// Alan Turing to Grace £50 Pound Note

Alan Turing will be the new face of Britans £50 Pound Note starting in 2012. Alan Turing is most know for cracking the Nazi code on their encrypted Enigma Device. The Enigma Machine encoded messages between the Nazis and was this accomplishment was key to winning WW2. Turing was also a frontrunner in developing the foundations for modern-day artificial intelligence that so many industries and companies rely on today. In fact, we measure the "realness" of A.I. with something called The Turing Test. 

After the war though, Turing was prosecuted by the courts for being an openly gay man. As a result of the conviction of "Being Gay," he was forced to take female hormones to lessen his sexual desire. Soon after his conviction, he was murdered with a poisoned apple laced with cyanide.

In 2009, the Queen of England herself publically posthumously pardoned Alan Turing.

The £50 Pound Note will be laser etched and made with polymers to make the bill longer lasting. The bill will feature his portrait, the Enigma Code he was famous for breaking, and a quote; "This is only a foretaste of what is to come, and only a shadow of what is going to be."

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