// Big Brother Tsunami - Why is the Pentagon Waking Up Millions of IP Addresses?

The day Joe Biden was inaugurated, a brand new IT contracting firm created in September 2020, quietly took over managing 56 million IP addresses for the Pentagon. Then three months later, that number upped itself to 175 million.

Why that's important is it's nearly 6% of the internet...so far.

IP addresses are like phone numbers or a physical address. Since the creation of the internet we've managed to take all the number combinations or addresses possible for all the computers and devices that connect to the internet in our old format called IP4. In responce we created IP6 which is like adding a new area code to an already crowded city who's old phone number area codes have been all taken as more people got phones.

The no named company called Global Resource Systems LLC, is run out of a small office in a Florida business park. This company has no track record with the Pentagon, and is being run by a man who has had smaller contracts with the Pentagon in the past.

The Pentagon said that they are having Global Resource Systems kick squatters off these IP addresses, or in layman's, people who knew the Pentagon wasn't using the addresses, so they started using that IP (phone number) for free, since the old IP4 addresses are pretty full.

It's actually common for people to squat these, and even large telecom companies are guilty of doing it, but what is suspect is that so many of them are being woken up.

What privacy advocates who monitor how the government uses the internet are speculating is that the Pentagon is possibly waking up these IP addresses to attach to an upcoming surveillance mass-installation as 5G gets online across the country.

You know…"infrastructure."

Basically, speculating these IP addresses will be used in an upcoming nationwide mass surveillance boom, to add even more cameras and other privacy invasion measures across the country.

The U.S. might be seriously looking at China's mass surveillance society as a model, for a possible upcoming American Big Brother dystopia scenario, as 5G becomes commonplace nationwide. 

Downloading cat videos faster, may come with a huge societal cost, because the U.S. government has a habit of when it takes power from the American people to quote-un-quote "protect us" it doesn't like to give it back once there isn't a threat.

We'll have to wait to see what this no name company is up to, until then it's in our best interest to keep a watchful eye on further developments.

////////////////////////// stay awake /////////////////////////////

// deep inside the filter bubble

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