POTUS's Secret Army // Filtered

In 2018 something special happened that flew under the radar and only a handful of news outlets were brave enough to cover it. Initially The Intercept broke the story and a follow-up was done by Raw Story and The Young Turks.

Basically while the government spending bill was being modified in 2018, the law was modified to allow the CIA to no longer have to report what it spends its money on or get Congressional approval to spend money in certain ways. Also when one program gets defunded,the CIA can now secretly funnel money to a previously killed project to keep it alive without Congressional knowledge.

During the presidency which wagged its finger at the deep state, some of the darkest deep state-esk actions were actually happening right under American's noses. These new spending provisions were signed into law. This means regardless of the administration, our intelligence agencies can do what they want and come and go as they please based on their own discretion.

In fact Dick Cheney's Blackwater private mercenary company headed by Eric Prince worked directly with President Trump and Mike Pompeo to develop a secret army that would report directly to the president.

This essentially created the law language to allow any sitting president to have his own private Gestapo force act within the new law to do operations outside the United States and within the United States. This new armed force can be pointed at opponents, enemies and any current sitting administration's special interests.

It's not just former Vice President Dick Cheney’s Blackwater mercenarys involved in this Deep State fuck fest. Dyncorp, which has been in hot water during the Bush administration, for child sex slave trafficking, while getting paid for a support contract outside the United States is also involved in this Military Industrial Swamp.

Not only does this private Army work within the government but without oversight. It also has an intelligence arm. Basically a mini CIA at 100% discretion of the mercenaries in concert with whomever is the sitting president.

Not only is this an undercover version of fascism right before our eyes, but the American taxpayer is 100% funding the beginnings of a secret police state.

Rumors surrounding how this might have been integrated into the January 6th Capital rights is still out for speculation, but it certainly was a perfect storm that we are seeing fear mongering producing specialized $77 Million dollar Homeland security budgets and ridiculous protocols like 20,000 national guard troops and defense being put around the capitol.

As our understanding unravels about how each wing of the government works together to scare and shock us into acting against our own best interest, now a private armed force and an intelligence agency can enforce fascism on the down low, and its funded by the taxes taken out of your hard earned paycheck.

This free fall into fascism only stops when you share this information with others, and choose to act against it. Question is, will it be too late when we finally get the guts to do so?

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