Commitment & Consistency // Weapons of Mass Persuasion

 The human brain only has six pivots that can make it believe something is fact; true or not:

  • Reciprocity

  • Commitment/Consistency

  • Social proof

  • Authority

  • Liking

  • Scarcity

Yes we're that simple; just six simple tactics in any variation or amount of exposure can make you believe a complete fucking lie. Politicians and people in power positions have known this for quite some time. Since the 1940s behavioral brain science principles have been used to sway the public, the commitment/consistency pricipal is just one mental judo technique in mass media's arsenal.

Cartels Are Known to Use the Commitment Principal to Make No One Question Pointless Murders

(Watch Clip)

This isnt a new tactic, but as if we have a memory like Dory, we forget and our lizard brain takes over. Thats why in this instalment of Weapons of Mass Persuasion, we're going to talk about the commitment and consistency principle, how it was the Nazis who perfected the method, and how its used on you in everyday applications.

Joeseph Goebbles (Photo Below)

The person in question who outlined this behavioral hack, is famous Nazi, Joseph Goebbles. He stated, "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." This strategy is used in many PR firms that specialize in politics. The strategy is known as “the big lie." How it's used in modern media today is exactly how it was used in the Nazi era.

You Really have to watch these clips to believe it. These tactics are being used on us are 70 years old Nazi tactics, and they keep working, cuz we think our favorite news channel is our friend.

(Watch the Clip)

For example, if you're trying to paint your opponent or enemy in a certain light you just get all of your high status constituents to repeat a false narrative in as many places as possible for as long as it takes for the false narrative to stick to the opponent. If your opponet doesnt have the conne tions or dollars to contest these accusations, it can quickly be seen as fact.

The human brain associates frequency of a narrative as being the truth, since our animal brains rely on crowdsourced information to save time making decisions. The government, politicians and the wealthy have hacked this cognitive science fact to make you act against your best interest.

Here's how the Democrats Utilize "The Big Lie" Tactic

(Watch Clip Below)

But it's not just the Democrats who are guilty of this, Republicans last blitz using this same strategy, targeted the former presidents wife.

Here's how the Republicans Utilize "The Big Lie" Tactic

( Watch the Clip )

So just because you hear a fact over and over over many outlets including the radio, internet, TV and in conversation, you'd be wise to think for yourself and double check on your pocket rectangle.

We have these computerized pocket miracles that can answer any question in the world, and we as a society still havent learned to check our facts; its not like its not one Google Voice command away. In this era where you dont even need to type words to figure out if a fact is true or not, we no longer have an excuse to let your favorite news outlet, or special interest group blantantly lie to you.

Now that you know the tactic, stop being lazy and check your fucking facts.

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