Elon Musk Defies Stay at Home Orders - ReOpens Tesla // News Break

Tesla has re-opened it's California plant despite COVID-19 orders by state's Alameda County Officials

The plant closed on March 23rd amidst protest by it's CEO, Elon Musk

After closure, Tesla filed suit against the county to re open the plant on May 9th

The same day he publicly threatened to pick up and move Tesla production from California to Texas

San Diego assemblywoman Lorena S. Gomez then responded to Elon's threats to leave the state

On May 12th 2020 Tesla defied closure orders and re opened - tweeting that he is solely responsible

President Donald Trump then tweeted his support for Elon Musk and Tesla's re-opening

So far no arrest have been made, but Tesla has created protocols to keep employees safe

Tesla's California plant has been a sense of pride for the state being a leader in clean transportation

So far California officials have not responded, or mentioned Tesla's employee protection protocols

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