Filtered // U.S. Taxpayer Funded Sex Trafficking

Dyncorp is a U.S. government contractor that has been awarded Billions over the past decades to do logistics and provide support to the U.S. Military when and where we go to war.

It also has a long history of taking that money and running human labor and sex trafficking operations. It keeps happening and the U.S. Government keeps awarding Dyncorp taxpayer money to run support and logistics for many of our foreign occupations and wars.

The U.S. government tells Dyncorp it needs people for logistics support and turns its head the other way as it does not check HOW Dyncorp acquires these people. The sex workers usually end up servicing the illegal labor force, or support staff of the new U.S. installed government of the country we were/are currently occupying.

Even though the Obama administration signed an executive order in 2009 making a rulebook how government contractors are allowed to acquire personnel, Dyncorp just uses many layers of separation through "scouting" companies to get around these hurdles.

It's not just Dyncorp, a Haliburton sister company, KBR, was also caught sex trafficking with U.S. taxpayer money.

This problem was so bad, that in 2006 (while former Haliburton CEO Dick Cheney was still Vice President), Haliburton & Dyncorp worked together to slow the passing of a law that would make human trafficking more difficult overseas.

When Dyncorp or Halliburton employees would discover the practice was going on within the company, they would usually get fired and blacklisted for blowing the whistle, soon their finances would diminish, making fighting back in court difficult (a common strategy by companies to silence whistleblowers).

Sex trafficking is only 25% of human trafficking, the other 75% is for forced labor; what is particularly worse for those in the 25%, is that sex traffickers like to buy children very young so they can charge high prices for people who have an appetite for pedophilic sex. As the child gets older, they then transition to more common prostitution. As the sex slave reaches their late 20's, they are either trained to scout women and children to run a brothel for their captors (Stockholm Syndrome) or given the option for freedom if they have a child and give it up for sex trafficking. It's a disgusting cycle of abuse.

Halliburton, Dyncorp and many other contractors are awarded taxpayer money supporting the U.S. military in other countries. This is why these companies have been caught many times buying and selling women and children. They are in 3rd world countries where bribes and corruption are commonplace. Leaving their actions to go unreported, and even folded into the company culture itself. 

Out of sight, out of mind

The height of exposing U.S. taxpayer money funding the buying and selling of women and children for sex work was during the tail end of the Bush administration (2004 - 2008). Former independent Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney grilled, then Bush Administration Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld about the commonplace practice of government contractors buying and selling women and children. Donald Rumsfeld advocated that it was the employees engaging in the practice, not the company. What investigations later found out that it was ingrained into the foreign office's company culture.

Even though the 2001 - 2008 Bush Administration got the most attention for working with companies who engaged in U.S. taxpayer-funded sex trafficking, more government-funded companies with U.S. Army support contracts where discovered in 2015 STILL engaging in human trafficking. In 2016 Halliburton subsidiary KBR tried to get out of a trial to answer for participating in human sex trafficking.

Regardless of pressure from the U.S. government, and even the Trump administration doubling down on previous administrations preventative measures to combat taxpayer money going to government contractors who practice buying and selling women and children for sex, it is still widely practiced. If anything these contractors have developed new methods to avoid getting caught after the scandals. 

The insight into the Jeffrey Epstein elite child sex trafficking ring being shielded from consequences by U.S. intelligence agencies (because a video of most child sex acts with elites was used as leverage against 1%ers for the CIA's operations) could only mean this gross practice and culture within the U.S. Pentagon, Contractors, and Intelligence agencies doesn't look like it will be disappearing anytime soon. If anything, each scandal just allows them to fine-tune their methods to better avoid exposure.

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