Ghost Guns - The Future of Invisible Assault // COINTELPRO 2.0

Make the NSA work for it...

Before you begin this article, I encourage you to watch the video clips scattered throughout this article, to have a full 360 understanding of the scary as fuck nature of this mysterious class of wepons.

Ghost Guns are weapons that a target can feel the effects of but not see. They are used prolifically on most COINTELPRO / Gang Stalking targets. Most of these weapons utilize the electromagnetic spectrum, and some employ garage science to produce things that can do real damage to a target, silently, over time, and can affect your body for many years or even forever after exposure.

Victims of these weapons can be government/corporate whistleblowers, journalist, intelligence leakers, and even political hopefuls going up against an opponent with deep military contractor connections.

Now some of these are not lethal, nor have long term effects. Just just as a dart gun and a bazooka are both guns but obviously used for different applications.

Different forms of these Ghost Guns exist, because the level of resources and technology availible to the group coordinating the attack. A local non government group might use rehashed satellite dishes and old CRT monitor cathode ray tubes with a supercapacitor for a ionizing radiation shot. If you have military contractors paid to assault you, they might use compact Active Denile System arrays & Cobalt 60 crucibles for exposing you to cancer inducing gamma radiation.

One of the most high profile attacks of using these Ghost Gun weapons, was most recently in a Cuban embassy to United States government agents.

One class of these weapons uses millimeter waves, which U.S. neurologist declared to be the most likely application used on the agents in the Cuban embassy attack.

This application at different intensities produces different results of injury for the target.

This use of microwave milimeter pulse actually isn't very new, so for the government to act like they don't have any idea about this is kind of silly. They call it Havana Syndrome, but European government agents who have been using these kind of invisible weapons since the 80's call it "The Bulgarian Method."

Ultimately these Ghost Guns utilize every shitty part of the electromagnetic spectrum to do different kinds of damage to human targets.

Ghost Guns used are used in microwave/milimeterwave form, but also radioactive applications also known as ionizing radiation are used.

This kind of radioactive radiation has a myriad of applications, some of it is to give a target cancer, some to disable a targets movement by atrophy through exposure, cause cognitive decline, digestive issues, or even a sudden urge to want to sleep.

It's all down to do you use these methods for radiating or microwaving to achieve the desired result.

The variation of microwave wavelength sent to different regions of your brain and body produce different outcomes. Whats a common strategy of exposure for maximum control of the target through pain is by dosing the target in large doses overnight while you're stationary to your spine, leg, arm, joint etc.

Any particular area the target's body is exposed all night over a few weeks can now be shot with more less intense, mobile and even hand held Ghost Guns, becuase its was made sensitive like a big fat bruise. If you poke that bruise after you've been punched really hard in that area, even the slightest poke can hurt...well the same is how these wepons can be used.

This application of Ghost Guns is used becuase of two reasons, to harm the target and even "steer" them becuase of the human reaction to pain is to avoid it. Shooting a targets sensitive regions can move them in a shopping mall or concert to go where you want, becuase of the avoidance.

This allows for smaller versions of these ghost guns to be used to harrass targets out in the open at the store, work or school. Agents or "Perps" as most in gangstalking forums and facebook groups call them, can now control their target like bumper bowling, thanks to their sensitivity.

Some of these smaller versions have been rumored to use ionized gas, television ray tubes, a proton gun, or even high powered infrared lasers, thanks to the use of supercapacitors.

My tip for you (as a direct victim of these weapons), if you are shot by these things, is to NOT freak out. I suggest you create a reason to need to move out of range of the beam if in public - because if your tail knows, you know, you're being shot by it, they'll try and hide the devices better. If they don't know you understand you're being shot with it one of these Ghost Guns, they will be more brazen in shooting you, giving you an opportunity to get a picture of the device and person using it, or even subdue the person to obtain it from them and show it to law enforcement after you've documented the device so you don't lose the evidence.

When me (The Author) was getting shot with these devices, initially it felt like getting water flicked on my skin, but there was no water. Eventually it got worse and worse, until it HURT BADLY. As you will find out if you are ever subject to this abuse, is that at first things will not be so bad, but gradually get worse and worse until youre in hell. Its called a "Boiling Frog" strategy, and it allows your abuse to prolong. Even stopping some day so you'll chill out, then it will gradually start again.

Thanks to the constant miniatuzation of technology, the micro and millimeter wave devices can be put in cars to shoot at you while driving, or in strategic points in a building that you'll be passing by.

Gamma radiation can be implemented in your car as well with irradiated hardware like bolts or screws that has been bathed with a radioactive source reinstalled in the seat or door panel near the target. As the metal sheds its radioactivity the targets body will absorb the ionising little bullets going through your body. Just cuz you can't see it, radiated metal can do real damage to your body.

An irridium or cobalt 60 camera can be hidden or installed on your car during a service, or while it was parked overnight. These are then triggered the same way IEDs are in the middle east, often times with a burner cell phone to initiate the device while your in the car alone, or even with family. The container usually is housed in some rear cavity of the car, and the rope coil could have a destination towards the underside of the drivers seat. If it goes on long enough, usually the target will develop colon or rectal cancer becuase of how the beam is aimed.

The radioactive Gamma Camera can administer the radioactive dose and store the materia. Usually the hand crank is modified with a power drill to draw out and retract the material instead of a hand crank. You can just dial the phone number when you know your target is on a road trip, and toast his gouch the whole ride and he'll never be the wiser.

These lunch box sized tools could use Cobalt 60 that has lost its punch for cancer treatment, and used for indistrial applications as it loses its half-life. The material is offer stolen from mexican oncology clinics, and smuggled through tunnels, then used in the United States for life insurance scams and assassinations for hire. See Video Below.

The gamma radiation source is repurposed to x-ray oil pipes and metal welds, but it's also used in Cointelpro harrassment. Used to cause targeted tumors in a target, cancer, atrophy muscles, vertigo and even shot into a targets spine to disable the bottom half of your body temporarily...later possibly causing ALS in many of its victims, becuase of what the radiation nerve damage can do to your nervous system. This application was used on my former retired Army step father. It caused something called "Parkensons Syndrome" in him.

The San Diego vet doctors called it "Syndrome" specifically, becuase the doctor couldnt actually say he had the disease becuase the symptoms didnt match up to what was nessesary to diagnose a person...he just had symptoms similar to a person with the disease.

As most who live in cities where the military is a main economic driver. Retired military personel who worked in sensitive areas or intelligence become a liability as they get older and "grow a conscience." Its not uncommon for military retirees to meet a swift end using a gamma radiation application of a Ghost Gun to give them an "aggressive cancer," as ive heard it called. Usually the military will have a security contractor who specializes in casing aging former military with sensitive clearance jobs, to see if they would be a candidate for the euthanization, you might call it.

Many people in San Diego, which is home to the nations largest consentration of military personel, pentagon contractors and retired military; know all to well about this program. Many retired vets have a home built kit car or personally restored classic car as a daily driver for the specific reason of knowing where every bolt, nut, and empty cavity of their car is. This ensures they wont be caught up by the contractors cottage industry of removing "talkative" former military.

Many of the suburban towns around San Diego have classic car clubs and RodRuns to not only to show off thier cars, but look out for each other.

As with all businesses, they exist to make money. So most of these Pentagon contractors who work specifically in "swift elderly vet disposal" will often times fudge paperwork, and even honey pot old retired military with threats to family and such to get them to do something worthy of "getting on santas list" for the cancer club. Many cartel members who are former military get into this line of military contract work. Mainly becuase they have the clearance, and never managed to get busted for smuggling during enlistment, and the area is ripe with retireees. More targets means more money making opportunities.

The aging vets strategy is avoidance, not defence. Think about it...fighting city hall is hard, now try fighting the Military Industrial Complex.

I've personally had a gamma radiation source used on me many times. One time it was lowered through a wall gap behind my toilet and when I sat down to use it, after a while I had no feeling from my waist down….it was only until i propped myself up and got out of the path of the beam was i able to regain functionality of my lower body within a few minutes. This isnt pins and needles, its as if the beam can cut off the nerve impulses and leave you crippled.

It's important to know that you might think you have a complication from an illness, but it could very well be local gamma radiation source, or micro or millimeter wave device.

Since most people are in buildings or cars, there is many ways you can hide and even remote target and operate the device from miles away.

For example a common application for gamma ray Cobalt60 cameras is to put feed the camera or business end of the device through a wall, or you can snake it through pipes already in your house...even to use pipe drills to create portals undeneath the foundation to feed the radioactive source. Then house the canisters in a neighboring house. When they see you are in a area of the house that is within reach of the cobalt snake cable, will initiate the exposure, usually viewing from a pinhole camera the contractor placed in the house when the target was gone.

The ideal application is while your sleeping, because it means you're not a moving target and they can begin to try to initiate a fast growing cancer in the target, or sensitive area for "bumper pool" later at work or in town.

If you are a government target, often the doctors assigned to you will lie to you and tell you you have Parkinson, parkinson's syndrome, "an aggressive cancer" or what not if you are experiencing symptoms of the exposure. You can read more about Pentagon Nurses and Doctors By Clicking HERE to see what usually goes down, after a government or private military contractor target goes to the hospital.

If you're prior military, Government, or even someone who rubs elbows with influential people it's important to know this is a common method of quietly sweeping someone under the rug if they begin talking too much. It could be also that you just pissed off someone with a huge ego and tiny penis with connections too. Believe it or not making someone a candidate through private military contractors for a affluent client is like calling a plumber if you know the right people in the wrong cirlces.

The best advice I can give you is to leave your normal setting, and go out into the wilderness, or even go lay flat on a concrete surface like a reservoir fairing awar from houses you feel like you can't escape it.

Believe it or not, going out to the desert with friends, has been the best way to avoid exposure. Just make sure they're your friends, and you always stay within eye contact. Theres no telling what a target for this abuse can run into bythemselves in the desert.

The reason being i think the desert is the best place to avoid exposure is these applications either need a power source, or some construction to operate clandestinely. You eliminate the option for that, when you go to areas that are secluded.

Although, if you're out in the desert keep in mind Gamma Radiation Industrial Cameras could be used to beam under or on top of your camper. They could even make sure you stay sleeping extra long to get more exposure by pumping some sort of gas into your RV or campervan. So if you have a tough engine that can haul a large load, thinks about getting lead paneling on the floor of your RV or campervan.

My best advice to you is to find and invest in lead sheeting in areas you might spend lots of time in your home or residence...the thicker the half inch or more if you can muster it.

Build a bathtub like structure out of the lead sheeting around your ground floor bedroom, make a false floor under your living room, kitchen and dining room. Place the lead sheets under it for protection, and if possible have the deep pockets to make a barrier around your home about as high up on walls as most old fashioned chair runners go. Becuase the beams can go through your walls.

Aside from lead, composit metal foam and faraday cages have been known to stop milieter and micro waves. You can find the stuff all over the internet.

For those of you who don't have deep pockets, I suggest finding someone who makes lead shot bean bags and using them to protect your pelvis, spine torso and head while your sleeping, maybe buy a lead sheet and put wheels on it to move it from under your bed to your couch. If you feel like it's a microwave application you can easily hide faraday cages and even lead bricks inside walls and cover them up with sheetrock.

If you cant affort or find the lead bricks or panels, i suggest finding lead ballast from boat junk yards, fishing wieghts, etc, and melting them down if your savvy enough.

As for your car, learn to know your daily driver inside and out, in fact if you can build your own kit car to hide the fact of your fear of being subject to this kind of radiation exposure, it's a great way to have a good looking car and you know where things that can harm you can be hidden or swapped out.

Always keep in mind that you can also harm a target by radiating bolts and screws and inserting them around where the target sits in a chair or headrest to expose them to cancer causing radiated metal. It's been known for Military targets or retired military truck drivers who talk about shipments they shouldn't have to have a radioactive source put in their door panels.

If you're going to use radiometers to try and detect radiation, know they can be and will be swapped out with a broken one in while you sleep, and unless you know electronics good luck figuring out if it's working correctly or it's been tampered to read the right number... possibly even remotely turned on and off.

And yes, these mother fuckers got slippery military contractors that are professional at getting in and out of your house, even with comprehensive security measures, so just lock your shit up while its not on your immediate person.

Because monitoring exposure to the deadly kind of Radiation can turn into a hit or miss game with radiometers getting swapped out, I focus on protection, but if you do buy one put it into a HIGH SECURITY safe...not some off the internet crap, go to a locksmith and buy a heavy hitter.

Now before we end this video, I think I should go over fast the sources of Radiation that can harm or hurt you and you can dig further, because the hardest thing is even knowing where to start on how these fuckers could be getting you with this stuff depending on the application.

Now, not all of these are practical, but know they exist and you can't be so sure the application of what's being used on you, since the program has many different levels. The sophistication of radiation and microwave sources goes up on how high of a level target you are or who's sponsoring your program, see our videos on who might be targeting you for more info.

Video Playlist:

But without need for more introduction, here are some tools or technolgies that even might have been miniturized for more domestic applications for use in Cointelpro Type Abuse.



*X-Ray Lasers


*Infrared lasers


*Nuetron Guns

*Accelerated Gas or Ionized Gas


Cathod Ray Tubes

*Ion Engine Like Devices


*Mini Reactors (Science Used to Irradiate Metal Possibly)

*Cobalt60 Irridium Cameras


*Inhaled Pulverized radioactive dust for car and building ventilation


*Yellow Cake (I've heard rumors might be added to food to kill you from the inside, but nothing concrete we've measured...please reach out if you have more info)


*Radioactive Iodine and Radium Added to Beverages


*Active Denial Systems


*Millimeter Wave Devices


I think what adds an extra layer of 1984 to all this is the pentagon is now talking about putting some of these applications on drones in the future.

Currently General Atomics has a pilot program to see how high altitude drones (that are usually used for desert warfare) are being flown above San Diego for survellance. So lets hope it doesnt get all 1984 over here in, The Whales Vagina. Here's a snapshot of the Forbes article that shined a light on this. Click the link to read the full article.


Will they attach things like infrared lasers on them and shoot them at someone who is a government target, whistleblower, or celebrity bringing injustice to light, from some death robot in the sky?

Who knows, but what's important to know is that these Ghost Guns are real, and have a huge impact on the target both mentally and biologically. They are silent and invisible so you freaking out in public just hurts your reputation cuz you look like your being attacked by invisible bees. Try to keep your cool, and get the fuck outta the area without raising suspicion.

Also, keep in mind aguing over what exactly is being shot at you is like arguing if a 22 calibur or a 45 calibur bullet just shot doesnt fucking matter, YOU'RE BEING SHOT !

A weapon that is invisible, with damage you can only see its victims react to; causes serious biological harm months or years down the road with an "aggressive cancer" is worse than being actually shot, because it's hard to convince others your being attacked by a ghost.

This is disheartening because shining a light on your abuse is the only imaginable way to make it stop.


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