Jeffrey Epstein Suicide or Clinton Body Count?

Billionaire and accused teenage sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein has committed suicide in his jail cell overnight. Jeffrey Epstein's closeness with the Clintons has reignited theories towards what some call the Clinton Body Count.

One such popular theory is that the Clintons murdered JFK Jr. to solidify Hillary's position as a New York Senator in 1999. John F. Kennedy Jr. was flying his Cessna airplane with his wife and friends on his way to Martha's Vineyard.

His plane never made it to the airport, and after time had passed his family declared his party missing. His plane had been crashed in the ocean for some time before the search party had been called.

The main theory I understand as the open secret through the "cosmic microwave background" of intelligence is that private military contractors (like the Blackwater type) put a ghost ship in the path of John F. Kennedy's plane and launched an early black market version of the "Machete Missle" at the planes tail end.

This ordinance does not explode but uses blades and inert force to destroy the target upon impact. This limits explosions showing up on radar and intelligence satellites.

Help and rescue were halted or slowed down by request of the Clintons personally, to ensure death. This then cleared the way for Hillary to gain the New York Senate Seat, eventually becoming Secretary of State under the Obama administration.

In fact, such a missile was used to kill a top-ranking terrorist a couple years back. The ordinance has since become declassified. I don't have any info on when the research or testing for such a stealth killer began. As with most military secrets, most are about 20 years old before they become public knowledge.

Most political analysts saw JFK Jr. easily moving on to the White House after his New York Senate position. According to these analysts, this death robbed the American people of another "Age of Camelot" and paved the way for the PNAC ( Project for a New American Century ) doctrine to shape America into the surveillance state we know today.

There is also a alternate theory that Gallium was used on Hydrolic Lines and/or Cables

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Learn More About the JFK Jr. Death Here:

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