Dark State // COINTELPRO 2.0

COINTELPRO is a US citizen harassment program sponsored by the US government and federal law enforcement that was quietly declassified during the Nixon administration.

The FBI's motivation for the creation of the COINTELPRO division was to "protect national security"

It's called many names, like Gangstalking, Targeted Individuals, and Mobbing, but these names are just interpretations of some the FBI's COINTELPRO tactics.
The during the COINTELPRO programs initial creation, it targeted the Black Panther party,Civil Rights Groups, Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, and was responsible for the harassment and Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during the Civil Rights Movement.

During the height of the program, the FBI closely worked with the CIA, and shared tactics to increase the psychological, social character assassination techniques, and disinformation used in conjunction with the FBI's fine tuned strong arm capabilities.
The program is a blank check for the FBI to use psychological torture, radiation exposure, narcotics & pharmaceuticals for medical torture/character assassination, smear campaigns, inciting Lynch mobs, humiliation techniques, burglary, illegal surveillance, discrediting, perjury, and even assassination of those the Federal Government considered a threat.
The combination of those highly specialized skills into one discipline is the COINTELPRO program as a whole.

Since the programs exposure, the team involved and the tactics used have only gotten more advanced since the Patriot Act after the 9/11 attacks.
The new COINTELPRO 2.0 version of the program incorporates enhanced psychological manipulation, digital psychological torture, silencing 1st amendment rights through shadow bans and manupulating your internet/social media experience. This 2nd evolution of the program allows the subcontracting of this harassment to third party government contractors and even organized crime to silence new enemies the Federal Government considers subversive in a post Patriot Act world.
The editor here at the Mesh News Project,  Steven Beckmann, has been under the COINTELPRO 2.0 program and has been documenting his experience after he confirmed the Federal Government was the one responsible for over a decade of harassment.

You can learn more about the new COINTELPRO 2.0 program as he logs his journey on Twitter @COINTELPRO2zero or read his survival guide at www.COINTELPRO2zero.com

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