Why a Vote For Biden is NOT a Vote Against Trump

We have toiled over who and why we should cast a vote for a particular candidate in the 2020 election. 

We considered doing a pros and cons list of things each candidate did for or against the countries best interest; following that up with a rudimentary psychological profile.

All that got cast aside once we put in perspective what's happened recently in the fight to nominate a new supreme court justice after losing the Notorious RGB (Ruth Baden Ginsberg). 

Once the courts became the focus, it shifted our thinking what we've learned in our research while making the editorial documentary, 2020 Vision // A Mixtape Time Machine.

In the movie, we touched on how the PNAC Doctrine (Project for a New American Century) was a two decades long "gospel" created before George W. Bush was to take office. In it, the long game plan to change the United States from Superpower, to Omnipower was ironed out by high ranking members of the soon to be George W. Bush administration.

The PNAC Doctrine laid out detailed plans to transition the U.S. to not need it's allies, like the U.K. and NATO.Putting us in the strategic position to be the world's first "Omnipower."

The crazy shit the 1999 PNAC think tank embraced were things like "A New Pearl Harbor" event to bring about rapid policy change within the country itself, as well as other mind blowing concepts that would sound like Machiavelli himself wrote these policy guidelines.

What was also highlighted, was that this plan was to be administered over many years and even bleed into other administrations if need be. This think tank group even jokingly called themselves "The New Founding Father's."

This "gospel" was the playbook for such sand paper dildos as The Patriot Act, Rule 41, the Iraq War, the Afghan War, Drone Assasination, engineered financial catastrophes that widened the wealth gap, and our brevity about publicly assasinating high level targets of our enemies, such as General Soleimani.

But before I chase the PNAC rabbit further into the woods, I would like to take this snippet about the Dr. Evil think tank, and fast foreward to now where we are scrambling to find a replacement for Justice Ruth Baden Ginsberg.

By filling the courts unevenly, with Team Red justices, it will pave the way for the last and final wave of Bush president's, namely, Jeorge Prescott Bush. 

I don't want to say this is a part of the plan for PNAC, but it is almost like an extension of that doctrine, which Jeorge III has been almost certainly indoctrinated  into patterns that would make him run his administration in the same vein, as the previous Bushes. Making more moves to limit our freedoms, start illegal wars, and make their friends in the Military Industrial Complex, very fucking rich at the nation's expense.

Further making the country, in the Bush Dynasties image.

You should look at the past 4 years as the Bushes priming Jeorge's career. How might you ask, well by compare and contrast.

Jeorge's greatest hurdle is escaping George W. Bushes shadow. Some things he would have to dodge during campaigning is the 2.3 Trillion that went missing the day before 9/11 (yes that actually happened)

That's no longer a problem, now that the "Trillions" number has been thrown around during the pandemic for income relief. Infact now, as a country, we see that as a blessing. So the when Jeorge gets his ass stapled to the wall during campaigning about his uncle's 2.3 Trillion dollar missing money, it won't hit as hard to the American people.

What about his Uncle George's 100,000 civilian death toll during the Iraq/Afghan War?

No longer a big deal with a 200,000 Covid-19 death toll.

This example goes on and on throughout the Trump Presidency, and any PR guy worth his salt knows if you want to cover up a crime for a client looking to repair their image to the public, the best way is with an even bigger one.

This is public relations 101.

A better way to look at this is Snowplow Parenting. I think the best example we have of "Snowplow Parenting" is the recent college admissions scandal, where celebs and affluent families did what ever they could to get their kids into Ivy league schools.

This is that same game, but coming from an American Political Dynasty where grandpa George Bush was the U.S. equivalent of Vladimir Putin, so the practice of Snowplow Parenting manifests in a much higher brained, almost 4D chess like manor.

Make no mistake, the Bushes are not done changing America into their image, but we have the forethought to avoid the distopia as is races towards us, years in advance.

With the renovations in the courts the Democrats have already promised to make, we can avoid another fixed election, like in 2001, that gave "Our New Founding Father's" the keys to the country.

Jeorge Prescott Bush almost certainly will continue the PNAC Doctrine, but in a manor that will be even more intense, considering he grew up in power. Don't let his "Great Half/White Blanca Christ" shtick fool you, this man is a Bush, first and foremost.

Jeorge Prescott Bush is being groomed for a position of immense power. This man has never had to struggle and was born into a family who's very name brings fear to those in intelligence, military, and political circles.

By voting Biden, you are not voting against Trump, you are voting to avoid a bullet in the not too distant future.

Yes, Jeorge's name isn't on the tip of tongues today, but it will be in the near future. Voting for Biden today, is a vote to not give the country cancer in the near future.

Our best strategy now, is pushing a bi-lingual,non Bush candidate on republican side to the forefront while Biden's Obama 2.0 administration balances the courts to make sure the inevitable will be even harder for one the most corrupt political Dynasties to continue.

Vote with a 8 year plan in mind, and hopefully we will dodge a huge fucking bullet.

We used clips from our Documentary, 2020 Vision // A Mixtape Time Machine, but if you want to educate yourself further about how the Bushes have influenced the past 20 years of your life without you even realizing it, watch our Documentary, below or visit www.2020vision.movie for the full HD experience.

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