McDonald's Covid-19 Re-Opening Experience

McDonald's has pioneered a system 

to keep franchises open while 

maintaining high health safety

Upon entry, patrons will disinfect 

their hands with a easily 

accessible disinfecting station

Hosts at the front of the restaurant 

will greet you and give you a number 

that will correspond to your order

Disinfected touchscreens instead of 

cashiers will be the main form 

of ordering to maintain safety

Seating will follow strict six foot 

distancing to ensure you can safely 

dine and breath easy

Your order will arrive on a freshly 

cleaned cart - you then pic up your 

order and place on your table

After receiving your order a team 

member will clean fhe cart to ensure 

safety for other patrons

Patrons will then exit through a 

separate entract to avoid close 

contact with entering patrons

Your table will then be cleaned by a 

team member with disinfectant to 

ensure the next patrons safety

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