🔴 // Daily Debrief - Biden evokes the Defense Production Act to relieve baby formula shortage

Biden has evoked the Defense Production Act to relieve baby formula shortage that appears to be hitting cities all over the United States

Envoking this act will require suppliers to send ingredients required to produce baby formula ahead of other orders, to ensure it's a main priority

Operation Fly Formula is another measure where military aircraft will be used to ship formula from international locations to fill dwindling supply, but ensures the formula will meet federal food and drug standards

A vote on an emergency 28 million dollar spending bill was also implemented on Wednesday called the Infant Formula Supplemental Appropriations Act, while it was passed some 192 republican legislators voted against the measure - siting this was a failure of Biden administration economic policy

Baby Formula is expected to be hitting shelves soon after the president's initiatives to relieve the issue quickly take effect

Online retailers like Amazon are recommended to purchase specialized formulas promptly with Amazon Prime

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