What is Red Squading? // Cointelpro 2.0 Gangstalking Podcast


What is Red Squading? - Gangstalking Tactic

***This Podcast Has Been Transcribed by Google Speech to Text Engine***

I'm Steven Beckmann, the chief executive Nobody of the mesh news project editor. What do you want to call it? And the content Pro 2.0 podcast is an offshoot of mesh the mesh news project and We have a companion website that goes with this podcast. It's at cointelpro. The number two is cointelpro to and then the numbers zero spelled out. So http://videos.cointelpro2zero.com . We have a video series that coincides with the podcast and the online guide and that is videos with an s videos dot cointelpro to 0.com. 

So let's get right into it. This episode of broadcast is going to be about something called red Squading like what the hell is red Squading? Why well, if you are hitting us up and you are in some of the gang stalking and cointelpro victims / Target forums and websites people kind of looking for answers. You'll a lot of people down there are wondering what the hell are those red car? Ours what the hell are those people were all red harassing me whenever you know a lot of people it's especially if it were listening might just be curious where all this drama is about. Okay stocking is organized harassment and basically people doing things to nudge you to a point where you losing your fucking mind. 

And they do a lot of spooky things that don't feel normal or natural. Your phone will be hacked to have a pinhole cameras in your house like the pinhole cameras. You can get on Amazon super cheap to hide like they'll do they'll put the swap out your smoke detector for those little high to campaign can smoke detector cameras, you will never know because we're having people pay attention to smoke detector and they'll start doing things like coming up to you and talking about stuffy. 

Your house by yourself. It's all like really freaky stuff and it's meant to like where do the fuck out well. And this kind of harassment is like a community thing and there are a little like clicks and lots of towns that participate in gang stalking and the game stocking program is an offshoot of cointelpro the original content program and in the 50s, come on top row created the gang stocking procedures for a subtle but steadily. 

Growing in intensity psychological torture for targets of Communism in the suburbs because we had the Red Scare after we had communism scare after World War II and the FBI was worried that because I had the city's permits lockdown. They had pretty good strategy how they're going to push communism because communism as a party was actually in modern politics, but believe it or not and then frame the city's pretty much organized and how they're going to get rid of it, but they're worried. That all those Communists were going to go into the suburbs and past the shit around to stay at home moms and crap like that. So I invented gang stalking and taught it to community groups inside the suburbs people who you know starting to take hold of the American dream, you know, kind of like the 50s and 60s where people started moving in Mass to the suburbs after the war. 

And they taught these tactics to local police and sometimes you know, if there's like a large community organizations or effect that area was that there's like a church super big in the area of said town where they thought they wanted to have it locked down and since they demonize the share the communism there's more enough people willing to help and participate in these things. There's all the you know, the neighborhood watch The Works. 

You know people who find things to do because you know, they're wife won't touch the wiener anymore or they're on their third marriage, you know the stuff people use to like preoccupy their time because you know, they don't know they haven't figured out probably but there's tons of those people and a lot of people have vigilante complex or what to be handed something so they can feel like a vigilante and And since a lot of people who get our victims. Sucking the police pretty much say where I could do shit, you know like this motherfucker up this person right here, whatever and then they're told that person is bad. They don't they don't care. They don't they don't look into the matter the police just tell these little these little want to be vigilantes. That's a bad guy, you know, very they fucking sold their baby or you know, they gang-rape some chick or throw could make up some crazy shit. And here's the thing is when people feel threatened by another person. They don't look into it first. They just automatically go and guard mode and especially if a police officer telling him something there's something called the halo effect and basically it's like, you know, when you see a commercial in the guys wearing a white jacket and he's 

Tell you something about toothpaste to water. It could just be an actor but he's one of white jacket so seems like yeah, you know and I guess these doctors, you know, they might know something the same thing works with uniforms like law enforcement military. There's a halo effect mean people think that they're a good person and they wouldn't lie to them and so, you know a cop or some guy whose military, you know fatigues or whatever can go around and act like a concerned citizen if there's a Target that they needed to neutralize it. And there's they just they understand that there's so many sad people in the suburbs that really participate in this ship because like they just so this is exciting for them. And then they just tell themselves a good people. It's kind of like an ego jerk-off thing. It's crazy. But something you need to consider and the Gang stocking program. Is that thinking back to 

The Stockholm Stockholm Stanford Prison Experiment that the Stanford Prison Experiment what basically it was was college students. We're getting paid for a week to participate in something called the prison experiment and a group of psychoanalyst said, okay, we're gonna split you guys up into groups one group. You guys are the guards and the other group you guys the prisoners. This is all pretend at the very beginning. They told them it's all pretend. Literally and within I think like three five days that even finished the week. The fake prison guards whatever because they're told they can be used the prisoners they can do whatever they see fit all they know is that the two roles are you're the bad guys and you're the good guys within like five five days lesson that I want to say like 3 to 4. There was like a prison riot a literal one and they meant it and the fucking the people who were the part and cops were fighting these people all All under pretence circumstances because the psychological effect of them being told there are the good guys and you're the bad guys was so fucking strong that after a while. They started to believe it and it only took days the same effect is felt when you get a group of sad nosy Suburban Heights who don't have anything else going on, but they want, you know Officer Barbrady to come and tell them who was a bad person in town. 

And they take it and they fucking run with it. It's the saddest shit ever that's getting stocking and you also have to factor one more thing. There's something called The 5th Wave experiment and there's even a movie about it in Germany. They made a movie about it. It was like a blockbuster huge movie in Germany because basically in 1960s after the Nuremberg trials because they, you know, Americans couldn't figure out why these Nazis were fucking like burning Choose you know why they were torturing them why they're letting them starve to death and their answer was we were just following orders and the American people had no could wrap it around your head. Like how could just follow orders? We know something is bad. Why would you do that? And the American people could wrap their head around it? And there was some psychologists who were like 

We think there's something psychologically going on here. And possibly we shouldn't demonize these people because of this effect. So anyways, there was this teacher of a middle school in the 60s in Suburban America. That Took the elements of the Nazi party meaning like doing chance doing tasks like team building exercises together to solidify the group a did this with a bunch of Junior High kids didn't tell them what their was going on. But with in fact what happened what he did with that five days was amazing. So the first day he started them doing chance and stuff like that the second day there were doing like rituals together and stuff like that the 

They started wearing like sashes and then they were assigned special jobs. People are saying okay you guys are assign you need to make sure everyone does, you know, the specific tasks everyday, you're all part of this all part of my class you all got to make sure you wear, you know, a white polo shirt, and if you don't you got to you got to discipline the people, you know better run he any any set aside certain people in this class to do those certain things. And then the day for he told all this class of Junior highers that there was going to be an event where the president was going to, you know, come to that school on Friday and on by 4 and on Friday, he's got a he's going to announce some great new like Initiative for America and you guys are the ones he picked because you're part of the special group pretty really 

Your veggie your vigilance a bubble of like maybe these kids really just fucking told these kids like not sense. They didn't go home and tell their parents or anything and he did it with the five days and the fifth day. Like there are kids that were turn each other in just like gestapo and stuff like that. They were turning people in just like people narc like if they were hiding Jews and shit. There are other people like disciplining other kids like acting like actual fucking Nazis in five days, and that seems to be the threshold. For lots of of groups of people believe or not is five days when you don't have mass media coverage and considering those a long time ago. I imagine you've probably within 36 hours now with mass communication with cell phones and stuff. Anyways, so come to find out that yes the sort of team building exercises and 

1:10 AM

Census of authority of one person who is in a false third of position telling another group of people. Hey, you guys are in charge because I say so and I need you to be my special little Min special be my special lady and don't you know and and and Intel on people if bubble and it only took five days in these kids are acting like complete Nazis. They were fucking marching around the school on the fifth day when supposedly that meeting was happened. There are making all sorts of you. Look all this shit up. I'm going to post Underneath this blog. I got to remind myself. Sometimes I space cuz these things like an hour-long not Blog podcast. 

And within five days, these people were acting like been like animals just like just like Nazis and on the fifth day. He may run was getting ready for like the new leadership like that like crazy craziness like half the schools already converted not just kids in his class. These kids turned into disciples and converted half the other part of the fucking school believe or not and five days to some keep that in mind five days at a fucking Middle School in America. This is a real thing. 

I'll link to it. It's called The 5th Wave experiment. And if it's a he just was like hey, look I was playing a trick on Harvey. This is an experiment to see how easy was the term people in the Nazis and you guys, you know completed successfully meeting. I you you guys for Nazis, but even faster than I thought this guy we're out of a hand within 5 days and then he had like an assembly on why you know how to avoid that pattern to avoid sort of Nazism in the future and then 

Not Germany feel so much guilt for a robot to even now even now that they've turned that experiment into a major Blockbuster movie and in Germany. It's like he was like a huge Blockbuster movie in Germany and they just really drilled it into people over there. But that's how big of a deal was. But yeah, it's called The 5th Wave. And I think 5th Wave or fourth wife either way out of all I'm going to try to make sure on our Twitter at cointelpro to underscore 0 just the numbers to underscore in the number 0 we had the had a new Twitter account because I always got we got locked out of our for some fucking reason no way. 

Anyways, so, yeah, so I know I went on that tangent me and understand the psychological. Elements involved in gang stalking and how people how I can turn into this Open Secret how somebody can go and like, well, there's a whole group of people following me around town the fucking they're they're they're Everywhere by Allah you do understand that humans are prepreg. There are very simple things that we figured out back in the fucking 60s. I think how long ago that was. It's almost 2030. This was the fucking 60s this happened. 

So think how how much we fine-tune these tactics and they trickle down to law enforcement excetera now because of like terrorism and shit, but that's what you have to understand. So it's very viable that this shit happens. It's not crazy but happens is it turns into this Open Secret because the fucking people in town are told hey, this is the bad guy don't question me. I'm the cop I'm wearing a fucking uniform, you know, I could never do anything wrong like Shoot some fucking 13 year old or shoot some guy at a traffic stop or it's not like I'm a corruptor ship person right that we had like a complete crash course on how corrupt local police can be if anything at this point where we've had as I'm going to go off on a tangent here as a fucking Nation. I think we've had a I open experience into how corrupt and systemic the corruption is in our Police Department's the 

Inside of them where even if good people do become cops, they're too afraid to speak out believe it or not. Like it's crazy. But that at this point if a police officer tells you something you should question it first before just believing it but unfortunately because the psychological Effect called the halo effect. It's a real thing. Like it's pre-programmed intervention. DNA is like there's nothing escaping it just why I just like if you saw somebody like yours either Those those social experiment jagoffs on you. Like I dress like a bomb and then I try to hit on girls, but I'm really a millionaire like that stupid shit like because we associate looks always snow Everyone likes to talk like, you know, you can't judge a book by it's cover. What fucking yes, you can and some in fact, some books became bestsellers not because they're great books. But because someone designed the shit out of the paper. And so anyways, so a lot of corrupt cops will lean on the psychological ingrained things Encino sad middle letting else sad middle-aged Suburban. I assholes who have late who have loser lives and then you know, the police department will use will use these tactics to run people out of town. And you know, if this is a corrupt police force, just like how 

Finding out like some finding our cops are like raping girls in the back of their car demanding sex to get out of tickets. I mean just crazy things crazy things. We're finding out really great things. It's just amazing how our finding all these these amazing things about what's been going on our law enforcement Community for about a hundred years and nobody's doing anything. We just let it because then we think like, oh, well, they're all protector so they got to be hard like no no people can be so smart. How come how come people can be smart about Russian? How come Every every Brazilian Jiu Jitsu dude by the time they make brown bread. Like they're not some asshole Brown looking for fights. They have that they have the respect that you know, It's not about. 

And then they can get people to run out of people out of town. So let's say some guy got roughed up by police and their every time you try to submit a report or whatever. He might be really poor. She can't afford a lawyer. They stonewalled him or they keep throwing it out as reports to protect their own or what have you and so after a while if it doesn't go away. These cops will be like, hey, this guy is a problem. You know, he's a he's a he's a he's a kid fucker. He's a he's a gang rape is he's a he's a crack dealer or whatever. We need to get him out of our community. So that's why we need you. Sad fucks to follow a black guys and we'll put like an encrypted. You know, you'll have your cell phones, right? Okay this we will give you like an encrypted app communication app. So there's no Trail what's going on? Literally this is this is literally what happens and these been people go to a fucking town and start using these tactics to drive you bananas and they could be just regular fuel decent people or somebody who you know police up there or whatever, but people don't people don't want to listen to things and plus 

People really like feeling like they're amazing like they're doing something good. They're taking out the trash. This is Street just like that. I'll just sad sad sad people. So it was Game suckers were thing in it makes people go bananas and it's unnatural and it's done some real psychological diamonds, especially people in First World countries and not so much in third world countries because people are and that to organized crime trying to run people out of town and running things, but But a thirst as a first world attack a tactic against talking it's pretty devastating and if you haven't been under you just don't know but it's a real thing. It's an open secret crime and law enforcement participates like a motherfucker in it. And as we're finding out and all these corrupt towns law enforcement culture is really bad. And so they so let's say, you know, your daughter got, you know assaulted by some cops or fucking God knows something got roughed up the light by please. And they found out he's trying to work with internal affairs. They don't use these tactics to make these people go crazy and it's they're old. They're really old and they exist and you shouldn't doubt people when they tell you that there's a group of people because what they do is they tap into these sad Suburban Knights who want to feel like Vigilantes and these are all real things and it's based off a real psychological science. I can just literally point to the things that they're doing like I can point to it with my fucking Anger and show you an intro to psychology book The tactics are using to indoctrinate people into going after other people in town. And now these people who participate in this kind of gang stocking stuff at all. Do neither homework. They just assume that the story about you is true so that they go out to eat fucking bananas. Anyways long story longer red Squading is a stage engage docking red Squad. 

And what red Squading is basically by Nature you're you're the human mind when you're exposed to the color red it elevates your heart your heart rate. It makes you more hyper aware for some reason. It just does that and I think that's just years of psychological programming through, you know, being monkeys and run around and when you see blood and whatever, you know, so that's already an ingrained thing. So what they're doing with red Squading is basically do sounds like I kind of described in a little bit in the last last episode of this podcast, but I really want to go into detail about it now and basically what Squading is our people down here red cars are told that they're going to be part of a certain wave now. Let me just back it up here. And if you're exposed to Red Squaders, that means they're about to do some real fucked up shit to you. If you're getting stuck and gets to the point where they're doing red Squading. They're about to really fuck you up mentally. 

And physically but red Squading is so they use the psyche the use that program psychological effect to already kind of put you in high alert mode because you just start noticing like people harassing me. But every time they harass me you start to build associations Etc at first but notice all the people harassing you now are people in red trucks red cars. They're all wearing red. They're wearing bright red jackets. So every time you get 

1:21 AM

Rational only start when people are wearing red and they'll do things like shoot you with an active denial system, which is like a microwave system that makes you feel like you're on fucking fire. They'll do things. Like I don't know how they're getting this radioactive material. Some people are saying that there are using ionized gas. A lot of people are using ionized gas because that's not really I don't know the science in particular. But here's what I'm hearing is they're using ionized gas to induce radiation sickness and stuff like that because I mean I think of ionized gas like the whole Neon Lights that's an ionized gas, but you're not but the ionization that's what they're saying. I personally from what I've been exposed to see that they're using cylinders and I think it's based off of what's called demon core concept if you want to come demon core. 

- so the expose you to active denial systems and the Really compact now, they just look like a piece of equipment on the top of like a fucking, you know, mr. Fixit truck, but you wouldn't even notice what it is now. So whenever they shoot you with these things are they spoke give you radiation sickness or what have you it'll be with somebody on a red truck will be raw to you and fucking blast you with that shit. You just be like, oh my God and just the same way that you train your dog with treats to do tricks. After a while you associate, you know step by step by step you get the dog to a point, right? We've all seen those videos on YouTube. Well, the same thing has happened but with humans because humans have a higher threshold for concept. They will expose you to think they'll be a red truck. It'll be a red truck the exposure to something will be surrounded by like 10 people are wearing red and red Squading is basically they're trying to program hyper fear. 

Into the target just when you see the color red like a fucking Bowl right even though Apple doesn't see red. But like I'm trying to say you so ever so after a while they don't even need to expose you. You're just scared as fuck and they'll just start wearing red around you and you're just like avoid them like the plague the since like it and people just like how is this happening want you to call the police? You understand like usually this happens the the fucking cops are our turned their back on you because like I said, it could be 

At the cops took some fucked up and they need to get rid of you. Like we're seeing how corrupt our local police departments are now on the news. All sorts of things. But like I said the people participate in this shit, they think they're the good guys because they told a story about you and they just run with it because there are a lot of people got no lives is saying the same assholes who go to enforce the looking for fucking Bigfoot, you know, those unfuckable dudes who don't know how to play Dungeons & Dragons. You don't reason why they're in Bigfoot the same thing. There's a different kind of loser but like like citizens patrol car. 

Shit, and I'm like a real camaraderie develops. And now the sudden now the same relationship that guy I was telling you about with the cops the whole Predators prey thing then they get into Dinner becomes a fucking game. So it doesn't even matter. If you do anything it turned into a fucking game and they're told that you're a bad guy and you got to go get the person and I don't know say there's a lot of stupid people in America. There's a lot of people who don't use a fucking brain and anyways, so it turns into like a game. Mmmmm, and then they start to like click up. No go meet at restaurants and shit and I'll talk about you or do you know if they have like I said the swap out like a like a camera in your smoke detector in your house or whatever the watch you they get really into it and they don't understand they're being total fucking creeps, but they'll do this red Squading and sooner or later don't even need to fucking touch you and they got to a point where I was have there was local fire departments participating surrounding me with like fire trucks and shit because At the same time the cops were dangling over my head while they're red Squading me just go in for a psychological evaluation man. And if you pass will take your reports. That's why we've been thrown away all your police report. Honestly, this program exists is existed since effective 60s. These assholes opportune doesn't access this actual debris Believe It or Not these tactics against international law. Like there's an actual written in the UN that countries are allowed to use these Things against their own citizens. So the shit that they're doing is So fucking alley like on an international law scale. I clearly Geneva Convention the shit they do that they're doing to these people are is fucked up anyways, so they do a red Squading and then so I soonerlater red Squading will me being being exposed to kind of read your start to associate with danger danger danger and then the start fucking changing up on you. They'll start exposing you to a whole bunch of blue. You're like, holy fuck the red thing started. What's up with all this blue? Right? So then they'll be red teams and then blue team's and like I said, it's all settle and they use a lot of these like things that harness the electromagnetic fields that you can't see me I'm saying everyone knows electrochromatic electromagnetic spectrum exist because if I can siphon works right you listen is on your socks off. So you believe that there's Invisible Magic in the air that works. Right? Well some of that Invisible Magic will fuck you up and they use those parts in a defect in the shoot at people and that's the best thing because 

Surveillance cameras are everywhere now. So on a surveillance camera it just going to look like you're being attacked by like fucking bees or something, you know, just like right and then you see on camera like what do we what do we shoot? What are we shooting at you? They do that a lot to they do what we talked about you being you're being you're being exposed to something. They when you go to the cops and explain this shit, they try to act like you're fucking crazy. They know the fuck's going on. They just had they have to act like this because it's so fucking illegal. It's so illegal. Anyways, like can you believe this has been going on in America since the fucking 60s? Anyways So, eventually they'll turn to Blue squads and red Squads and then like both so now you now you've already Associated like a dog because that's what these people think they've gone into hyper narcissistic hyper narcissistic mode and I'm clinically diagnosing that unfortunately we're now they've now that they at the if people get to the point where they think they need they are the ultimate Authority, you know, some some suburbanite fucking ass. Asshole who who bought a project car just because he can't talk to his fucking wife anymore. After 15 years moves like these fucking Lane cunts who are participating in this, you know, they don't they don't use the fucking brains and at this point if you know jimbob asshole all scratcher now thinks in his mind. He is a better person than you. So if there's so much so that now he's going to 

Discipline training you like a fucking dog to be scared of the color red, right hyper narcissism has already manifested in the people who were asking his brain. Unfortunately. This is a thousand percent true. So if they'd gotten to the point right some local dickhead, probably Baird applying for graduate high school, but he sure does think you're a bad man and he's going to train you like a fucking dog if that asshole knobs and thinks he's better than you. Chances are it's the SIDS going to get out of hand and it does. 

So yeah, so then I have Crews that are run around and we'll be blue teams and red tapes and then they'll keep the keep reminding you. Hey, red means danger, especially if like you start going to like certain parts of town and they don't want you there. They all know there's a lot of people that participate in this shit like this whole neighborhood watch kind of gang stalking shit. So we'll have like red shirts on our car just in case you show up it gets really out of fucking hand and I mean if you want to see how that shit got done hand, there's this documentary that came out called. No one saw a thing where it's literally just recently there was this town who literally got together and murdered this guy in the middle of the street and over day, right and then nobody saw anything but they all wanted to participants. So when some documentary people went into that town going like this is weird like this guy got murdered like it was obviously a fucking murder the Middletown nobody saw nothing and 

You know, everyone wanted to fucking tacos film crew talk about how bad this guy was, but they didn't want to say they're part of what the fuck they did and it's a lot of this Kangaroo Court kind of thing. It's a reason why we have a court system. It's because people are really bad at determining of your piece of shit or not and the gets out of hand. That's one reason why we have the fucking justice department and it doesn't matter like these motherfuckers if they get to the point where the A red Squading you I guess in to call it gets into color psychology. It gets to that point there early. Yeah, it's here get ready to get to get ready for the fucking but our wild fucking ride. Yeah, they'll maintain these two to maintain the read write and so will be red Cruz and if you get into like a part of town and they don't want to see their the start the put on all put on the red shirts people will People all the people who buy the Retro but they'll be told like they'll have their messaging app. Hey, so and so's over here and the whole getting the red cars and start circling you and shit letting you know right without saying a word but since they've already Associated getting exposed to like radiation and shit and like getting fucked up when you see the kind of read at that time. You're just you're in like beast mode Anderson animals fight or flight mode. 

1:32 AM

You see you go to Port Town that's away from the things that they don't want you to go to and then they'll make sure to start following you people with the color blue on and then all of a sudden you'll socio. So if I see the color blue that means this is this is okay for me to do now the cops on fucking helping me. I'm at the mercy of these sad suburbanite cunts. And so they'll start to do that. And then after a while they'll they'll change it over to other colors and all the other colors do they can associate whatever they want with different. Colors will assume that they'll be associated with around like eight different classifications of communicating something bad. This is good, you know, here's some advice about it are really all of the colors because but it'll be over 18 months or so and then by 18 months will do the color programming thing. And I mean it happened to me and it's it's so fucked up in they really these really are some sad suburbanite losers like 

I just want to go off on the side tangent the shit that happened to me basically some cops and some and some submarines try to fucking robbed me and just like I was saying bro, like they will use this program to get rid of people to make sure these fucking cops don't go to jail anyone around start telling everyone that I was a fucking child molester that I had all these computers for porn that I was hoarding child porn and Mike fucking like a storage unit. 

They just live off their fucking minds and since it was the police and the people who had this program going on spending shocking rumors. Everyone didn't question it. They even fucking made me they even made me believe that I did something wrong because you understand yet people were around town doing red Squading on you fucking shooting radiation and shit at you you don't you don't even know you did this isn't normal at all. You can't even understand their lament miniature nightmare that is You think you deserved after a while especially since you'll be told over and over, you know, why you're in trouble, you know, it's you did you're just like I fucking don't and then I'll start to paint a picture on why I write like you're saying paint a picture. How do you paint picture it goes back to conclusive ambushing? Like I say the word red fruit and laptop. What do you think you're going to think Apple Computers? Right? So I just communicated something to you without 

Saying something but I just gave you a little pieces, right so I can communicate an idea it gets up to about 13 points of description, which is I think the much the most your brain can handle I want I'm 13. Some people are even saying up to like 21, but as for people who actually might be like super smart. I'm not I'm done retard, but don't communicate. This is why we're fucking with you the same way. I just said Apple computer, whatever but dude. Rapido do with multiple points of data multiple stimulation kind of triggers like this and this oh and will get your attention right for these different pieces of information using the red Squading Association or whatever color they chose for this is information for me. It was yellow yellow was the advice color or the information color. So if I see yellow it's information. It got out of hand bro. I really want to if I can get out of hand, but 

It's just the beginning if I suppose the colors then it goes to a new way to communicate and it goes way out of hand and then my considering I live in a military Town once they've broken you like you're a fucking animal and all these local people think that they're good people. They're not they're not they're sad sad people it gets way out of hand. They'll start now the start telling you you can only speak of a certain way you can only talk 

In metaphor, if you don't then all of a sudden you get hit by Red Squaders, and if you keep talking up till two people in town about your abuse, this is no bullshit, but I got filed all the way up the coast line but leave now, I won't roll all the way up to nearly washed and stay and this was all the way up there. So I was part of a federal program. Anyways, long story longer And if you don't if you keep talking about the abuse that they're doing to you, which the police are not helping you and if you're high enough, I want a level which I was because I went to the feds the feds didn't help me. They told me that there were going to fucking make my life worse. If I even got thought about even getting a lawyer believe or not. The feds fucking feds. Tell me the feds FBI feds. 

Yeah, so if this That's quite emitting bad bad dog. And if you don't listen, then you'll start getting hit with more radiation and shit and see I do not stop talking. A lot of people think I talk tight when I talk to people that talk about Community guilty. I just I will check your fucking face off while I talk a lot of talk a lot. I talk a lot. I love talking. I want to talk about ideas. I don't know what you think about things Etc. So for these motherfuckers bro, let me tell you my life has been fucking miserable because I will not stop talking about this and since We have military cats sheds and a lot of these self-important little groups who are told by cops a timepiece shit and they're not even a check their fucking data my abuse went on forever and it got so bad that they end up at that later found out that this was the Bush family with that leak. I was telling you which I came across on the internet. It was basically them. They I came across a leak in 2007 and 

They fucking they found out that I found out but I didn't know what I came across was real. I was just like oh some dickhead on the internet thinks this I must come acrossed it whatever so they started watching me since I was seven if you go through my other episodes manual feel go through it. But so basically there's this leak I came across which was about, you know, fortunately how they have a kid this John F Kennedy jr. I just how weird is that? Right? How weird is that? I didn't think it was real anything is real because there's so much Stone unibrow, but it wasn't until I open my mouth about that. I'd even say I just kind of hinted at know remembering it the very next day all this crazy shit that this whole fucking does guide and whatever happened. 

Around 2000 14 2013 12 40, but they've been around since I was seven since I saw that so think about how long did had to plan if I ever brought that shit up that they would do to me and since the Bush family is really tied into Bush and Cheney family really tied into the entire industrial complex and Sir there, you know about all these groups that they can harness, you know, they know about this information. I mean, he'll the the CIA. 

Building is named after George W is fucking bad. It's basically who was basically a diversion a fucking Putin if you really understand your history, but yeah, so this shit find me all up to down fucking the coast bow outside of California or Oregon fucking watched it. So, I mean, it's fucking crazy. But if you're getting red Squadted get ready for some bananas shit. 

And then, you know, you have to understand that now you're having a whole community of people who now are keeping you so scared this red Squading thing or whatever with all the colors. That now you're staying in your house all day because you don't want to go outside to that crazy shit. So what they'll do is while you're holed up in your house, they will filter bubble your internet meaning they're filtering in things that happen that come to your internet through your your phone whatever. So if they're spreading false information about you on Facebook or whatever and Facebook does try to maintain, you know stuff. In your feed they have, you know, the like that happens locally and stuff like that. You'll never see it there make sure to filter it out. And so what that does is when they keep you scared in your house, you know fucking they just do horrible damage to your reputation because here's the thing. 

If enough people participate in a crime, it doesn't seem like a crime but they also aren't going to go to jail over some dude that they all agreed that they all that they all fucking did illegal as fuck shit too. I mean, here's the thing bro like this she gets out of hand. They will fucking straight up fucking rape your girlfriend. They will come into your house and sexually assault her because The psychology of that year of the enemy and we're the good guys get so out of hand. It's a police are not helping you and needs local people know that they will do the most horrible fucking things to you and your family because the police are trying to get rid of something. That's a problem for them. Right instead of just being like Oh, we fucked up there. We literally willing to kill for your family members slowly. They will go through your whole background. 

Like I said, my situation was done by the bushes, so they had What 2007 to 2013 that's almost seven years of preparation to if I have a Distance by up that shit that they knew how to they started moving here slowly one by one there's their Associates and shit like that and I have no idea what's going on. But people get to the point where like we can do whatever we want to these people they are dogs. You know I'm saying we are better than them. We were told that their the bad people and literally asshole down the street the guy who you would go on fucking play pinochle with or he's in your dog walking group on your Meetup in your in your in your fucking meetup group will participate in rape also to because it's like mob Behavior because all of a sudden now you are you are the animal you're the bad people. We don't know why but we were told by somebody who had Authority that you were the bad people. We're the good. 

Rise and that Stanford Prison Experiment mindset and that fifth wave experiment mindset Goes Bananas and these people have done the most worst things. You could possibly imagine to my family. All right under the guise that they're the good ones and now here's the thing A large group of people committed could commit a crime right are allergic to jail as even more so than the fucking police who might be trying to avoid. 

1:43 AM

Getting in trouble. As nobody saw a thing. What are you talking about colors? How you going to communicate that and here's another thing about red Squading and exposure to radiation Shield. I got because radiation exposure is invisible. We've already wearing you already know about how what's it called? If you try to work and you try to protect yourself from this relationship, they're going to break in your house. Like you have no idea you're constantly in your house broken into its to make you constantly feel like you were not safe in your own home. Because I want you to leave unfortunately. I tried leaving to another state and the shit follow me. So that's one reason why I came back to San Diego because I was like, well if my life is going to be hell I might as well have a home court advantage. Anyways still keep breaking in your house man. They will they probably have your phone. They know that you bought on Amazon. They're going to buy the same thing. They're going to hack the the the version that there that you got. They'll buy one and Hackett they're making that work correctly. So if you get like a radiation detector, whatever. 

So if you go to sleep after about a week, I think it's not work and you have no idea why it's because these motherfuckers swapped it out. You mean that's why we're the mass mass manufacturing culture. They could just buy the same thing. You will never know that a swap it out with her with a other six months after a while. I understood that was happening. So my radiation detectors which cost like $300 a piece instead. You ready getting blacklisted. You have no fucking clue how much of your money burn through trying to protect yourself. You're not going to be a protect yourself after. Well because they're going to swap it out with something that doesn't work or work around. I don't even do something of a setup. Like they'll use those little micro extraction is hobbyist electronics are like that and like hack it. So it reads wrong. They'll give you the bananas numbers. I don't know where you know make the the mutable better especially here in San Diego because we have the military. So there's a lot of military people who get involved in this in this gang stocking shit because fuck if I know 

I guess they missed Warfare or something allow these assholes. They think that they're getting rid of bad people and they nobody nobody nobody cares to do any homework on this but here's the thing is you can buy these things to measure and they're just going to stop working they'll break into it. They were you know, or if it's like if it's something that has some sort of software and might have a Bluetooth Gateway so you can download information or uploaded to your phone or your computer to hack through that Gateway their fucking break it. It so it's very hard to fight this you have to you would have to already you would already have to be a candidate for this abuse and then have all this shit thought like a prepper like a prepper like a prepper have all this ship brought in case this were to happen to you Casey. You got involved in something that 

You know get this kind of thing to happen to you. You have to protect yourself. That's the only way to fight it because before you're even targeted for the shit, they do other hand Mark first the think about all the connections with people that you know, they think about you know, how they can ruin you professionally who they have to talk to you in the industry. I mean, it's really they defeat you in fucking detail. But yeah, then you're just like you your what? Oh that's people wearing red shirts around you. What does that mean? Well, this is your even if you have video from it. 

Word red shirt circling around you than your I can this is right where I got shot by radiation, but you can see radiate. You can't communicate radiation on video. It's like it's like trying to communicate the wind on video unless you see trees moving right through the motherfucking desert. It just doesn't look like nothing especially if they keep swapping out your you're both your radiation detection which cost hundreds of dollars, but you can't let me tell you man protecting yourself from getting broken into takes time. I'm because like I said these people now they think you're an animal. It's like a it's like a it's a Hunter Hunted kind of mentality. They're sitting there most likely watching you do your phone camera that's hacked listening to your phone. They're just you really have to understand there. Are they really the cops and Sapphire who get the people involved in these kind of Clues. They really Target people who are fucking retards or zeros are nobodies like they really do kind of do like a 

Like psychological profile they know who their target like a lot of these self-important like, you know, like salt South Park like Stan's dad let it do those words mean but like big Target those fucking losers to do this shit and don't let go. It's like give a dog a bone. They they don't they won't let go because They've been told you're bad. 

And they're good and after a while Stanford Prison Experiment 5th Wave psychology extreme narcissism embeds itself. And then it's a predator-prey relationship they have with you and their brain. It's no longer you're human and you know I keep talking about How this sorts of you see so many of these Mass Shooters on TV a lot of mass Shooters believe or not. And they'll go to like a fucking Walmart or whatever are victims of this abuse. And what happens is the government. Like I said they have about there's about 10,000 people who are undergoing this in this program throughout the United States and they all know who's at different stages because there's like FBI fusion centers and stuff like that all around the United States. So I know who's at certain stages who's about to pop cetera and then they will just nudge the 

Some form of these victims who are just at their wit's end jumps and dirty fucking losing their minds are trying to protect themselves. So they're buying guns chicks are people coming in their house and shit like that. They're being attacked by these people who were told that there are bad guys are good guys, whatever and that in like I was saying they're allergic to fucking jail bro. So nobody saw a thing just like that documentary. I really recommend you you fucking watch that shit. So don't push people over the edge and then I'll be like, well, you know who really was still there the same way I gave you the whole Whole red fruit computer they'll start to nudge that Target towards the misinform Target of their cause ever abuse and their point them towards a school, you know, the people in that Schools Kids those kids people who did this thing tuned their kids are in that school, bro. What a great way to fucking teach him a lesson about the blah, you know, who didn't sell sells Mexicans at the Walmart down the street all day our work there. Do you insane like and that's They further this anti-gun Lobby has a those people already in this program. They they stress in the fuck out and then they just use them as they see fit to initiate these things and some people talk about what you call it. If I have it upside down with the shooter things the call crisis actors and shit. It's upside down like people know it's going to happen and since a lot of people will participate in this kind of stuff. I part of the community they're informed. There are people just like with 911 how it's just weird how certain really rich people didn't go to work that day kind of thing will inform their people this fucking stay away before that shit happens and then they'll just be some asshole who fucking goes through a FedEx Center start throwing people away. 

What about the put people at their wit's end using these tactics? And then use them to further a false narrative about the United States that about you know, how these animals have these guns and shit like that because believe me once I understood what I started seeing happen to me these people that are doing these things might even be whistle blows. You don't even know do understand there might be with suppose. They might be people who saw something or what have you they might be people who 

So out of favor, you know and You know, they fell out of favor, you know working some sort of government it job or whatever understand Snowden is has inspired. Lots of people he had no idea how much that dude has inspired people to blow the whistle on things didn't you guys know that cop that went up to Big Bear mountain and now right and before all that shit happened. What did he do? He fly the fucking complaint. So these tactics are used to make people lose their fucking minds and then they misinform they when they need them to pop and then they use them. 

To further some bullshit policy. It's crazy. And I know why I started this off with red Squading went into that. But I want to show you I wanted to go straight to you how this shit gets out of hand and just like that that documentary you have to go see that doctor, you know, he said thing people don't you think they all consider all complicit in a crime where they're constantly breaking your house. They're sexually assaulting your you know, your fucking daughter or whatever because at that point they told her they were told that they were the good guys are the bad ones and then I'll use a fucking brain. S so they part they've been stealing shit from you. They've been poisoning you what have you it's this open secret crime and it's been going on America since the fucking 60s. We're not all because they want to get rid of Communism and then he's kept talking teaching program because you never know when you might need it to get rid of somebody who might be a threat to the US government. 

That is it is a Essence red. And if you ever get targeted by that shit, you are fucked just understand. You're about to go on a while motherfucking ride dog. And I'm going to tell you if I didn't keep my wits about me. I would be on the news there were some times where I was thinking about the same. They did the same thing to me and it's the only reason why I know how they use this to further false policy, you know, we get a this guy just lost his mind and drove into a police officer and 

1:53 AM

Like there's so many stories. You're just like somebody lost their fucking mind. Is that bubble? The Magnolia understand that this program has been in progress since the fucking 60s about 10 to 15,000 people at any time like in different stages of it throughout the country for whatever fucking reason sometimes it's just like, you know, I'm saying it contractors will who are people who know how lucrative it could be because there's some people actually get paid to do this to people like I As a full-time jobs gangs, especially like I was saying they get contracts on the dark web now. That's how the FED is doing that shit. It's fucking crazy. I swear to God there. I swear to God the Sierra probably made the dark web and invented Bitcoin just so they would have a means of a new means of covertly making shit happen, like like the dark arts. You know, I'm saying that the rule there's no middleman. It goes straight to buyer the CIA just like puts a contract for some asshole and then 

Some local Mafia just and there's an old saying there's no communication between anybody there's there's no blood anybody's hands or snow like record of it and I swear to God sometimes I think about how it is set up as the infrastructure early and what the fuck is going on. It's almost like clandestine agencies created those two things so they could utilize them when need be but that's a whole nother affecting podcast and that the whole class podcast, but that's red Squading her and it turned into a rather different other things. 

People think it's a big fucking joke because they don't understand and they might there's people who let me just put it this way. If you can't understand that someone's being abused and that's wrong to a point where they're being ridiculed and you're not questioning it the way they call that emotional intelligence is usually associated with actual intelligence believe you're not so if you don't speak up or what it probably shows that you're most likely on measurably a fucking day. I'm shit, and I'm not just saying that because I'm fucking better. You can look it up. But yeah, but you got to the point where I was thinking like they're trying to feed me a narrative. It's it's the gangs bro. It's the cartels who are after you bro. They've been doing it. They were looking at you since you were a kid, like they really try to put this false narrative anybody inconclusive ambushing, but I feeding you this information at one point. They're like, you should just rent a truck from Home Depot and run over their kids and 

You think you're really trying to put these ideas in my fucking head because You know I'm saying like never you want to go to jail. It seemed like a useful way to get rid of me. So whenever you see that shit on TV understand man, that might be somebody who was pushed their it's a it's a fucking formula like making a pie like baking a fucking cake you do this and then you do this and then I don't you make sure that they have no one around to and they're most likely going to do this like the human human behavior has been mapped. There's there's no secrets about it anymore. It's gotten to the point where advertisers, you know I'm saying, 

I mean if you really understand the next generation of programmatic advertising if you want to look that up at all, it's mind-blowing things like eye tracking and people dilation and all should like human behavior is there's there's there's no great mystery about it anymore. Okay, that that that the the the world has been mapped. So to speak on if you do this this will happen and then you do this and unless you're classically trained which I was not they can do things like Like make you think you did it fucking crime that you didn't commit they can suck in and make you go around saying crazy things like they're everywhere because you don't know the behavioral science behind the stocking techniques Etc. And it's really enter the psyche kind of things think of think of think of think of psychological think of psychology as the nuclear bomb think of psychoanalytic says that nuclear bomb like you can use it as a you can use it to power s town. 

Use nuclear energy and power tab or you can use those affecting bomb and that's the other side of this is these are psycho psycho analytic techniques that have been just All the King's Men worked out since the 60s when we first started going forward with this and read Squading is one of those. Thanks and you need to really understand that. The gun 

Pray these programs not to fight our enemies but to fight you to keep us in line serve anybody anybody stopped caring about their truck payment the next iPhone or whatever. There's a plan for it. Thank you for listening to this episode Contour Pro 2.0 podcast. Please check out our website at Coulter Pro the number two and then 0 spread of Zeo.com. Check us out on Twitter. We're on every social platform and Clear website, but you really like Twitter. Get us on Twitter at mesh news desk or at console Pro the number to underscore 0 and we also have our chat account because I don't ever shut up and that's mesh Amy, sh news soapbox mesh news soap box and we will get you on the next episode. Thanks for listening. 

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