Breeding Cobra's to Protect National Security

Since its inception, the military industrial complex has offered a miriad of services on behalf of the U.S. military and Intelligence agencies. Its seen that if your pentagon contracting company can have its employees maintain a U.S. security clearance, you can then be given carte blache to complete tasks under the protection of the U.S. government.

This industry has exploded since its inception in the 1940’s, and now offers anything from cheaper delivery of munitions, like in the blockbuster movie War Dogs, offer private esspionage services like in the film Duplicity, or even private deadly military force with companies like the infamous Academi, formerly know as Blackwater.

One such service is the private nurse and doctor contractor. This deep state service emerged out of nessecity to silence possible national security leakers, with a quiet and quick form of death and assasination. 

Dead men tell no tails.

This service operates usually with former military who use their G.I. Bill to become a nurse or approach medical school to become a doctor. These nurses and doctors are skilled in various methods of initiating cardiac arrest, potasium overdoses by hyperdermic needle under the tounge that become untraceable upon cadaver report, or accelerate cancer development to make a high ranking target seem to die of a unfortunate roll of the dice.

There is a preferred method of assasination too, Pacreatic Cancer. The reason being is that you can easily sneak up the illness on a target with relative low or no pain at all. Its know as the "painless cancer" or "sneak reaper."  Before you see symptoms, you could be much farther along in progress of the cancer than most announce to your body.

Pancreatic cancer as a form of quiet assasination is achieved usually by tampering with the targets food. Spraying or mixing in chemicals that will tax the filter organ over time. In fact, most contractors who participate in this method of assasination (through food, over time) make jokes that the target "Committed Suicide",  "Killed Themselves" " Died from Smoking" becuase the target put it to their mouth themselves, not knowing it was slowly killing them.

A high exposure journalist, politician, military official, or affluent death or illness involving Pacreatic Cancer should take heed to check if a low PH poison was being added to thier food and drink. Its also the hallmark of a "mercy killing," becuase its a relatively painless cancer. Meaning, the person tasked to order the assasination didnt want to kill you, or didnt feel like the order was right. Believe it or not, the method and pain involvced in a government assasination also sends a message to those around the target; who understand how things work within the high level military/political/affluence circles.

The same way the mafia sends messages through the meaning of a violent act, the government will follow the same method of "communicating."

For example, if a leaker was metaphorically, "squeeling," they could end up dying of Swine Flu. In fact some government watch dogs speculate that a new virus could emerged, and the government could publicize it to allow for MANY deaths to occur without speculation. The overall goal to do a "sweep" within military, political, and pblic influence circles; getting rid of trouble makers or those who may have had intentions to participate in a silent coup of sorts.

These same government watchdogs claim that while third world countries tackle coups with guns in the street, the U.S. government just uses waves of "an agressive flu" ever so often to cull these particular threats queitly. The vetting process happening to those on the "naughty list" 18 or so months before the next "aggresive flu season."

Getting back to the logistics involved with medical Pentagon contractors. The doctors on the pentagon's payroll are used to make surgeries fail or they consult medical teams who are attemping to put down a target using methods that might coinside with their lifestle choices, to make it look like they brought it amongst themselves. 

The contracted Grim Reaper nurses usually are employed by what is known as a traveling nurse company. These companies send nurses thoughout the United States to help in hospitals that are overfilled or understaffed. The traveling nurse format works in favor of this type of service because a nurse can get a target that was purposefully made ill, then he or she will get the call and travel to that hospital where the target resides. They will then issue false care and send the patient over the end into the after life. After its done, the nurse can then just "get called to another hospital," which will hinder any kind of justice a private autopsy could offer since the nurse is now out of the area and is “very much needed” in a hopsital accross the country. Most loved ones left behind wont think to inquire about the nurse care, becuase they are unaware thier retired military father who might have been on a government list for suspected leakers, was brought to a quick demise. 

Where this gets really messy is when private citizens are targeted by these private security companies becuase they are a high value target for a large corporation, or even revenge for a affluent client. 

President Eisenhower warned Americans of how out of control private military industrial contractors could get before leaving office back in 1961. Issuing concern that an unbalanced power will come to the companies that intermingle with the petagon and intelligence agencies.

Believe it or not, there are even private spy companies that get bounties for honey trapping government employees to get them to attempt to leak information. These professional honey trappers, then work with the pentagon contracted nurses to issue a quick demise for the shmuck who was tricked into leaking.

Whats not talked about though, is the fact that these niche companies who specialize in honey trapping fellow government contractors and enlisted military to leak, will put targets for vetting through unrealistic enhanced torture and manipulation to obtain the conviction for leaking. Gaslighting senarios where their loved ones and family are at risk of death, or life long compromise.

Infact, this approach for obtaining payment for capture was used in India while it was under British rule. The British ruled Indian government, offered a bounty for every cobra that was captured to reduce the number of the cobra population and increase the citizens safety from being bitten. Where it went wrong, is when con artist relized they could just breed cobras in captivity to reap the reward of the false bounty. The government took too long to realize this wasnt eliminating the number of cobras in the wild, but the con artist were breeding cobras in a non natral enviroment to obtain the reward.

This same tactic is being used by security contractors to obtain payment from the pentagon for finding leakers. Whats not realistic is the level of mental torture, and carte blanche to engineer a learned helplessness for the vetting target, that forces government employees and/or military personell, to buckle under the enhanced torture techniques. Using enhanced military gaslighting manipulation techniques and catch 22 senarios that most foriegn governments couldnt even aspire to use on our security clearance personnel in a non native country.

"Breeding" leakers who wouldnt normally engage in that behavior, especally in fabricated unrealistic circumstances.

Its not know how many killings and slow assasinations on government and military personel have been carried out to collect a false bounty against coerced disclosure.

It seems eisenhowers words of warning have fallen of deaf ears.

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