Unfuct - The Great Green Wall

The Great Green Wall is a project to halt desertification and the expansion of the Sahara by building a forest wall across the width of Africa.

The campaign began in the '80s after a lush area of African farmland began to get swallowed by the Sahara.

The desertification of farmland massively impacted the region's population, economy, and health.

Out of the one billion people who live in sub-Saharan Africa over 80% survive on some form of farming.

The Great Green wall will stop The Sahara desert from growing, allowing for Africa's impoverished population to rely on its agriculture for nutrition.

If completed The Great Green Wall would span 4,000 miles and be the largest living structure on earth.

The one thing stopping it is educating the people to manage the land.

Since the project started in the '80s over 75% of the trees planted have died.

This is because no one can tend the saplings because they're too far from villages or because African farmers clear forest for farmland.

The only reason why trees exist in African farmland is because the farmer tending the land has allowed them to grow.

For The Great Green Wall to work, education on how to tend the growing forest and saplings needs to happen within 10 years.

If the project doesn't follow this expedited timeline the project will fail along with African populations who rely on agriculture for food.

As of March 2019, over 15% of the Wall has been completed thanks to The World Bank, over 20 African Countries, and project Affiliates.

With your help, you can help complete The Great Green Wall by 2030, and stop the cancer of desertification.

Go to greatgreenwall.org to donate and support the project.

let's get unfucked

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