really just a big steaming sometimes. The guy I can really dig myself making these podcast every time I got out like recharge fucking hour afterwards. Sorry about that. Keep going here, essentially. They're controlling your narrative, the controlling your reality in. This is only getting worse now with, you know, digital lives and the NSA being controlled. All those things, you know, putting people on internet filter, bubbles, being able to filter bubble out your algorithms, you know, whether you type something in the search bar, you'll only be filtered information. That's been pre-qualified lead or not. Or even the stuff that is put through your social media. Algorithms might seem like data-based, but lots of them are modified to be themed base to reinforce maybe a narrative or gas-lit narrative on a Target. And, and also, you know, people help control the narrative. Whether that be a car for people with us. Little people worship of playing train, considering the amount of how big the contract is for the Target. Now also keep in mind stalker algorithms that are made by the NSA to follow you around even to follow you into a grocery store. And you know, most of that music is played over the over the intercom and stuff like that. Or when you walk by TV and it might be a cord cut TV. That goes off of you know Digital streaming this stock or algorithms will also reinforce Force a narrative. They know you're at constantly. They can also pin Point devices that you're around, say their TVs for or a digital radio Spotify or you're listening to the radio over an app or you're walking by a connected to you either. Have you this these new stalker algorithms will reinforce a narrative through ads, they'll change up the programming just because that phone knows your ear. That and knows the devices you're around the media Outlets. So a lot of it is automated to Gaslight a person because basically your reality is all built around your your world. What did what do you mean? Shown what are things that are reinforcing an idea that's being told to you just like that gentleman, Sam morril in the beginning was making a joke about how he was going to leave. Bread crumbs for a racist guy to let him know he's Jewish. Just my fucking with me, right? 

Essentially gaslighting in a nutshell. Now, keep in mind before they Gaslight you, there's going to be extensive research done on your life before. You kind of like that private investigator would do. And a lot of stuff with open source, intelligence Etc, they'll find people, you haven't talked to you for years, they'll represent themselves as a cop of get fake badge, especially if they're contractors. Do represent themselves fake cops or Homeland Security agents or FBI or whatever and they'll go to people you haven't seen in years because all that stuff's on In lots of these contract companies have What's called the government clearance to go through your background, find out, we grew up who were around, whatever they'll send people out to going, you know, fake that they're inquiring about. You they're trying to find you the spark of the conversation. Gets person to talk at the debrief and start revealing details for your lives. And that stuff will be used to build a fake narrative later on, because it makes sense Fitz. It's and this is all without the knowledge. Like I said, I'll call until Pro tactics, require some sort of an ambush, this will be done without the knowledge of Target think of gaslighting a target has a slow boil, just like described by Saint moral. Is, you know, they'll start off with a little piece of something here and they do and then go it'll be a little piece, you know over here and over there. It sooner or later you're you're surrounded by an idea. I use the term conclusive Ambush and I think that probably sounds a little better than gas lighting because it has different functionalities gasoline engine. It's like different Hers. Ice cream is ice cream but there's also chocolate ice cream and vanilla ice cream. So it's still ice cream. They're just different flavors of them. So there's conclusive ambushing kind of get gas lighting Etc, but it all is a slow boil and that's so it's hard to record and so that's why you'll find a lot of these people. Like I see other victims, like there's a huge game. Stocking community on Twitter and on Twitter Tick-Tock it's just a bunch of people filming cars driving by and shit like that, honking their horns or a bunch of red cars, following, whatever it is and people are trying and then posting these videos. Like, look, this is the, these are the game stalkers, but for people who don't understand that world or been through that Journey because it's a slow boil, it's hard to describing gasoline Stopped and gasoline by these for the people and it's abusive and he's making me unstable and it's you know, it's really harming me. So, you know, that's usually why people who are victims of this pool post these sorts of things on lines, because there's people people who are victims of these things, don't understand the structure to gaslighting. So, it's essentially trying to fit in the entire Like Game of Thrones all series every every episode and every every every every every season, but fitting into a 30 second video of look, these are the gang stalkers. Look at these cars. Driving by doesn't make any sense. There's no context and there's no story. There's no narrative and it's subtle and it's almost impossible. I want to say to cash this sort of abuse, even then, you have to understand people's attention, spans are so fucking Smaller. Even if you put together, I got 20, 20 minute or two, our video, like not everyone's going to watch that shit. Unless you know I'm saying, first of all our victim, first hand like a true victim, not some asshole pretending, what do we call? Those guys people call them perps or zeros which there are tons of them, you're really going through that abuse to know the nuances Etc. And even then like it's just it's just so difficult but that's why you'll see people the say, you know, somebody who is A victim of this sort of thing. Yeah, I'll be posting stuff like that and even some crazy food Lee. Hyung Suk was just my friend is posting pictures of cars driving by seeing his being stalked about this isn't consents. That's essentially what they're doing is, you know, they're there at food fight or flight mode. They just don't think they're trying to communicate. Hey, and we've abused which they are a thousand percent. They just it's just really hard to communicate something to have the steel for months. You don't got that time now, but I don't care. I mean, shit, I'll flick through a tick tock video. It's longer than fuck. Didn't you know, 15 seconds. We were not like in three seconds if you don't press me, flick next video, next week. You're so mean, think about trying to explain someone abusing the over months or years. Who cares? No one cares. What do you do if you are being abused for 15 seconds. Yeah, that's essentially. But yeah, it's a slow boil and What you will have while you're being gang stalked, not GameStop Gas Liquids, especially if it's a pro job. But there's also people low on the totem pole and local groups that do this undercover cops, know the beginnings of these things, there's Consultants that will bring in people. 

11:35 PM

For spinning Sarah. But And also, there are some social clubs. Who teach the skill believe or not, it's weird how these covers knowledge set pieces of this knowledge. Set of knowledge set. Got passed down but you'll have a tour guide. So this will be a somebody who's now your friend, somebody who made came in here because or as you know A love interest Etc. There's always usually a tour guide for the lie because there's somebody that's first going to gain rapport with you, right? So you trust this person and then they will help. Judge you or help. Reframe your reality piece by piece just like the Sam wall guy but the legal help reframe your reality and almost all of the people who are gas liquid there is some sort of tour guide whether you know them or not or know that or re or recognize that the RV now essentially to be Gaslight. There needs to be jumping off point. So we'll use an event or something. Something that jars you or doesn't seem to line up after you start to notice. It is a little weird, it's not matching up. People are gaslighting your your your your experiences. So then you start to question yourself, right? When you start to question yourself, this tour guide jump in. I mean, I've even heard stories that the tour guides will. Since I do all that back and research on your life, they'll find somebody Part of the crew, whether it be a car sized, a plus-size ship playing tranquil, the find something in that group, that looks sort of like a good friend, you haven't seen in 20 years, you don't stay in contact with them, but while they're doing their back in research, they found this person. You guys don't talk anymore. They noticed maybe you guys aren't friends on Facebook anymore or what have you? There's no connection. So they will find a person that kind of looks like that person aged 20 years from now. And then a person inside of that contracted group will assume the identity of that person instance. Maybe that of the person who lives in fucking Sheboygan now and you live in Los Angeles and there's no and they have a control on your internet and they can filter people that you come. Contact with or what have you on Facebook, whatever. Because at that point, they're using there. 

Their security clearance to approve these sorts of measures used on a person. There's going to be and they're going to be surrounding you with people that will be controlling your reality. It sounds crazy, but it's a fucking service. You know, whenever I talk about him just as Jesus Christ, I cannot believe they beat the shit out there and it's a service that rich people in the government can just order. Anyways, but yeah, they'll assume the identity of that person and even try to make themselves look like that person. It's that you haven't seen that person in years. That'll be the tour guide. That's the person you have rapport with. Oh this is my long-lost first girlfriend. What have you? Because people Look different after you after they aged 20 years or whatever. And so what they will do is use Ticks or things that person says, or how they talk or what have you along with how they do their hair, don't even try to drill down the back story of your guys, as past interactions. So, when they are interviewing that person doing the research stage of this, they will gain stories Etc, thinking that they're probably helping your cop or whatever. But helping prove that this imposter that comes into your life, is this person? So that even that will be used but a tour guide? No no less. Or though, you know, and this, you know, or they'll help Gaslight another on the flipside of that or they'll help gaslights. You buy that same person that they're pretending to be. They will contact you over the Internet. They'll use pictures a social media account whatever and they'll block the real person and then have it in. Have the Imposter that will talk like you they'll watch their conversation on the internet and then you know I'm saying and they'll sometimes even pretend to be you to talk to 

Person to get stories and then switch over while you're inside of a internet. Survival and then start talking to you about that stuff. And it'll seem real, this person will seem real and then eventually, you'll meet up with them. But only after they've convinced you just like, you know, those, those those idiots over dating who could convince the city's people money, or whatever, it's an art form. But then eventually, that person will come in your life. You'll trust him because you think it's from a long time ago, and you think it's are 250 lives. But that's how Vinci that's they usually know the working parts of how this is done. And then while you're questioning your your your life for the stuff going on around you they will start to reframe your reality like look. I didn't want to tell you but actually what this is you can do make it sound romantically because your abuse will feel unique. I'll be like, you know, this is actually 

Did you know that my dad used to be in Naval intelligence, blah, blah, blah? These guys think that you know, we told you something that you shouldn't have known in the leak came from the top and because it will seem like a crazy thing. I know this sounds silly honey saying but you you understand the same way that Ancient people back in the day, couldn't make sense of lightning because it was strange. They just made up stories. That was fucking the Zeus, but a mountain and, you know that were dead and that's became a fucking Legend because that no way to explain these things, your brain will get into that when you are being a slit and this person will be the tour guide. They will refrain from the looking good. This thing that you're looking at you can't explain is actually this and it'll fit kind of 

But they'll wrap do the rap, you know, the foundations of a large lie, they're going to try to walk you through. Now that you feel off edge and can't explain reality and you trust that maybe they're pretending to be an old friend or what have you. And then they'll start to point out how you did. You ever notice that the people from messing with you all wear scarves? But only the people that were scarves and so, they'll get that crew. I'm saying to, you know, they'll be like oh you noticed they all wear scarves or like a triangle and then that crew the car sighs bus-sized ship, playing train, whatever will be told. Okay? Hey all you guys need to start wearing scarves with triangles on it. We're going to tell them that it's the fucking Illuminati. We need you guys to reinforce this. So the tour guide will tell you these things and then you'll start seeing it everywhere. Now, all of a sudden like, oh my gosh. You just have to trust this person because now that giving you the secret info, it's called the biter mine Hast sent, once you see something or something is pointed out to you. They'll see it everywhere even though it was always there and they capitalize on that while there are disillusioned. But this is like I said, it's only after they've gained for. They might even you know, this doesn't have to be a fake person. They could be the girl who's pretending to be your girlfriend. It could be the person to Team to be your boyfriend or husband, it could be somebody pretending to be your friend. But report is essential to these sorts of things. 

Because you can't make sense of things, but they had a nice story to match up. It's not the truth but it if you don't pick away at it, if you don't do any kind of critical thinking, right? If it's and lots of people are lazy, they just want to take the story, they're handed in the wrong of it. 

So this is off, this is guided disillusionment. So after they had gained Rapport know, they'll tell people that the situation they're in is actually a cover for something else. Or it's part of like a blood ritual or whatever these person. Since their their whole realities, we control the internet or TV stalker, algorithms are reinforcing a narrative. They're starting to use things like wake words where, People who engage you to abuse, you always use a certain sort of phrase to identify themselves like You know. Maybe every time you get abused by people or you get shot by that shit or whatever beforehand. Somebody always says, well isn't that special? Well you know I'm saying then every time that happens they'll say isn't that special and then like they'll do shit on your TV where you know after a while you'll realize you'll make a connection. The people identify themselves using this word, it's actually this really sexy situation where the Illuminati or whatever is after you. Use this phrase to identify themselves and then they'll use things like real-time deep fakes on, on your lawn, while you're watching TV or even YouTube or whatever. They'll Puppeteer that they're, they're your favorite creators. They'll even use real time. Audio deep fakes and that person will say something like, well, isn't that special? I mean, all of a sudden you're paying attention and after that, the rest of that deep fake video, most they use, do you think someone from the idea is crazy to refresh? In this reality and all of a sudden, you'll sleep like the hob and my favorite people, you know, are all in on it, this is huge cabal but really it's the, you know, you've been shown the real video. They're just D faking it or real-time deep Faking It. Do insert video will pop into your mouth. This is all legit technology. It's not. I know this. All sounds fucking fantastic. Believe me. Unfortunately, I just I've seen the white papers and it's just amazing how they could guess a car giving you lots of dildos. Also, reframe your reality, make you think that this was something going on since you were a child by using pieces of your You're past that they researched to guide you along a narrative. They won't use big chunks of your life they'll just use tiny details so it seems familiar. If they use big chunks, what happens is it won't match up or the realness of the situation you felt will make your brain reject the lies. So they only use little tiny pieces. Little hints here and there because your subconscious will start to question the process requires little tiny steps. 

11:46 PM

Not the big one. The key just take huge parts of your life but they can use you. Did you ever notice your only growing up would wear red shoes, clean and blah, blah, blah. It's this whole thing wrap some bullshit about it or they'll use trauma, bonding will put you in a bad situation on purpose and then come in like the Savior and then, you know, because you have bonded over this bad thing that happened to you. 

You will. Trust them. No, we're trying, but I'm so sorry. I was scrolling there. You will trust them and that's called trauma bonding. So they use for your, in a heightened state, or somebody came in as the fake, savior to get you to believe them. What is true? What is real? And that's another way to get you to trust them. Oh, hey, I saved you because I know the mayor of the true narrative what's going on. 

And believe, or not, if you can confirm if you can Use a lie to disillusion someone there's most likely you could then lie within that lie by Disclosing the kind a half half truths about what you guys are doing to this. What a person is doing to a Target. So, your tour guide, I guess we'll start to disclose things that kind of explain some other things that look. I know, I said, I was your uncle, but reality was never your uncle. Even though this guy is like a fake guy pretending to be your uncle, he was never your uncle. And I was actually part of a secret program took on them. Na like you have no idea the shit turns into wow. But you've gained so much for poor, and what they do is they make your whole reality seen off-kilter that you are reliant on this person to make sense of the world. Something that your brain does not like is not being able to explain its world. So you will latch onto these people as their Funneling down fucking rabbit hole. 

And, you know, that's when, you know, you'll get lies within lies, the you'll get so far to act out that You know, when you try to explain this to people, if you ever feel threatened or they start fucking up, or they go too fast and you reach out for people, you be like, well you see it all happened when, you know, the Illuminati was wearing their scarfs And then, you know, my uncle, which isn't my uncle bubble because that's the only way you have to make sense of your situation. So the those motherfuckers will You know, it's almost like insurance. They make sure you can get help the way that the lie within a lie for guided disillusionment. And these lies are used to make you experience certain things to come to certain conclusions and they will use the, they will help you come to conclusions to either. Give them information to either. Give them something that's valuable to them but you don't understand its value or what have you through a series of experiences and false conclusions. 

Like I said, this is more higher in shit, but it gets that right now if you start to question the lie that these people are building around you now that they've surrounded you and they've isolated you from people and your friends which isn't a big, a big deal. Like there are, I mean, just what's that guy that that story in the news recently that restaurant owner fucking isolated that that black guy for like five years from his friends and family and it made him work for free in his restaurant. You guys remember that? 

You story while it's in the new cycle right now. I don't know when you're listening to this podcast, but I mean it's not hard to do those sorts of things if you control some of the environment. But if that person starts to poke holes and the live at their building for you yourself, you might be a victim or a target of gas lighting or guided disillusionment. They'll start to use lawyer Logic on you or start to use half truths to explain things and sometimes I'll use a half truth within blow out of proportion. Meaning like this will actually use a half truth to tell you big Whopper of a lie to make you, stop questioning the con Nope. Just to sabotage you reasoning it. So you keep trusting me. 

And this relationship is used this Rapport in this relationship is used this person's tour. Guide is used to also since you rely on the animal, that's also kind of insurance to help them keep gas on. You keep bringing down the automatic Now they can bring you back out of this disillusionment right after. Let's say, they convince you to give them some info or something on actual property or, you know, sign over the rights to something or whatever through a series of bringing you back to reality, you know, possibly You know, bring you back to a situation that you knew you were real before you disillusion to, and then they can bring you back from these sorts of layers of disillusionment through shocking things. That kind of wake you up to. Hey, the thing that was told, you wasn't isn't true. It's this, you know, you know what the real truth is. So, they'll actually, if they want to, if the people want to bring you back from all this because the say we're going to be useful for them later, they don't plan on using the forever. They'll use a series of Experience, they'll use a series of real true to only you know be real to bring you back out of one layer of the lie to another layer. It's shocking things like hey, you know what is real? Look at this. What about this situation? So you this is revealing. So you'll anchor yourself to actual troops and they can bring you back out of this layers of disillusion. Or you know, some of these crews are been have been known to leave people like all of a sudden just disappear or. Hey, there's a reason why your long-lost uncle or just throw has to leave or whatever. Because, you know, her father died or whatever. And that's how that crew will leave in the sometimes. They'll just leave the holding that false narrative about your situation that they put you through. And then you can just instance, that's the last thing. You remember, or as a last time, anything made sense to you, you'll forever. Now, look at the world that way. Fucked-up way of doing it. Usually, the people who are contracted to do these things certain targets or what have you, or the federal agents, who sometimes use people to, we'll just use somebody on the fringes of society to fucking practice the shit on group not. So, there are victims of this target gaslighting cetera, who were just used as training, you know, like think of it as the, you know, the person who is Working the cash register at McDonald's or whatever, you know, ever been that. And then there's the guy, hovering behind them like training, showing them how to push the buttons, how to run the thing. The things are at will also there could be you know, that could be also the reason for your gang stalking or what have you or your gas lighting believe or not. But if they don't like you most likely they'll leave you in a state of disillusionment and just leave, you holding your dick thinking that the world is a certain way. And since that's the way your brain works, 

You know, before they leave you though let's like a group of con artists or a group of even local military contractors who have a base in the city that you're in. Let them know. Hey, we're leaving this person. This is what the reality is. These are the things that we've sensitize them through, through a series of whatever you guys can keep this fake story. Going with them do as will pass you off to this guy and then you can keep this this story going. And you know, you could use them for a myriad of things because we've isolated the Moretti from their fan friends and family. We're not going to bring them back. We don't like this guy, I have, and then they'll leave you with. These are people. And then those people become like tour guides will just maintain the gas little eye on the target. So understand that's also a thing that happens to Target simple stuff. Now, here are my tips for defending yourself. A gas line, This intro gas like we're going to go on, 

We're going to go into it a little more, but for this first initial broadcast for defending you from gas lighting is when you're going through this and I don't know what your situation awareness is, lots of people find help on this for console Pro 2.0, gang stalking whatever you call it at certain different stages. There's a everyone gets to a point certain stages that they might be under the sorts of abuse. So, if you do get to this point where You found this podcast, the early in it, or, you know, God, forbid, some nice people in the intelligence agency in industry or contractors. See another crew doing this to you, and then they give you a tip for they put this my content in your feed, hopefully you get this stuff, but these are some tips I have for you to not get sucked into this gas lighting. Issue is protect your long-term relationships, your friends, your family, keep them closed. There's going to be plenty of opportunities. We're going to try to get you to talk shit on them, and then they're going to use that to make that relationship fizzle out. So now you no longer have an anchor to reality now. Out, your long-term relationships are being etched away. We tell you, it's professional how they fucking do this shit. They will destroy families. In a matter of months, you're saying or a month believe or not, if they have, if they have introduced people into your family's Circle that they trust, they can just destroy your 

Should be a few in your family will believe that it was on your own volition, but they don't know that you're being fed or fake lie about them abusing you, they'll film your reaction to this information. Show it to your family your family will then start to be like oh the fuck these people have take care of this guy, my whole life. And he's now saying this shit about Muhammad back to protect your long-term relationships act. As if you're always being recorded if they're going to try to use this to break up, these long-term relationships relationships, will try to get people to move away or what have you because 

11:57 PM

As then they can disillusion you. I'm just trying to lure you into talk. Shit about somebody who by feeding fake information or what have you because those long-term relationships help anchor you to actual reality. Use. An object that relates to a situation where you move something was read. Now I have a white hat that has much of scribbled stuff all over it because as I was going through this situation, like I said there was a lot of Human Rights abuses going on in San Diego. And I used this hat. I wrote all this crazy scribbles all over it because the Christchurch shootings was still within the American lexicon. You member that I wrote all that shit all over his gun with pink pins, praising everybody, if you don't, that's because our new cycle so fucking fast. But so I was like, oh my gosh, once I figured out that these were contractors, you know, Who are friends with people from Carlyle Group, the coax, the fucking from the cat o Institute, like these big these. These these organizations around here in San Diego, San Diego's and Military town. We have the largest concentration of military military personnel and Pentagon. Contracting Personnel in the nation believe, or not. San Diego. This is the mecca. So there's a lot of these things to hide in plain sight around here. A lot of money. Peep those people live, those certain names, they live here will have you From what I'm understanding is there was just like this whole gutting of the area. And lots of people got swept into the shit. So and even those wealthy people might have been, who knows tricked into funding. This may be thinking that they will help protect them or what have you. But essentially those were the people who were helping this shit along. Like I said, this is only after like I was literally harassed by people like from Carlisle Etc. While I was trying to bring awareness of the shit while I was going to La, they would mean they'd be growing up in Carlyle Group trucks, bro, because Carlyle Group in it's essentially also does do delivers things, Halliburton, Etc, Halliburton, Carlisle. These were the, the big names like bringing their people and San Diego while this was going on. 

I mean, they actually had like, fucking semi-trucks of people, who would fucking harass me, Vans work, trucks, Etc, through subsidiaries of those companies because those larger companies also home, smaller companies that do other services and they are all under this umbrella, the people that were fucking nothing. 

But so while I was trying to alert people to this abuse, have this white hat on and just to Anchor me to this is what's actually going on. And I had this y hat on and I would go live inside Trump's comments on Twitter because I was really hot at the time and I would post my livestream in those common threads that get people to watch and I would be on there like what this hat on spy hat on like live streaming, like hey, this is going on down here in San Diego etcetera, because I went down to LA 

Is there was a complete media blocking San Diego went down to LA and I was also just completely stonewalled. I was wearing this white hat and while I was doing that broadcast, I got so they these motherfuckers being meet with them so much radiation and I didn't stop, even though I felt sick. I fucking felt like I had to shit my pants. I felt nauseous as fuck and they just beating the shit out of me to get me to stop. To get me to get off that live stream because that's became real. They made a decision to shut me up fast, right? So that was a real situation, but I was wearing that hat and that's like my my will be to make me remind myself. So I've I because I'm still under the influence of the program. If I'm ever gas-lit, I have this object from this time. When I knew what was real, what they really didn't want me to talk about. Didn't really want me to do, say, whatever. And I keep it You also do that. People will be given either. It's a, an object that was with you. When you knew without the assistance of other people, what was real? 

So I really recommend that. Also, if you feel pushed or you feel like, obviously, you haven't heard in see to act on some information that you that you think you were given or what have you fucking, wait, wait on it, right? Be like and control your emotions. Say, okay, these people are not these people, but I feel like I'm being, I have some insight in the some danger or what have you, but I don't have the full story I haven't. People are acting a certain way. Matches up with this narrative, something really bad happening to somebody else or what have you? Wait? See if they don't try to sell you. Don't somebody doesn't get shredded push it harder to get you to act because maybe it's a trick, maybe they need you to go to an address. They can fucking beat the shit out of your worst fucking kill you. Cut you up in little pieces and you just disappear or whatever certain things like that will be done to you to get you to acting urgency. So if you're being forced to act urgently while this Shit is going on. Wait and see if Your device's, your TV, programming, the people around you, try to massage yourself harder because that means that they're trying to get you to do something. That's the make you look more crazy or even to put you in a catch-22. So wait and make them sell it harder. If they sell it harder know, that somebody's trying to Gaslight, you make a mistake, also, you've just fucking leave. If you have all these new people around you and you're in the situation when I'm fucking leave and go to To people that may not like you put yourself on the chopping block or leave them all together and get rid of all the people that now we're control of this narrative. If now, it's just not adding up to fucking remove yourself, entirely the fucking job, you're at whatever the person, the girlfriend you think is, has your best interest the long-lost relative that maybe, you know, our think, or don't think that this is this person or not just fucking rude. And then 

But I would also like to end this whole thing of Defending yourself against lines. Also be aware of of trauma exhaustion, which will? We put this in the best? Way is 

They might be trying to steal something from you or fuck, even these contractors of the really shady. Maybe try and you take a person away from you. Start trafficking trafficking them or what have you make you guys stop trusting each other and what they'll do is, they'll do trauma exhaustion. After a while. They'll make you not believe anything. Because I'll have to put you down. They'll make you think something wrong is going on, but then it's just a gaslighting trap or it's leads to nothing. It was a lie will do that to you enough times where you have this 

Come trauma exhaustion, where you won't care anymore. If someone tells you something's going on and what they do is they get you to that point where you no longer care. And then, you know, let's say that they keep telling you someone this person or this girls and dangerous family was in danger, but local duties me times because they do plan on doing something to that person and then they'll make you so exhausted to the fact that the of that reality, that eventually, they'll actually will do that. To you and then somebody will be trying to warn you. That something is happening to that person and it'll be too late because the trauma exhausted. But a little bit that those few points before you before, that is where you can defend yourself from gaslighting. I hope that was gonna help you out and hope you continue to listen to a podcast. That's all I have for today. I recommend you go through and really listen to this. If I went a little too fast, 

And stick with us. Again, we'll be having other podcast, infiltration of the thanks for listening to the call until Pro 2.0 podcast. I'm student veteran. 

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